Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baseball Walk

Yesterday I hit the treadmill again for an hour walk. It looked nice enough to talk a walk outdoors, but it was very windy. I stayed in and watched a few more innings of World Series Game 1 from October. Very enjoyable since the good guys won the game.

I'm hoping to start running again this week. As I did a few months ago I'll take it slow and easy starting up and slowly increase the mileage. What a pain. Or I hope it's not a pain, if you get my drift.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


It now appears that my football outing produced lingering effects, effects I was hoping would not come to pass. The Knee has been tender with that swollen feeling ever since the game. I've walked on the treadmill about three more times, including a 50-minute "outing" today. It almost feels like I could run on it, but I can tap on the side near the kneecap with a finger and can tell where it's irritated. For the time being I'm going to keep up with the walking and maybe next week I can get back to running.

This stinks pretty bad since we're having such a mild winter. Today was windy but the temperature got up into the fifties. I can run in that. I'd like to be able to get outside while the weather is good. It's also frustrating because I had climbed back up to a good distance for my long runs. At this point the race in NM in March is out of reach. If I can get it together I think a May date for a race is more realistic.

I did show an inkling of smarts this past weekend. We were invited to play football again, but I passed on the opportunity and let The Boy play with his friends without me. He had fun and I gave my irritated knee more opportunity to heal. I can still learn a lesson from bad experience.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well, I'm still an idiot. I went out yesterday (a 60 degree day in January!) and played a couple of hours of football with the boy and some dads and their sons. Let's review, shall we? I haven't played a pick-up game of football since I've lived in KC, and that's been over eight years. And I don't recall the last time I did so before moving. Conservatively I'd say it's been over ten years since I played in a game.

It was fun. I realized my knees aren't 100% so I took it pretty easy. I play to win, which we didn't, but I still play pretty hard. I made a few good plays, if I do say so myself, as well as the catch of the day on a long pass that I somehow snagged. Wish I had the instant replay of that. My big worry was that I wouldn't have the timing to throw a pass to a running target, but it was amazing how quickly the old instincts come back. I'm not the greatest player, by any means, but I spent a lot of time on playground football through junior high. That continued with lots of youth group Sunday afternoon games through high school and into intramural games in college, where I was our wing's quarterback. So I'm pretty decent still, especially for an older guy. I never played organized ball in school because I was just too darn small and didn't want to get grounded into the field to become a grass stain on some linebacker's white pants.

The upshot of all this is that running around, cutting back and forth across the field, and generally doing a lot of movements my body is not used to actually affected me more than I thought it would. Being fit with running doesn't necessarily mean you're fit for other sports. It helps, and I've heard other people talk about the differences, but let me say....ouch. I am so sore today that I just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep away the day. But I didn't. After all, I have to work.

By the time I arrived home I realized I needed some stretching and working out to keep the muscles limber. It was cold and breezy out, although not too bad, but I determined the treadmill would be easier on my aching body. I got everything ready, walked five minutes at a slower setting, and then cranked it up for about an hour of running.

I made it two minutes.

The Knee, which as I reported previously had been feeling better, did not feel better. It wasn't a sharp, stinging pain or anything like that. It was more a feeling of something swollen. Every step was painful. I thought about continuing to see if it would work itself out, but two minutes was all I could take. I cut my losses this time.

It's still not horribly bad. I went ahead and walked through an episode of NewsRadio and called it quits. Hopefully a couple of days off will repair the stress I put it under when playing football. I guess at this point I'll have to decide if I want to (figuratively) hang up the cleats the next time we're invited to play or not. Getting old stinks. As I posted elsewhere, it's good that I had fun and played well enough to where I feel like I still have it. The problem is that "it" is more achy and painful afterward and takes longer to recover from than it used to.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Not Too Bad

The cold settled in for the past couple of days, making today kind of iffy as far as being able to run outside. It worked out okay, though, as the sun came out and the remnants of Thursday's snow have almost faded away. The temperature actually climbed into the low 40's today. A slight breeze seemed stronger than it actually was at times, but it wasn't too bad.

The Wife wanted to run today, too, but she had an errand to run and ate lunch later than I did. So we did a run in reverse. I went out and ran for an hour and then came back by the house to pick her up for a three-miler. In total I went 9.25 miles, which I think is the longest run I've had in quite awhile.

The Knee is still feeling pretty good but I still don't think it's ever come back to 100%. I'd give it a good 85-90% of normal right now, which is pretty good compared to how it was in the fall. I still haven't decided on a venue for my next race. I'd like to go to NM in March, but I'm also seeing that gas prices are going to keep skyrocketing. If that's the case then my options for a race will likely be closer to home.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Strikes

The delay in winter is over. Last night the temperature slunk down to the teens and some snow fell. Fortunately it wasn't too much, probably less than an inch, but the wind has just been brutal. So much for running outside, at least for a few days. Today I ran 6 miles on the treadmill, and like I did last week (but didn't write about), I did some fartleks to break up the routine. Last week I did 1-2-3-2-1 fartleks while today I did 1-2-3-4-3-2-1. Along with three episodes of NewsRadio from the third season I made it just fine to head into the weekend.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Talking Too Much

Warning: This post contains sexist stereotypes and comments that will be offensive to some. Especially women. Women who like to talk. But I repeat myself.

