Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Difference

A band of thunderstorms moved through in the early morning hours and it stayed cloudy most of the day. That made a difference of about 20 degrees in temperature from yesterday's short outing. It was still humid, of course, so I walked each mile marker except the fifth, saving that one for the big hill. It was a good run, feeling pretty strong, and enjoying the somewhat cooler day even though the sun came out for my run. Hoping to stay healthy so I can run through the cooler weather in the next several months, not that I'm saying it's going to be cooler yet.

102 + 2

Monday's 2-miler was in 102 degree temperature. It might be the last 100+ day of the year, but we'll see. The breeze felt only mildly like a furnace.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Saturday Outing

Saturday morning was marginally cooler, only in the low 80s when I went out, but humidity was high as usual. I parlayed the temperature into running 7 miles and the first 4.5 without a walk. Then I walked again at 5.5 and 6 before doing the same up the big hill. I was pleased with the outing, especially since this was my only real run of distance during the week. This coming week should be better in that regard, and the temperature is supposed to drop a little.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Avoiding Bikes

Went for a 6-miler on Saturday and feels like I spent a lot of time avoiding bicyclists. It was a typical Texas morning with sunshine and humidity, but overall a good run. Especially since I missed running on Thursday due to a packed schedule. This coming week will also be messed up due to travel. Oh well, guess it gives me time to rejuvenate a little from the heat.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

100 plus 5

Today I thought about going my regular route, but then decided 5 miles was good and the extra mile wasn't worth it. Especially since the temp was pegged at 100 degrees. I did my usual walk every mile, and then the sun went behind some clouds in the middle. That was good, but then it came back out for the last mile. Overall a good run in the dog days of summer.

101 plus 2

Worked out in the garage yesterday and then ran 2 miles. The temp was 101 degrees. Actually not a bad run since the humidity was somewhat lower. I'll take it.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Mental Walk

This morning the temperature wasn't horrible, and the breeze from the south was decent enough. I went 6 miles in total, but walked the last two. And it wasn't because I couldn't run, but my brain just decided I was done and a walk would be nice. It was a draining week at work and I think at mile four my brain said let's just stop running and relax. I kept considering that I should start up again, but for whatever reason I never did. Kind of weird, but in hindsight kind of good. I'm not going to beat myself up for walking instead of running on a hot day after a long week.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Longer Today and Hotter

Again a Texas summer day, 6 miles, and a breeze from the southeast. I walked a minute at each mile for the first four, then three minutes at mile five, then the big hill. The last mile wasn't great but overall it went okay.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Hotter but Better

Today's temperature at 6 p.m. was 99 degrees, but it actually felt better for today's 2 miles. That's because the humidity was slightly less than yesterday, and a breeze also blew out of the southeast. I know it wasn't as far and that's good all by itself, but the little bit of difference in the two factors other than heat worked in my favor.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Heater is On

We're at 100 degree weather for the next week. I love the heat, but it does mean more walking when I'm on a run. Today it really wasn't that bad, or at least that's what the weather app said. We had some clouds in the afternoon and it was 93 and sunny when I went out. However, the humidity had spiked. I walked at each mile for the first three, and then as needed on the way back, which means a couple of walks per mile. I did the usual 6 miles and took advantage of the shade where I could.

Hot Run

The temperature was about 100 degrees when I went out for my 2 miles yesterday after a punching bag workout. That was at about 6 p.m. Gotta love Texas!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Rain and a Day of Rest

Yesterday was messed up with rain in the morning followed by family commitments. This morning started off the same way. About mid-day the rain moved out and I got to run. I went 7 miles Even though the mercury started to move up I managed it with a walk every mile. Plus the humidity was high with a couple of days of rain, but even so it was still a good run. I've had worse.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Help from Clouds

The temp was in the 90s again today, but it didn't feel that bad when I started since there were some high clouds. I went 6 miles total and 4.5 without walking before the sun started peeking out. Of course the humidity was high, and from that point I walked at 4.5, 5, and up the big hill. Lots of sweat but overall a good run.