Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sleeping Through Rain

When I got up this morning after 9 the sun was shining. Apparently it was raining when The Wife got up and had stopped, which worked out well for me. The past few days, including Thanksgiving, were colder and wetter, so I didn't run on Thursday as planned. Today was nice, though. I ran 6 miles and it was nice to get back to my regular distance. I'll modify my schedule in the coming week to try and get in three runs since I'll be traveling. We'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Before the Gluttony

I didn't even take my running gear with me to Kansas this past weekend. I knew it was going to be cold and busy with family time, so no reason to really try and shoehorn in a run. Today was warm, around 70 degrees, and a nice day for a pre-Thanksgiving outing. I ran 5 miles, all good and felt strong. My Garmin beeped at me about two hundred yards shy of the two-mile mark, which was odd. By the time I made it back to the start/finish line it was only about twenty yards off. I guess I can blame it on the wind and clouds. Or sunspots. Or whatever.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

One More

Ran a mile more than I did on Monday, getting in 5 miles today. Too many work calls meant I didn't get out until 5 p.m. When I got home it was getting dark, so that was fun. The temperature was quite mild today, about 70 degrees, but as I write this the rain clouds have moved in and look to be around all day tomorrow. My decision to run earlier in the week seems to have paid off.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Four More

Supposedly bad weather is supposed to arrive on Thursday, and I decided to move my regular running days forward. Today I went out for 4 miles and felt pretty good. I had a bit of a stomach...irregularity but I made it back in time and no incidents occurred. Fortunately.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Back Pain

The day after my last post I hurt my back. Not sure how. I cleaned up the garage on that Sunday, and moved the smoker back onto the patio. Maybe the the moment when I yanked that big piece of thick steel was it, but didn't feel like it at the time. That night my lower back went into horrible spasms and I kept waking up. This was new since I've never had back problems before. The next was even worse and on that Tuesday morning I went to urgent care and walked out with prescriptions for pain and muscle relaxers. That seemed to help somewhat but it still took several days before I slept without waking up multiple times. Three weeks later I'm finally to the point where I could go out for a run.

I wanted to go out on Thursday but that was the point where I thought I was okay but realized it was probably best to wait a few more days. This morning I ate breakfast and had my coffee, and then went for a 3 miler. Considered doing another mile and realized I'm not trying to get a medal and that extra mile might actually do more harm than good. I feel good with what I did and will ease back into it over the next week. I've thought about all the gaps in my running over the last year - saving that for a post later - but glad to be back on the road today.