Today was another absolutely gorgeous day and I could hardly wait to get home and run. I had to make a detour on the way home to pick up some kids, who happened to be mine, so I was a few minutes later than normal. Mindful of the rapidly setting sun I hurriedly changed into running clothes. The Wife wanted to run, too, so I told her to hustle. We made it out in good time and hit stride at the bottom of the hill.

I was interested in warming up a little since it was colder than I thought. I was glad there was very little breeze, maybe 5 mph at the most, but it was enough to cool me off. I should have worn a cotton shirt over my long-sleeved technical t. The Wife was telling me about the happenings of the day and then moved on to other related stories. As we got close to a mile into our run I realized I wasn't warming up and the sun was headed below the horizon within a short time. Then it hit me: she's talking too much!

I looked at my Garmin and sure enough, our pace was close to 14 minutes/mile. I took the opportunity to give her a bark that would make the Biggest Loser trainers proud (without the cussing). "Pick it up! You're slowing down too much!"

She increased her speed and continued talking. Now, I know women like to talk. It's who they are. But it was clear this was causing her to slow down. After another half mile I prompted her again in the same fashion, "Move it! We're at a 14 minute pace! If we're going to go at that pace we might as well walk!" To her credit she did speed up and we split at just over 2 miles into the run.

By this time the sun was sinking below the horizon and I could feel more frequent pockets of cold air. Passing vehicles didn't help by creating their own temporary breeze. I quickened my pace to get in a tempo run. It was probably a good two miles before I felt warmer. My overall run was 6 miles, as normal, and in spite of the slow beginning I came in at just under 60 minutes for the total time. I decided that wasn't too bad as I kept my tempo pace between 8:30-9 minutes/mile.

I enjoyed running with The Wife, but this is one of those days I could have headed out and been a lot further down the road before the sun went down. But that's okay. It was a worthwhile sacrifice to make in order to spend some time with her. And I would never discourage anyone from running, but I would encourage them to run faster.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Global Warming

Global warming, er...climate change, er...whatever scam is in vogue to funnel money to corrupt politicians these days...well, let's just say that whatever you want to call the warmer winter weather - it rocks! It was another day of running outside in January. In shorts. Amazing. Reminds me of my youth in New Mexico, it does.

It was so nice (how nice was it?) that I set out to run 8 miles and tacked on an extra half-mile and could have gone for more. I saw a lot of people out running today, much more than on most weekends. Looks like the resolutions for the new year are still in force for people, which is good. The warm weather will definitely make it easier for people to enjoy a walk or a run. I'm still waiting for real winter to get here, and it will at some point.

I ran by myself today due to The Wife having hurt her ankle on Thursday evening. Like I said, it felt so good outside that not only did I go a little farther but I also went at a decent clip, finishing the run with about a 9:19/mile overall pace. I didn't set out for a particular goal as far as that goes, but just went with whatever was feeling good. A slight breeze from the north seemed to be pushing against me when running any direction except due south, but it didn't bother me enough to slow my pace. All in all a very good run. I'm thankful for the great weather and wish it would stay this way all winter. It won't, but I'll take what I can get.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Spring in January

I couldn't wait to run today. The temperature was about 60 degrees and just about perfect. It was maybe a little too perfect since on my way home I saw a guy running in shorts and no shirt. Definitely not the norm here in the winter Midwest.

The Wife ran almost three miles with me and there were several other runners out. Once we split routes I took off for a tempo run and did so for three miles. It's funny because yesterday I was reading a bit in that runner's magazine we all read about coming up on somebody to pass them and they speed up. As I crossed the road at one point another guy was running the same way on that sidewalk and I let him go by first. I was running a pretty good clip at that point but he'd doubtless seen me before the turn and I had no idea he was there. We seemed to be running about the same speed but as I got closer he sped up and kept up a faster pace for the next mile and a half. He crossed the road at my turnaround point and ran back up the street on the other side while I stayed on the same sidewalk. I kept up a pretty steady pace, particularly up the hills, and there were a few places where I would expect to have moved in front of him because I was on the inside of the curve. Apparently he sped up because I never got in front of him and by the time we returned to the point we'd first joined up he beat me there. I wasn't racing but I thought it was amusing in light of the article about people who won't let others pass them. He's probably the same when driving, too.

Anyway, it was a great day to enjoy the outdoors. I wore shorts a technical t and it was perfect. I wish this weather would stay all winter but I know that at some point we'll get a big old dose of winter. For now I'm reveling in the warmth.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Breaking Trail in 2012

Three days in and I'm breaking trail in the new year. Sadly, the trail is on the treadmill. I probably could have run outside today but I just didn't feel like battling the wind. It's still unseasonably warm, around 50 degrees for today's high, but it's been awful windy. Thursday is supposed to be warmer and less windy.

I'm considering where and when my next race will be. I'm thinking I'll run a full marathon in both halves of the year, hopefully by April or so in the first half. I'd still like to run the Bataan at WSMR, but that seems soon. I think I can make it, though, as far as being prepared to run. The bigger question will be finances and how much it will cost to get to New Mexico with gas prices still high. And I could certainly go for some chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce at Margo's. That's motivation enough for just about anybody to run 26.2 miles. Or more.