Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Last of 2020?

Bad weather is supposed to move in for the next two days, with a remote chance of some snow on Thursday. Which means this could be my last run of the year. Actually, today didn't look too good to start with but in spite of the cloud cover and winds the temperature got up to 70 degrees. I sweated quite a bit during the 5-miler. And since I thought this could be it until next year, I ran the whole way, including the big hill outside the neighborhood.

At the end of this crappy year in so many ways, at least I find myself healthy and able to run consistently. I am thankful for that and hopeful we can get together for races again next year.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Post-Holiday Fun Run

Actually it wasn't that much of a fun run. I was going to add a mile and make this a "long" run, but didn't feel great so I kept it to 5 miles. I ended up walking at miles 2, 3.5, and 4. Not great for what should have been an easy run, but I guess I can blame the usual holiday excesses to feeling less than par. It's about time to work on really getting back into shape. That means less eating and drinking and more healthy food and exercise. Everybody else will be doing it at the first of the year, so why not me too?

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Looking for Santa

Granted, it was a little early in the day to be out looking for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. However, I did get harassed by the FVRP (Formerly Virtual Running Partner), who has of late been a FR (Former Runner). He dropped a gift by the house while I was out and then drove up Lake Forest where we crossed paths. He cursed me and gave me the finger, and then he parked in the neighborhood to harass me some more once I got up the hill.

I guess Santa wasn't out because it was 43 degrees and windy, or maybe it was the sunlight. Whatever the case, barely anybody else was out either. I layered up and ran my 5 miles, and I'm glad I did. I needed the exercise and routine after several days of neither. At the risk of jinxing myself, this seems like the longest stretch in a couple of years where I've been injury-free and felt strong in my running. Let's hope it continues into the new year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Them Hills

Change of pace on a sunny and mild December morning - I headed west and ran the hills. I feel like I walked this route plenty last winter, and I'm sure I've run it at some point since then but am too lazy to look it up. My 5 miles took me over to Stonebridge and back. The only hill I walked was the killer one coming east up from Ridge along Virginia. That's a beast. I'm feeling stronger but not quite up to taking on that challenge yet. I used to run hills a lot - in fact, I couldn't help but run hills around where we lived in KC. Now my normal route is mostly flat, but if I can build up some strength with these hills I'll be in a better spot to train for a race next year. Assuming that this lockdown will end at some point and we'll actually get to have races again.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Despair and Then Sun

This morning was rainy and breezy. I spent it doing a grocery run and some stuff around the house. I ate lunch, thinking I could run an hour later. Then the weather became a little worse and I despaired of running today.

About 90 minutes later the sky cleared, the mist stopped, and the breeze settled down. I think I hit the perfect seam in the weather today. The sun was shining all 6 miles, and I enjoyed it so much I ran the whole way. Yes, even up the big hill. I purposefully kept the pace down and finished at 9:45/mile. I feel like that helped my effort. Plus, so soon after the rain and with sidewalks still wet I didn't see a lot of other people out. It was a good start to the holiday week.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Everybody is Faster Except the Guy on the Bike

About a half-mile in I passed a guy walking. I'd seen him running but at that point he was walking and looking at his phone. After five minutes or so he passed me and kept slowly pulling away. When I was near the one-mile mark he was coming up on a guy walking, who suddenly took off and hoofed it faster than the two of us. As the run went along the fast guy was out of sight by the two-mile mark, and the first guy was walking again. I passed him going the other way after I'd turned at the halfway point of my 5 miles.

Sadly, the only guy who was slower than me was on a bike. As I reached the big hill I saw him behind me as I crossed the street. He continued up the hill, going very slow and passing me on the other side. As I reached the top of the hill I started running again and passed him before turning into the neighborhood. Granted, he was trying to ride a bike up a big hill, but in honesty I don't think he was out for a quick ride anyway. 

Nice day, sun shining, and back home before dark. And tonight is a whisky tasting at the pub. Definitely a good day!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Saturday Run, Delayed Post

I thought Saturday's run would be better than it was, but along the way I felt a little not-so-good. I was going to run six miles but instead went 5, and walked a couple of times. Once was at the halfway point and the other at mile three. I think my stomach was a little upset, but not so bad that anything horrible happened. I had the same thing yesterday (Sunday) coming back from the store, but that one did turn out to be pretty urgent. Weird. Oh well, at least I got my run in, and then took two days to post about it.

