Thursday, September 29, 2016

Cooler Weather

This morning's run took place in temperatures around 60 degrees. My overall pace was 9:57/mile, which has to be the first time in about six months that I've been under 10. It's amazing what a 35 point drop in both temperature and humidity will do. It was a good 4 miles, and the knee feels just fine. I'm looking forward to running over the next few months.

Also, on Monday and Wednesday I tried out the punching bag and enjoyed it, working up a good sweat both times. I also found that The Clash is good workout music, which I already knew for running but it's also great for cross-training.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Rare Sunday Run

The knee was feeling better today, although not 100%, but I decided to test it out after a rainy Sunday. If I looked back and compiled statistics on which day of the week I've run the least, Friday is probably #1 and Sunday a close second. And that's only because many races are on Sunday, giving Friday the edge. I ran 4 miles without stopping and sweat like crazy because of the humidity. At five o'clock on a Sunday afternoon I didn't see anyone else out, except Daughter #2 walking the dogs when I walked back onto our block. I guess the rain, end of the weekend, or Sunday football kept people inside.

Afterward my knee feels fine. There were a couple of times I felt out of kilter, but I concentrated and tried to get my stride back in line. We'll see how it feels tomorrow.

On another note, we hung a punching bag in the garage, mostly for the kids, but I tried it out on Saturday and actually enjoyed the change of pace. Planning on trying it again tomorrow. This method was waaaaaaay cheaper than trying a month at one of the trendy boxing workout places.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sitting Out

On Saturday morning I started out my run pretty well, the right knee not giving me any immediate problems. By the half-mile point it was starting to bark at me, and I decided right there to turn around and not risk further aggravation. If you're doing the math at home, that means I ran 1 mile. Since then the knee has that feel that makes me know it's there, but it's not really that sore or anything. Not really even an ache, just a tenderness of some kind. Since I'm traveling this week for work I plan on sitting out the week and taking it easy. Hopefully by next Saturday I'll be good to go.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Run with a Tweak

This morning's 4-miler went okay for the most part, but a couple of times I felt a little wonky in my right knee. Nothing too bad, but I think it relates to the strength of the muscles around it. I used to do ankle weight exercises that would help out with hamstrings and hips. I apparently need to get back to those. I walked a couple of times and tried to relax, and that seemed to help. At one point, though, I felt like I was limping and that caused me to walk. Not good, but at least I caught it before hurting myself.

Monday, September 12, 2016


It was a Monday morning, and I actually got up and went for a run. The temperature was down, and even the humidity was a little lower than usual. I could tell because I didn't start sweating profusely until almost the mile mark. All in all it was a pleasant morning. Saw the usual people out walking their dogs. It was a nice 4 miles. Let's see if that holds.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lower Temperature, Higher Humidity

Rain was forecast for this morning, and I decided since it was going to be cloudy I would sleep in a bit and then run. The rainfall wasn't much, but I was right about the clouds sticking around. It was 69 degrees when I headed out, the lowest temperature I've run in since...what, April? March? I enjoyed that part of the run, but the humidity had to be in the 90s. My sunglasses were so fogged by the first mile that I decided to forego them before I stumbled into someone or something.

Not a whole bunch of people out on the 6-mile route, but at one point two guys pushing strollers passed in front of me. I felt left out, but not *that* left out. Reminded me of riding a bike 15+ years ago in Tulsa with Daughter #1 in the seat on back, and some wag pulls up beside me and says, "Faster!" I thought to myself, dude, you put a 30 lb. sack of flour on the back of your bike and then we'll talk. Anyway, it was a good run, no walking, and I enjoyed it, even with wiping sweat off my head the whole way. I started off listening to "Comfortably Numb", followed by the whole of Momentary Lapse of Reason, and then "Comfortably Numb" again. It seemed fitting. Plus it was the cut from Delicate Sound of Thunder, the best live version of the song in my opinion. Gilmour shreds the solo at the end and the distortion and feedback must have been something to hear live.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Continuing My Lazy Streak

Monday was a holiday, Tuesday was an early call and a day in the office, and Wednesday was just plain lazy. I think to some degree trying to wake up early and run now that it's dark later every morning. Today I was going to get up early, but once again went back to bed, knowing my meeting schedule was light and I could get out later. Since the temperature is still in the mid-90s I didn't want to run too late, so I headed out at 10 a.m. The sun was shining brightly, and I ran my 4 miles, with walks at each mile, progressively longer. By the time I hit mile 3 my heart rate was up and it was a struggle. I walked about 3 1/2 minutes there and then up the big hill. Once again, not one of the best runs ever but at least I got out there.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Back to 6

It's been four weeks since I ran 6 miles, and that time it involved hills. I was a little less aggressive this time and just ran my regular route. It went well, with a walk break at the 4- and 5-mile marks, but that was just in acknowledgment of the continued high humidity. Even though the temperature was lower the humidity was still up. Fortunately this morning there was a nice breeze, and it really helped on the first half and the last mile. The middle part was with the wind and I struggled a little through that section. When I turned the corner onto Lake Forest and felt the breeze in my face I sighed out loud because it was such a relief.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Little Better

I hoped the difference in temperature of about 7-8 degrees from yesterday to today would prove helpful, but...not so much. It was still sunny and humid, but this time I was a little smarter. I ran my 4 miles but didn't feel so beat up afterward. After the first mile I walked a minute, even though I felt fine, and at the halfway point walked two minutes. I also did the same after the third mile and then walked up the big hill. Probably a similar amount of walking as yesterday but spaced out better. Once again I learn little lessons along this journey that will hopefully keep me running for decades to come.