Thursday, January 31, 2013

More Scrubs

Another run inside as the temperature around here has plummeted, getting into the single digits tonight. I ran while watching Scrubs on the iPad, some great episodes from the first season. For some reason I thought we'd starting watching the show a couple of seasons into the original run, but going back to the very beginning makes me realize we were there pretty much from the start. Good stuff. The run itself was for another 5 miles, this time without any speed bursts. We'll see how the weather looks on Saturday before deciding where and when to run.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It's amazing how quickly the climate can change in just 24 hours. Yesterday the temperature was 76 degrees, and at the same time today it was 38. For anyone keeping score at home, that's half of what it was one rotation of the Earth earlier. Today was rainy, with thunderstorms, and then snow expected in a couple more hours. All that in combination with the temperature was enough to keep me indoors. I thought about not running but decided I needed it, so I ran on the treadmill and even threw in three three-minute bursts. My normal speed is 10 minutes/mile, although I think it's faster than that since the machine isn't calibrated. My pickups were at about 8:30/mile. Overall I ran 5 miles, which is according to my plan for the week. At this rate it looks like the rest of the plan might be on the treadmill, too. Here's yet another moment in time where I wish we lived someplace warmer.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Today the temperature set a record high temp here in KC. And not just by a little. The previous record high on this date was 63 degrees, and today that mark was shattered as the mercury rose to 76 degrees. Of course that meant I needed to get out for a run, which I promptly did on my arrival home. But wait, you might say. It's Monday. You're not training for a race and you don't normally run on Mondays.

Let me explain.

My intention was to run on Saturday and complete a good week of mileage. The airlines and weather combined to conspire against me, though. My flight out of Philadelphia on Friday night was delayed by snow, causing me to miss my connecting flight in Atlanta. I don't know who thinks it's economical to fly from Philadelphia to KC by way of Atlanta, but that was the plan. I didn't get to the hotel in Atlanta until after 2 a.m., by which time I was originally scheduled to be home. I finally arrived at the house after noon on Saturday, and was pretty worn out. The day was nice enough but I needed a nap more than I needed a run. On Sunday I could have headed out as well, but the spirit didn't move me. It did today, though, and I took advantage of it with a 5-miler.

I was going to go for a full six but decided that if I'm going to run four times this week I should take it easy and not build up my mileage too high. It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow before the cold returns on Wednesday. If I can do another couple of 5-milers and then a 6-mile run on Saturday that would give me 21 for the week, and that seems acceptable.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


This week the "lazies" set in, aided and abetted by brutally cold weather. Also it was The Wife's birthday yesterday and it seemed unseemly to run on her big day. I should have run on Monday but somehow never got around to it, although I did rotate the tires on the van. Anyway, since I'm going to be out of town on business the next couple of days it was now or never today. And it worked out since today was pretty decent. The temperature was 44 degrees when I set out and even though it cooled off considerably as the sun descended it still wasn't horrible. I ran my regular 6-mile route at a good pace. I left the GPS at home but I would estimate my pace as between 9-9:30 per mile, and closer to the former. This will be a short-mileage week due to getting in two runs (the next on Saturday) as opposed to the usual three, but somehow I'll survive. I also like it that it was still reasonably light outside when I arrived home, even though the sun was past the horizon. It gives me hope that Spring on its way.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

More Global Warming, Er, Climate Change, Umm, Nice Weather

60 degrees in January! I ran in shorts and a long-sleeved technical t-shirt today. The wind was pretty strong in spots, but I certainly can't complain about the temperature. I washed my truck before running, and thought since I was out in the sun so much I should put on some sunblock. Lots of people out today walking, running, and biking.

I went 7 miles today for my long run and wore the Garmin so I could get the distance right. I know my route for 4, 5, or 6 miles, but beyond that it helps to have a GPS. I didn't feel like I was running any faster than normal, but when I finished my time came in right at 63 minutes for a 9-minute pace. Not bad for a mid-winter's run where I still feel like I'm recovering from my unplanned two-week hiatus.

The weather returns to its regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. I'm thankful I got to enjoy it today as much I did. That reminds me, I still need to move someplace warm.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It Was Nice and Then the Sun Went Down

Today when I got home from work the temperature was in the mid-40's, a nice pleasant day especially for mid-January. The breeze was all but non-existent as I headed out for my 6-miler. I have to admit I was feeling crummy, like on the verge of sickness crummy, but there was no way I was going to waste a day like this. I felt just fine during the run and even afterward. I guess the exercise got rid of whatever crumminess I was feeling. In fact, this was a run where I decided to add a little speed work to break up the routine. Four times I ran faster for four light poles and then slowed back to my normal pace. I picked level or downhills for the faster runs. I'm not stupid.