Thursday, December 10, 2020


I got out 15 minutes earlier than I thought I would since my late afternoon call ended early. That certainly helped since by the time I got home the sun was almost down. It's been an ultra-busy work week and I'm glad I was able to get out and exercise. I ran my normal 5-mile route. My pace was closer to 10 minutes/mile than the last few runs where I was (nominally) faster, and I attribute that to working too much. Oh well, any run is better than no run.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Late Meeting, Earlier Run

 I had a meeting scheduled for late in the afternoon that I knew would probably run over, so I ran earlier in the afternoon when I had a gap in the schedule. It was a gorgeous day with good temperatures, especially for December. I ran my 5 miles and was able to get back before the school zone got crazy. And even had time to shower before my next meeting. Yes, the late meeting ran over, as I knew it would.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Winter Saturday Run

Today was actually a nice day, especially for December. I ran at mid-day, with the sun shining and temperature heading toward 60 degrees. Even though I missed my Thursday session (cold, raining, work, etc.) I decided to go for 6 miles. And I did. Overall it was a good outing, with an overall pace at 9:15. My fastest mile was 9:02, which kind of surprised me. I kept trying to rein it in and apparently my body wouldn't listen and just stayed at a tempo that felt reasonable. No complaints here. I felt fine.

And that thing I mentioned awhile back about my right knee and the cord (maybe a welt? I don't know and don't care enough to be research) around the edge of the mattress? Every since I noticed that and position myself correctly, including sometimes waking up in the middle of the night to shift my leg...well, that pain is gone. 

Reminds me of the time back in the 90s where I started having back pain, which I'd never had before. I woke up one night stretched out stomach-side down and The Wife was sleeping draped over half of my back. Once I realized that and told her to knock it off my back felt better. It's funny the little things and habits we develop which actually end up causing some minor, or not-so-minor, aches and pains.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 My laziness overcame me last week - not good, especially around the holidays. I let busyness with family and events get the best of me. Well, this week I'm back at it. Even though it was only about 50 degrees today with a stiff cold breeze I went 5 miles. I ran in my new shoes and they felt good, as new shoes often do. I think I could really use a race to aim for, but we'll have to see how that plays out in the new year as the quarantine madness hopefully lifts.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Unexpectedly Humid

 This morning I got up at a decent time, for a Saturday, and ran several pre-Thanksgiving errands. Then I went for a run at about 11 a.m. The morning had been overcast and pleasant temperature-wise. Once I got out for my run I realized it was also humid. That, as we know, is my Achilles' heel. I ended up walking at the halfway point and three other times. I don't count this as a bad run, though. Overall it wasn't horrible. And it was a nice Saturday morning. Lots of people out, including over at the new lacrosse fields. I think we're supposed to cool down over the next several days, so we'll see how things go as we make our way toward the holidays.

Friday, November 20, 2020

More Labored Again

 As the week wears on I think it also wears on my body. Yesterday I got in my 5 miles, but it was a little more labored than the Tuesday run. My legs felt a bit weary. Also, the temperature was up in the mid-70s, which is borderline for walk breaks, but I kept at it and ran the whole way. A nice stiff breeze out of the south made things tougher as well. Although I can't complain about how it cooled me off when running into it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Another Good Day

 Felt good today and ran 5 miles at a decent enough pace. The weather was darn near perfect, about 70 degrees and sunny. Well, it was sunny until the sun started going down. Another few weeks and I'll be finishing my exercise in the dark. I'm feeling good health-wise, which is nice for a change. Got new shoes and will start working those into my runs.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Getting Out and Smoking

Today was one of those days where I probably could have missed a run. Or more clearly, chosen to not run. I smoked a pork butt, ribs, and jalapeno poppers. Plus assembled a green chile stew, which turned out awesome, by the way. It was a nice day with sun and all, and I got everything going on the smoker and then headed out. Good choice. A lot of people out on a warm and windy morning. I decided to stick with 5 miles with a few walks as a concession to the warmer temperature. 

