Thursday, June 30, 2016

Lower Humidity

I could tell when I walked out the door this morning that the humidity was lower. I was initially taken aback by the holes in the front bed where some creature apparently dug for food overnight, and then in the neighbor's yard where you could see tracks of the critter in the dew-covered grass. Still, the drop in humidity from 90% to about 85% was noticeable, and made the run that much more enjoyable. I went my 4 miles and felt good. Ran up the big hill and think I'm going to add a little more distance on Saturday. Plus within a couple of weeks I'm going to have to get up earlier to beat the sun, but that's a good problem to have.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


As is the standard lately, the morning was humid. I ran my 4 miles and was drenched in sweat by the end. I walked up the big hill because my heart rate was up even though I kept the run slow. I'd planned on running yesterday (Monday) morning but when my alarm went off an extra 1.5 hours of sleep seemed like the better option. One of these weeks I'm going to get back to running four times.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Building Up

The humidity remains high, especially in the early morning, but I still got my 4 miles in today. Ran the same route as Tuesday and hoping to build up the mileage in the coming weeks. Not sure if the humidity will go down much, but hopefully my tolerance will go up.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Good Tuesday Run

It was a good Tuesday run even though the humidity was high and the breeze was next to nonexistent. I ran my (lately) usual 4 miles, but this time on the way back I took a right at the pond and stuck to the treeline and the shade. The distance worked out exactly the same and I think that might be my new route, especially during summer. For the first time in forever I listened to a podcast, and I think the change-up made the run go better, at least in my mind. I ran the whole way once again.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

More of the Same

This morning was eerily similar to Thursday morning's run, except with less of a breeze. I got up early - on a Saturday! - and ran my 4 miles in the high humidity. This time, though, I was able to run the whole way without walking. I'd like to get back to a point of running six every time, but the humidity's going to have to drop for that to happen, especially on weekday runs.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Off the Couch

First time to run in a week, and it sure felt like it. I read the latest issue of Runner's World this past week and that had me itching to get outside. As I said in my last post, I certainly spent a lot of time on the couch and finally figured that one week out from cyst removal it was time to get off the couch.

I went 4 miles, which seems to be the standard lately with all the humidity. And yes, it was over 90% humidity at 6:15 this morning. I was sweating profusely by the time I'd gone a quarter-mile, although at the time I figured that just because of my recent inactivity. Not true. I walked the distance of three telephone poles just after mile three, and then up the big hill. I wanted to go the whole way but know  when my heart starts beating that fast that it's time to back off. At least there was a breeze, but it wasn't enough to offset the humidity.

It's nice to be back in the game. No idea when the humidity will let up after all the rain from the past couple of months. Maybe November.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Fogged Sunglasses

I remember seeing Fogged Sunglasses open for Simple Minds back in '87...

Seriously though, folks, I ran in the early morning hours again but as has been standard lately the humidity was very high. Before I'd reached the end of my warmup walk my sunglasses started fogging, and by the time I reached the halfway point of the run there was no point in wearing them any more. I ran 4 miles and was glad to get it in before having some bumps removed from my back this morning, which means I can't run until next week. Guess I'll have to practice my couch potato skills for a few days.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Little More Humidity

On Tuesday morning I was hoping it would be less humid, but I was wrong. It actually wasn't as horrible as it has been, and I went 4 miles. A good run, ran all the way, and it was good. Let's do it again on Thursday.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Whole Way

For some reason it felt like I hadn't run in weeks, even though it's only been since Tuesday. I laid around in bed for longer than I should have, but I figured it was going to be cloudy and humid all morning. Imagine my surprise at being correct.

I decided that today's run would be limited to 4 miles, and if I needed to walk I would. The difference between today and my last run was that there was a slight breeze. That made me realize I could go the shorter distance but without walking. My 10:30 or so pace was perfect, and I did indeed run the whole way, including the big hill. At one point I thought about going an extra mile but realized that might take me out of my ability to run without walking, so I settled for the four. Looks like the rain is moving out for at least the next week. I don't expect the humidity to go down much, but at least I won't have to worry about dodging storms.