Tuesday, October 30, 2018

80 Degrees

It was 80 degrees this afternoon but quite breezy, so it didn't feel quite that warm. Got back from Guys' Weekend yesterday and slept good last night. Today's 6-miler was right around 10 minutes/mile, and then I walked up the big hill against the wind. A few times I felt that same gimpiness in my knee like I did the last outing, which makes me think I need to hit the ankle weights and leg exercises again. It's been awhile.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Running Between Meetings

Yesterday I got in my third run for the week between meetings. It was a pretty tight fit and I'd planned on running more than 6 miles but had to "settle" for that. The day was overcast after rain Wednesday night, but I was a little surprised when I walked out the door and found it was misting. Fortunately the precipitation didn't do more than that. I had to clear off my shades a couple of times but for the most part it was decent enough to run at a little more than 10-minute/mile pace. I felt a little out of kilter on my right side as I re-entered the neighborhood, and slowed way down so as to hobble less. I think it was just some weirdness with my right knee and hip, but nothing hurts and I think it was just a momentary blip.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Two in a Row

My legs felt a little heavy at the start of today's run, probably because of running two days in a row, but as I went along and stretched out they felt better. The temperature was 70 degrees and the breeze was light. I went my usual 6-mile route again, seeing several people out for a run, walk, or ride. Also saw a few dogs out, but most of them were just walking. Dogs riding would have been pretty funny, though.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Back to the Normal Route

Drove home yesterday, and this morning did my workout and ended with a run this afternoon. It seemed pretty cool even though it was in the low 60s. Must not have been too bad since I wore shorts and a short-sleeved t-shirt and never really got to the point of feeling cold. I ran my usual 6 miles. Since I'm off for a guys' weekend coming up I figured I should run today, tomorrow (Tuesday), and Thursday in order to get my three runs in. I missed a day last week in Kansas, mainly due to cold weather and laziness, but mostly laziness.

Frosty Saturday

I didn't realize I'd missed adding my post for Saturday's run in Kansas. I got up and ran at 8 a.m. at the ballfields. The temperature was 38 degrees and I felt a little bad for the poor kids who had to play soccer in it, and especially for the parents and siblings watching. I ran 7 miles, which worked out to 8 laps around the complex. It wasn't as bad as it sounds since I listened to the British History Podcast the whole time. The first lap I realized my hands were cold and I stopped at the truck to get my mittens. Other than that I was fine, with long pants and t-shirt. Actually not bad for a run since the breeze didn't pick up until later in the day.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nice Day in Kansas

Back to Wamego and good thing, too, since the weather is nicer here than back home. It started out cold and I had to scrape frost off my truck, first time in over three years. By afternoon the temperature was in the low 60s and the sun was shining. Back home it's rainy and in the 40s. I ran 6 miles, going around the ball fields several times before heading down to the city park for a couple of circuits.

On my first time around the ball fields I ran up behind my mom and sister, the latter of whom had just arrived and I hadn't had a chance to see her yet. I yelled loudly, "On your left!" as I approached from behind and fortunately neither of them had a heart attack.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

More Nicety

Today was another beautiful day for a run. It was a few degrees cooler than yesterday but still shorts and t-shirt weather in north Texas. I contemplated running hills, but wasn't quite feeling it when I walked out the door, so I ran my regular path. I went the usual 6 miles at a pace just a little above 10 minutes/mile, a little slower than yesterday but probably a product of running two days in a row. Loving the weather, though, and certainly the lower humidity.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Perfect Weather

Due to some travel later this week I planned on running Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I waited too late into the afternoon on Monday and the storm front rolled in, raining the rest of the day and all day Tuesday. So today, Wednesday, was my first chance to run this week, and it was perfect.

The temperature was 70 degrees, the sky was clear, and a nice breeze rode in from the northwest. I ran 6 miles in a mostly under 10-minute/mile pace. The "mostly" is due to blundering, as I sometimes do, into a race. This one was a middle-school cross-country race. On my way out the runners were on the path and then up turned up the newer sidewalk toward the school, the curving uphill path that was torture on me in the last bit of the half-marathon I ran earlier this year. It was no problem for them. On my way back I heard the gun go off and paused at the turn off Hardin so an even younger pack could pass by. Those pauses were what put me over the 10-minute mark in those miles. Other than that it was a good strong run on fresh legs. Not as many people (other than the racers) out as I would have thought with the weather as nice as it was.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Run Ugly

Somebody has a new album out called "Cry Pretty," which made me think that yesterday's outing should be called "Run Ugly." It was warm and extremely humid. I was sweating like crazy after the first half-mile and it didn't get any better. I went a total of 7 miles, but the last two of those included walks every half-mile. Maybe the problem was that I didn't walk until mile four and then it snowballed. Whatever the case, it was probably the last day of the year where temperatures were in the 80s in the morning and into the 90s in the afternoon. I ran late enough in the morning to catch the remnants of a 5k/10k where all but a few people were done (walkers). That couldn't have been fun.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The World is Burning

While politics burns down the country, I went for a run this afternoon. It seemed like the thing to do. And it wasn't a normal run.

The van was in the shop, and nobody was home or nearby to help get it. So I ran north along my normal path for a mile, then turned around and headed back. Did I mention it was also in the high 80s with heat index of 97? I walked up the big hill, which was before mile 2, and then again at about the 3-mile mark just because I was feeling the heat. Other than a few pauses at intersections I ran the rest for a total of 5.15 miles according to the GPS.

I felt a little bit bad about shaking the guy's hand when I picked up the vehicle, but he offered both times. Plus I figure his hand has been a lot dirtier than my sweat. I know mine has when I work on a car or truck. Nevertheless, hope he hit the hand sanitizer pretty hard afterward.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Off a Day

I wanted to get up and run early yesterday (Tuesday), and the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. And then since we drove to Southlake to meet up with some longtime friends I didn't have time in the afternoon. I could have totally skipped a day, but I had that fidgety feeling today and decided that even with a morning workout that I would still get in my miles. It was 88 degrees when I left but I ran the whole 6 miles other than the big hill. I was helped by a nice breeze out of the south and keeping the pace slow.

I ran the normal route, which was under water last time I tried to go that way. There were plenty of signs showing where the water had been. In several places caked dirt covered the path. I guess that'll slowly erode as more rains wash them clean. All in all not too bad, though, considering how much rain we got a couple of weeks ago.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Late Saturday Run

Saturday was cool and rainy most of the day in Kansas. I went to a late lunch with Sister #2 and her boyfriend, and had plenty of fried food and drink. After getting back to Mom and Dad's house I sat around for a few minutes and decided that I should go ahead and run since it had warmed up to 65 degrees. I was also a little stiff from the effort the day before in changing rotors and brakes on my truck and thought a bit of stretching would help. I managed 4 miles before deciding my stomach was done with me after subjecting it to pub food and then taking it for a run. Still, a little was better than nothing.