New shoes came in yesterday but will take a little time to break in. I went with a 10.5 wide and we'll see how that goes.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Normal, Yes

 If Tuesday was a really good run, today was also good but a little more labored. Maybe it was due to the temperature being in the upper 70s. Still, I ran the whole way (except for the big hill) and didn't consider walking any. I still went 5 miles, dodging a group of people who thought it was okay to take over the whole sidewalk just past the turnaround. It was a beautiful day, and as always I'm just happy to be able to get out and run.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Close to Normal

This is the closest I've felt to normal on a run for a long time. No knee issues, mild temperature outside, no walking...it was all good. Pace was around 9:45 for the whole 5 miles, which was nice and consistent. We're at the time of year where the sun is starting to set by the time I get home, and soon it will be all the way down. If schedule allows I'll try and run during the day when I can, but otherwise I am enjoying this nice weather, at least as far as running goes. I still prefer summer and the heat, but this is better for a good run. 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Covid Run

I started feeling feverish Tuesday evening, and kept waking up with aches and trying to get comfortable. I had a fever into Wednesday evening as well, but by Thursday morning I felt great. About 99% sure it was the virus since the FVRP and I rode back from Oklahoma together on Sunday and on Monday morning he woke up with a fever and tested positive. I chose to not get tested since overall it was so mild. Last night I took a muscle relaxer and wow, did I sleep a lot better. Today I felt good enough to go for a 4-mile run. It went okay and so far no ill effects.

I did notice this morning at one point that my right knee was resting on the lip of the mattress, right where I've had sensitivity and pain in that knee. Maybe that's part of my problem. I'll try and make sure that's not happening so I can avoid hurting myself while I sleep.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Run

 I thought it had been two weeks since my last run, but it was only twelve days. Regardless, I still took it somewhat easy, going only 4 miles and throwing in some walks. The temperature was a lovely 75 degrees and the sun was shining, although it was setting with the stupid time change taking place last Sunday. The run went well. It was nice to get back out there, especially since today is U.S. Election Day. Last weekend was our annual guys' trip, and I spent four glorious days, Thursday all the way to Monday morning, without looking at work emails, news sites, Twitter, or TV news. As far as a mental health break goes, it was just what I needed. Highly recommended.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Better Outing

Still pretty warm today but felt better overall. That breeze out of the south helped again. My knees were okay, no issues, and I've been wearing my knee sleeve the past couple of days but didn't on the actual 5-miler. It was a long day of phone calls, and nice to get outdoors and feel some freedom for a bit.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 No excuse for not running on Saturday other than laziness. Today I ran 5 miles, 85 degrees outside, and it went pretty well with a walk every mile. I wore the sleeve on my left knee and overall both knees felt okay. I feel like neither has been 100% over the past several days. Every so often I'll take a step and there's a bit of tenderness, or sometimes even a pop. That's a little alarming. I keep thinking I need to go to the running shop and see what other options there are but I just haven't done it yet. I also need to go do early voting but I haven't done that, either. So many things to do...

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Not Mixing It Up

 I wore the sleeve on my left knee again and did not mix it up today. The temperature was way lower, in the 60s with a stiff breeze, so I ran the whole way at a pretty decent pace. The knees still felt good. I think wearing the sleeve during the day about four hours each knee is helping. The 5 miles today was consistent and felt strong.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Dealing With It

I have a knee sleeve that I bought either last year or earlier this one. It might be a compression sleeve if it was a size smaller, but overall it works pretty well without causing discomfort. I wore it yesterday for four hours on my left knee and another four on the right. Today I did the same. Then when I ran I moved it to the left and hoped it would help. It did.

The tenderness I felt on Saturday was nowhere around me today. I went 5 miles, with walks every mile because it was over 80 degrees, and it was a great run. I have to admit to being a little bit surprised. I think it helped me maintain a good stride, and I plan on doing the same routines over the next couple of days.

I might even wear it on the right knee for my next run just to mix it up a little.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

LaFortune Run

 The Wife and I went to Tulsa for our anniversary weekend. I ate too much food, but at least I did get a little bit of a run in while we were there. Yesterday morning I ran around LaFortune Park, which I have not done in...I don't know. It's been awhile. I only went around once since my left knee was acting all tender again. That meant I ran 3.5 miles according to my GPS. I walked a couple of times and then finally got back in stride again by running faster. I need to look at my shoes and maybe order a new pair. Shoes have always been the issue when my knees get gimpy. I'm starting to wonder if the Asics I've worn for the past 15 years or so have evolved to where they no longer work for me. Perhaps a visit to the running store is in order.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

That Same Twinge

 I was fine on today's run, walking every mile because it was 85 degrees, until after my walk at the third mile. I started down the slight slope and felt the left knee acting all tender again, like a moonstruck teenager. Okay, that was uncalled for. Nevertheless, I walked the last half-mile of the 5 miles. I might take a couple of days off. We'll see how it feels tomorrow and the day after.