For most of the run the temperature was really nice, but as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon it got cold in a hurry. As I was walking up the hill for my cooldown a guy was standing outside his garage and  commented on that same fact. I was glad to get back inside before it got colder, but I was even gladder that I wore a stocking cap and mittens or I would have been in bad shape.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Running Before Dark

Today was sunny but cold. I rushed home from work in order to run before the sun went down and made it, for the most part. The temperature was right at freezing, so I bundled up and had no problems. Although one member of my family didn't appreciate it when I held my frozen cheek against hers.

I stayed with a 5-miler today and will increase to 6 on Thursday. Still feeling good with no pain in the knees. My right foot is better as well. Although it still has some residual tightness in the morning when I get up it's nowhere near the pain it was prior to using the compression sock. That thing really works. I should probably write a review on Amazon but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm kind of lazy about that kind of thing.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Out in the Cold

Today I had that urge to run outside, no matter the weather, and fortunately the weather cooperated. To a large extent, anyway. I ran 6 miles that started when the temperature was 28 degrees and ended at 30. The weird thing was the wind was blowing against me when I was running south/southwest and then hardly at all when going straight south. As soon as I turned around to head north it was blowing against me again. How in the world does that happen?

It was another run without the Garmin and I just went at my own pace. It felt good overall, no pains, and no stopping to walk. All in all a good mid-winter run.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cold Rain

Today was rainy all day and it wasn't a warm rain. It was pretty clear I'd have to run inside if I was going to run at all, so I did. 5 miles on the treadmill. I thought about waiting until tomorrow because it's supposed to be over 60 degrees, but I've been eating too many sweets and didn't want to wait another day. I can still run tomorrow if I want, but at least I got in today's mileage.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I didn't sleep good last night and felt groggy all day today. It was nice outside, though, and I didn't want to waste a good day by not running. I wanted to run five or six but knew heading out that I probably shouldn't and wouldn't. I ran 4.5 miles and felt a little better at the end. Heading back to work after a long weekend definitely made it tougher to get up early. I've said it before and I'll keep saying how important it is to get good sleep. The nice weather, at least temperature-wise, is supposed to last several days longer. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow night but should be cleared out by the next time to run. I'm hoping sleep is in the forecast as well.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Another Six

This morning I wasn't thinking much of running outside. When I awoke it was cool and gray and cloudy. I spent some time running errands and on my way back home in the afternoon the sun came out. Say whatever you want, but a little bit of sunlight can change my mood. It did today and I rushed to get out the door to run in it. I ran 6 miles and by the time I was done the sun had disappeared again. There was a stiff breeze out of the south/southwest but I've run in worse. It was nice to turn around at the 4-mile mark and have it at my back the rest of the way home, though. Today's run got me up to 15 total for the week. My unintentional hiatus set me back a little. Over the next few weeks I'll increase just like I was doing before and should be back to 20 miles/week soon.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

More of a Big Bang

I ran 5 miles on the treadmill today, or almost that, while watching a few episodes of Big Bang Theory. It's a pretty good distraction while sweating indoors. I say that I almost ran the whole distance but about 4.5 miles into my right knee felt a little wobbly, so I walked for a minute and then started up again. When I was a tenth of a mile away from the end I had to stop and walk again. Nothing alarming but just some signals from my body that it wasn't necessarily worth potentially hurting myself to get the distance.

The plantar seems to be almost gone. The compression sock has worked magic and I haven't felt any pain in my feet for what seems like forever, even though I know it's only been a few weeks. I continue to wear the K-tape when running and that provides the support I need. Without these two remedies I don't know that the plantar would have gone away without staying off my feet for months. And judging by the lack of progress when I wasn't running that wasn't going to happen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, First Run

I didn't realize two weeks ago that would be my last run for the year. Snow hit a couple of days later and I just never motivated myself to run on the treadmill. The snow hasn't disappeared, and in fact it snowed even more yesterday. Nevertheless my only explanation is laziness.

Today I got off my duff and ran 4 miles on the treadmill. Our new setup downstairs really helps. I hooked up the TV to our new receiver and cranked up the volume so I can hear over the treadmill. Not a bad start to the year. I could tell I'd been off a few weeks and now it's time to get back to where I was before the unintended hiatus.

2012 in Review: It was better than 2011, but still up and down. I have officially declared shoe experimentation to be done. Any problem I've had with knees or plantar fasciitis has been due to trying new shoes. From now on I'm sticking with the model I know works. I was happy to get back into a race this year and run a sub-two hour half marathon. Looking back through my log I forgot how much I ran on the treadmill this summer, but it was a good thing. I feel like I laid the groundwork this fall for a spring marathon. If I can get past the weird problems of last year I will be okay.