Thursday, July 31, 2014

Humidity Makes a Difference

Delayed my run today by an hour due to dealing with car troubles, but it worked out okay. I ran my usual 6 mile route today and didn't have to walk even one time. I attribute the good run to low humidity, which strangely enough makes a big difference. I moved at a decent enough pace, although I left the GPS at home and have no idea the actual numeric pace. That's okay, it was just a good day to enjoy a run in nice 84 degree sunny weather - with low humidity.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Baltimore to KC

I flew to Baltimore Sunday and it was a nice, sunny day for running. I stayed at a hotel right by the Inner Harbor, so it was a short hop and skip over to the area. I ran around the harbor on the north side and it soon became apparent the humidity was nice and high. I turned around and retraced my path and ended up a little over 5 miles, with a couple of bouts of walking mixed in. It was fun to run by the various ships docked there, including sailing, Coast Guard, and even a submarine. Across the harbor I saw saw big Navy ships, either under construction or in for repairs. Gigantic. I know it wasn't that big in comparison, but the Coast Guard ship I ran by seemed pretty darn big up close. As a desert rat who now lives in the middle of the country I find that stuff fascinating.

Today I flew home to KC and after some work on one of the vehicles I went out for my regular Tuesday run. Even though it was "only" mid-80s again the humidity was up the scale. I did the walk every mile or so thing and it turned out just fine. I went 5 miles with an eye to do more this coming weekend. I believe the marathon training plan starts next Monday - time to get with the program.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

86 and Easy

Today was a fairly nice day, especially for mid-July. The temperature was in the mid-80s and there was a nice breeze from the south. I took my water bottle with me and walked every mile or so. It paid off in what turned out to be a good run. I kept it slow and just enjoyed the day and the podcast I was listening to, which was about WWI. I don't know much about that conflict but this Hardcore History series is really good. It's been a century since the war started and it's high time this guy learned more about it. WWII gets most of the press and the study time in school. What I've learned so far is that this one is where the world changed, and definitely not for the better.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

7 on Saturday

Went 7 miles this morning after staying up late last night with The Boy. The girls held a slumber party for a bunch of younger girls last night and so The Boy and I went to BWW and a movie, not getting home until 12:30 a.m. or so. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep so today's run could have been bad, but it went very well due to the nice temperatures. It was a sunny day but mild enough to not be horrible. The only time I walked was up the hill by the golf course on the way back. I probably could have pushed and run it but my left knee has that slightly swollen feeling and I decided to not go crazy. Overall it was a good run and one of the better ones I've had recently.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Another Unseasonal Day

Today there was a little bit of cloud cover and the temperature only got up to 75 degrees. As far as mid-July goes, that is an AWESOME day. I ran a full 6 miles and threw in about 6-7 fartleks. I did walk up the hill by the golf course on the way back because I felt like I was laboring a little bit, but other than that the run was decent enough. I was hoping for a great run, but it was only average. Still, I'm not going to complain about that, especially since it's supposed to return to normal temps next week.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pleasant Run

I ran 5 miles today on a different route through the neighborhood and north. Mainly I needed to get the address of a house where we like the paint scheme since we're having our house painted in a couple of weeks. Beyond that it was an unnaturally cool day, especially for mid-July. The temperature was in the mid-70s due to a large mass of cold air that descended from the northern latitudes. According to the forecast that won't last, though, since we're due for hotter temps next week. I also threw in about six fartleks to get some speedwork for a change. Each time I ran the distance of about three light poles at an 8:30 or faster pace. I figured I should do it while it's cooler out rather than later when it's scorching hot.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brought to You by the Letter 'H'

Saturday's run was brought to you by the letter 'H', as in hot and humid. And really it wasn't all that hot, just in the low 80s when I ran in the morning, but the unhindered sunlight made it seem hotter. And the humidity. I had an overdue library book so I ran by the library and dropped it off. Then I switched over to the side of the street with a little bit of shade and also walked up the big hills as I started overheating. At the end I'd tallied 5.25 miles and that was plenty for a 'long' run. This week it's supposed to be cooler outside, which will be a nice change here in mid-July.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Worked from home yesterday and went running after getting off work, which was earlier than usual. I ran 6 miles in the mid-80s temperature. There was a nice breeze during part of it and a few clouds here and there, but I took it easy and it was a good outing. I walked up the hills by the golf course and again near the traffic circle. Pretty sweaty.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Van Run

We needed to pick up the van today from the shop and I volunteered to run there and drive it back. Today was hot and humid, as usual, but not as hot as it could be mid-July. I ran the "back way" to the shop - down Shoal Creek and then across whatever street that is that intersects with Flintlock by Penney's. The distance ended up being 4.25 miles, which was just fine with me on this summer day.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Another Tardy Post

I ran yesterday morning when the forecast was for cooler weather. It was cooler than normal for July, but it was still pretty warm. I opted out of the Thursday run for a Friday morning run because of a couple of factors. One being that it was hot on Thursday afternoon. I considered running later in the evening but that didn't work out. The second reason was knowing I wouldn't be running on Saturday due to the youngest child's birthday party, plus I always take the kids out to breakfast on their day. As I write this it's overcast and cool out, and I should probably go for a run. But I'll just settle for the 6 miles yesterday in my new running shoes and call it good for the week.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Three Times

I've been out three times in the last week and just now getting around to logging them. I guess I'm going for completeness instead of timeliness.

Last Thursday (June 26th) I ran in the morning with the Virtual Running Partner, who was in town for a few days. He went 4 miles and I went 6, and it wasn't too bad at that point in the day. It was humid, though, and I had to walk up the hill by the golf course on the way back because I overheated.

On Saturday (June 28th) we went out again in the morning and really felt the humidity. We ended up going 5 miles with a bit of walking. That one was a tough run and I didn't feel good at any point during the outing. I struggled to tough it out.

Yesterday (July 1st) I ran 6 miles. The day was cooler, only about 80 degrees, but again very humid. I ran slow and walked after each mile. Again, it wasn't a great run but it felt a little better than Saturday. In about a month I'll begin the marathon training plan and I'm hoping to get in a good foundation before then.