I did notice that as I continued running my posture affected whether or not I could feel the twinge in my knee. As I went on I felt my shoulders hunching forward just a tiny bit, but when I pulled them back and ran more upright I couldn't feel any pain in my knees. I've noticed my bad posture when sitting at my desk all day, and obviously it's something I'll have to work on more as I'm running, too.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

More Than a Feeling

 This was one of those mornings where the whole was greater than the sum of its parts. I got up and dressed for a run, and then was sitting at my desk inventorying my aches. My hip hurt, right knee was tender, a little pain in the lower back, etc. I was all decked out and ready to go when I thought well, maybe I should skip it today. Let all these things that feel bad have a rest. And in that moment I figured I should at least get out the door and if something wasn't right then at least I could walk a few miles. Plus it was only 60 degrees and perfect for a run. 

Needless to say, it actually turned out great. I ran 6 miles and as I've done in the past I kicked up the pace a little to try and do something different. I ended up at a 9:30 pace for the whole run, which all things considered wasn't bad. Not super-fast - in fact I got passed multiple times - but it kept those aching parts on their toes. As it were. I'm glad I didn't listen to the complaints or the feeling that I should stay home. Then I cut down two bushes in the front yard before lunch. So much for feeling bad, but that sense of accomplishment helps.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Little Twinge

I did 5 miles again today. The first couple I felt like I was struggling with my stride to make sure it was in line and using glutes for power. At the two-mile mark I walked for a minute to reboot. Everything was fine until I walked up the big hill toward the end  and started to run when it became level again. My left knee immediately barked at me and I stopped after just a couple of steps. I walked the last quarter-mile. I don't think it's bad, though. It felt fine during the walk and tomorrow is a rest day. We'll see how it goes Saturday.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Midday Tuesday Run

 What a beautiful day! The thermometer was in the low 60s when I got out at lunch time today for a 5-miler. Sunny, a nice breeze from the north, and no stopping along the route for any walks. After missing a weekend run it was nice to get out on a gorgeous day that was almost autumnal until the temperature hit 81 this afternoon. Oh well, it'll get here eventually.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Back Up

 Today the temperature in the afternoon was back up around 80 degrees. I thought about trying to run it straight through but realized I don't get any bonus points for it. So I walked every mile and it was the right choice. After I walked up the big hill I ran the last quarter-mile or so at a faster pace to finish up the 5 miles. Overall I felt good and having consistency in my running game is certainly helping. As the temperatures start ratcheting down I'm hoping to get back to my six-mile runs as the standard. I feel like I'm almost there; I just need the weather to cooperate.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Cooler and Moister

 A little bit rainy yesterday and today, which made it humid this afternoon. It was misty when I walked out the door so I had to step back inside and leave the sunglasses behind. The temperature was down to the high 60s. It was nice enough overall, though, that I was able to run the whole 5 miles (except for the big hill) without walking. My left knee felt a little tender yesterday but today it felt okay. I'm keeping an eye on it, as it were.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Funday

 I was going to wait until later in the day to run, but this morning was really nice and plus I was motivated. So I headed out about 10:30 and ran 6 miles. Even though the temperature was mild I still didn't feel like I could go without walking, and I walked every mile. At mile 4 for some reason I felt like I was laboring and took about a 4-minute walk instead of 90 seconds or so. It helped, and I finished the run in good shape. Lots of people out on this Sunday morning a couple of days before the official start of autumn.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Different Day, Same Run

Nearly identical to Tuesday's run, except that the remnants of a hurricane trailed out of the northeast and blocked the sun for a good portion. Not a bad thing. I also tweaked my left knee running out of the neighborhood and coming off a curb. It was tender on the downhill in front of the school, but once I reached level ground it was okay. For the rest of the 5 miles I didn't notice any more issues.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Not Quite Ready

Back to Texas running, and temperature in the upper 80s. I'm not quite ready to run continuously in this heat and humidity so I walked every mile for about 90-120 seconds. It worked out well, and I went 5 miles, with a short walk before and after. I'm slowly returning to normal and as soon as the weather starts cooling to levels that I experienced last week in Kansas then I can get back to running without breaks. And hopefully getting back to my regular six-milers.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Another Nice One in Kansas

This morning was perfect for running - sunshine, no wind, and temp in the mid-50s. I'm still in Kansas and enjoying the weather. I was going to add an extra mile this morning but I thought it best to stay at 5 miles since once again I ran without breaks. No need to tempt fate. Plus my GPS was about to die. Not that that should be the overriding factor, but it helped me make up my mind. I went three times around the park a block south of my parents' house, and then up the road to the recreation fields for a loop. I kept the pace sustainable, starting slow as my legs tried to wake up and then regular for the rest. This week it's back to Texas where the highs will be in the 80s, if you can believe the weatherman.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Kind of Cool

 This week in Kansas it really didn't get as cold as I thought. Or maybe it just didn't feel that cold since I stayed inside most of the time. Regardless, today was about perfect running weather. Temperature was in the high 50s with a breeze out of the east. It was also the first time I've run 5 miles without breaks since...I don't remember when. Amazing what cooler weather can do. I never felt like I was pushing it even though my pace at times was in the 9:30 range. A really good run on a really cool day.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Before the Cold

 I am in Wamego this week spending time with my parents and family. The temperature is supposed to plummet overnight and rain into Saturday. I thought it would be best to get out and run before the weather turned bad. Plus I was at the lake with my sister and we stayed out way too late...or early, as in 4 a.m. I was not at my best for this run, plus it's 95 degrees. But I wanted to sweat it out a little bit so I ran a couple of miles and then walked the rest for a total of about 3.5 miles. Again, not one of my best but definitely worth the time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Between the Rains

 Lots of rain here in north Texas over the last couple of days, which is not a bad thing. Yesterday was out of the question with heavy rains and lightning, but today it broke in the early afternoon. Plus the temperature was in the low 70s, which helped because the humidity was up. I went 5 miles, starting at my normal point. It was a good, easy run and I walked at all the normal points. It was nice to get out between all the storms.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Back to Humid

 This fine Saturday morning was the start of what has become a very hot day. At 4:19 p.m. it's 105 degrees with a heat index of 114. This morning when I ran it was way better, only 80 degrees but also very humid. I decided to keep it reasonable and did my 5 mile routine. It went pretty well. Lots of people out before the day got steamy. I also went to the pool and relaxed for a while before coming home to mow the lawn. My take is that after all that I'm done sweating for the day.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Pounding the Pavement

 I was actually excited about running today since the temperature was in the low 90s. Humidity was high and it actually was a heat index of 100 when I walked out the door, but it didn't really feel like it. A storm was coming out of the north but stayed to the west of us, and at points it offered a little shade. I did my 5 miles again. This time I picked up the pace the last 200 yards or so of my next-to-last interval. Felt pretty good. For as humid as it was supposed to be it was a good run.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 Saturday was a running blip since my favorite pub opened back up after being closed basically since March and I spent the day there instead of running. I mean, I could have run. Being lazy seemed like a better course.

Today I got back out and did my 5 miles. My right knee has been barking again, but not too badly. I was wondering if running downhills again like I've been doing recently is causing the issue. So I walked until I got to level ground before starting up. As of now it feels good, but we'll see about tomorrow. I'm doing my best to avoid issues again. Shutting down for the winter is not going to keep working for me.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


 Just like Tuesday, it sure makes a difference when the humidity is low. Today was 92 degrees with a heat index of 92. It felt great, way better than 99 with a heat index of 108. I ran my 5 miles, except this time I started my GPS at the place I've always started it when I ran. That means I walked about .15 miles before starting the clock, so I actually ran a little over 4 of those miles. I think. Regardless, it was a good run.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Spider Bite

 Last Wednesday I hung out late on the back patio, standing in the grass, sitting at the table, and somewhere along the way a spider bit me. Not sure when or where, but when I woke up the next morning I had a red spot and bite mark at the base of my right big toe. And it bit the hell out of me. The swelling in my foot on Thursday was way too much to put on a shoe, and it stayed that way pretty much until Sunday. I monitored it closely, wondering a couple of times if I would end up at urgent care, but the redness never got too bad. The worst part was the itching.

Today I felt just fine and went out for a lovely 5-miler. Temperatures were in the 100s every day last week, but a big storm blew through Sunday night and knocked down the heat. Today it was 95 degrees when I went out, and the heat index was...95. That hasn't happened much, if at all, recently. And it actually felt that way with low humidity for a change. I was glad to get out after missing a couple of runs. And of course now I'm watching out for spiders.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

There Goes Another Fiver

 99 degrees at 5:30 p.m. when I went outside, with a heat index of 108. Fortunately there was shade, and even a few clouds at opportune times. Today's run was much better than a few days ago. Out of the 5 miles today I probably ran 80% or close to it. I also tried to run slower, especially mid-run. It worked out okay. The streams were very low due to lack of rain lately, and some of the feeder branches were completely dry. No sign of rain in the forecast, just a lot more heat. It is definitely the dog days of summer.

Monday, August 10, 2020


 Saturday morning was my favorite: humid. As usual that did not go well. Although it also could have been the three previous nights of beer and scotch, but let's just say it was the humidity. I started out well, also as usual. I think part of the reason the first half was good was because I was running into the breeze, which helped quite a bit. After the turn I had the wind at my back and that didn't help nearly as much. I took more frequent walk breaks until the final mile, when I walked all but about a third of a mile. Overall I went 6 miles but it was rarely pretty.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Nice Evening

Work kept me at the computer until after 5:30 p.m., at which time the temp was 92 degrees and the humidity low. I barely even sweated even though I ran most of the first mile. Overall I went 5 miles and ran probably 80% of it. It was a really nice evening, especially for early August in Texas.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Walk Then Run

Yesterday morning (Saturday) I started out with a walk with The Wife. It was a lovely cloudless start to the day. We walked a bit over 2 miles, and then I went back out for a 4-miler on my own. I thought about going farther but ended up running more than my usual, at least lately, and probably ran about as much of that as I have been on my five-mile outings. Felt good overall, and by the time I was finished I'd been outside for probably ninety minutes. Cloud rolled in later in the day but it was a nice beginning to the weekend.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Crank the Heat

I waited until 5:30 this afternoon before going out the door, by which time it was only 99 degrees. With a heat index of 107. The reason for waiting was that there was more shade, and that was the key. Actually it didn't feel that bad since there was a stiff breeze out of the south that didn't feel like a blast furnace. I did my 5 miles with the usual walking. The only concession to the heat was right before the last interval when I walked about a tenth of a mile extra to run into the wind. Other than that it actually was a pretty good outing.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


On today's regular 5-miler I thought about trimming off a mile due to the humidity. Plus that run on Saturday kicked my butt. The first mile today was a little tough since it rained about midday and was still cloudy and a little wet. Fortunately I felt better after the warm-up and went the whole distance. It would have been nice if there was more of a breeze but today felt kind of still. At the end I felt good and even tried to add a little speed toward the end of the last interval. That part was marginal at best.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Humidity and Mosquitos

The humidity here in Wisconsin really kicked my butt this morning. Temperature was in the mid-70s but humidity had to be over 80%. Maybe. I don't know, I'm just making up a number. Actually I just looked and right now, about 45 minutes after the run, it's 75%. Which means I'm not off from the actual number that much.

Anyway, I went 5.6 miles total. I'd planned to go 6, but I forgot that the further south you go on the trail the more flies and mosquitos there are. I started getting swarmed and decided I'd rather turn around then spend all my energy flailing at flying critters. Overall I went a longer distance than on Thursday but probably walked more and ran less. The humidity really got me on the way back so I walked about two-thirds of the last mile, with some other walk breaks before that. It was very scenic but I was very soaked by the time I got back to the hotel.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Menomonie Run

Missed my run on Tuesday due to it being a travel day. Today was nice, 75 degrees, but plenty humid in the lovely state of Wisconsin. I went a total of 5 miles along a nice trail. I'd run part of it before, but only about the half-mile before I turned around. Overall I probably ran about 4.75 miles of that, which is a first for that total distance in oh, I guess a really long time. It felt fine, including a nice long incline on the way back. River, trees, the sounds of nature...no complaints here.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Nice Six

Yesterday morning was nice out, in the low 80s with scattered clouds and a breeze. I went 6 miles, doing the walk/run routine. I saw lots of cyclists out on the streets and a few on the paths, but not as many people walking or running as I expected at that time of day. The humidity wasn't too bad and overall it was a nice outing. Of course it got a lot hotter later in the day, but hey, I love Texas in the summer.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Today's weather was similar to Tuesday, and so was the distance of 5 miles. The difference was that I walked a couple of different portions because there were people around and I didn't want to appear like a stalker when I made the turn at the halfway point. That required me to walk a different stretch and then run up the hill onto Hardin. Which was actually okay and felt fine. I do have to say there aren't many runners out around dinner time when the temp is still in the upper 90s. But that's okay, I'm still feeling good.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Even though today was in the way upper 90s after a couple of days over 100 degrees, it was still a better run than Sunday morning. First, the humidity was not as high. Second, there was a nice breeze out of the south. And finally, Daughter #3 went with me for the first mile walk/run, and that was nice. It was good to have an exercise partner for the first 15 minutes or so. After she turned back I did the rest of my usual 5-mile route. I'll probably keep on this routine for the foreseeable future, mainly because of the heat. Once it gets to the point of cooling down, maybe by October, I can get back to my regular distances with less running. The other thing to consider is that this heat forces me to walk regularly and not overdo it, which aids my recovery from injuries whether I want it to or not.

Saturday, July 11, 2020


Lots of moisture in the air this morning. I went the 5-mile route again and had a couple of small extra walks. Temperature was only in the low to mid-80s but once again humidity was off the chart. It was still a pretty good run. And it was nice to be done early in the day so I could have a good breakfast and relax on the back patio with my coffee.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

A Little Hot

Today I went my 5 miles again, same routine. Not many others out today, though. Maybe because it was 96 degrees with a heat index of 108. I did pretty well, about the same as Tuesday. There was a good stiff breeze out of the south which definitely helped. I enjoyed every bit of shade along the route, but other than that it was a normal day in July in Texas.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


The temperature was deceptively low today, about 90 degrees, which should have felt cooler. And I suppose it did, but I got mugged by the humidity. It rained yesterday and a little this morning. That means a lot of evaporation going on once the sun was out. I did my 5 miles and walked the normal spots. I was thinking when I started out how nice it was that I'm now running without pain. Let's keep it that way.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Run

This morning was pretty nice, temperature in the low 80s. I got out by about 9:45 into sunlight and humidity. My goal was to go 6 miles overall, and I did. Probably a little over two-thirds of that was running. It's been awhile since I made it to the lacrosse fields in the park. Lots of people out today, enjoying the weather. I was pretty wiped out by the time I made it back but it sure did feel good to get back to what I used to run three times a week or more.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Today was definitely more humid than even three days ago. Even so, the temperature wasn't horrible, in the low 90s. I went the 5-mile route and did pretty well until the last interval. That one I stopped about .2 miles early, mainly because it was against a strong wind out of the south. And I was done. Overall, though, I'm happy with the lack of knee pain and other issues that have plagued me over the past couple of years. If I can keep adding more miles then I can do that half in November.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

In the Soup

Drove home from NM yesterday and this morning it was only in the 80s but soupy on the humidity scale. I did my 5-mile walk/run, of which a little less than four is running. My pinky toe is feeling better and didn't really impact my outing. It's nice to be home and actually get a good night's sleep. Plenty of people were out on this Saturday morning. I was thinking it's nowhere near as crowded as someplace like Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, which is good, but it's also good to see lots of people out and about.

High Altitude

I smashed my left pinky toe last Friday night when I was moving the smoker further under the patio roof when a rain storm popped up. I thought about running Saturday but determined that was not a good idea. Sunday didn't work either with rain. Which means it was Tuesday before I ran. That happened to be in New Mexico at a higher altitude, but it was okay because I got to run with my sister and our youngest daughters. We went about 3 miles total, with a little bit of walking in there, too. It was fun and very scenic. Plus low humidity, always a plus.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Steady as She Goes

It was another good 5 miles in low 90s with rampant sunshine and a good breeze out of the south. I'm hoping to add another mile on Saturday if I can get out early enough to avoid the afternoon heat. Also hoping to keep making progress and avoid any of those nagging injuries.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Regular Afternoon

I went 5 miles this afternoon, just like on Saturday. The temperature was in the low 90s and nice and humid. Overall I'm still feeling good. When I walked out the door I realized my right knee has not ached at all today or even late yesterday, not that it was doing much before but I was at least aware of it. After the run it's still feeling good. I'm grateful for that.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 for Saturday

I thought about doing an additional mile yesterday but 5 seemed good enough. Especially since I was running in mid-day and there wasn't a ton of shade. Regardless, the run went well. Plenty of people were out, especially cyclists. It was a nice Texas summer day with a little breeze out of the south. Still feeling good as I get back into running shape.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Little More

Pushed it a little bit today with a 5-miler. Same pattern as last Saturday and temperature was only 90 degrees. Overall I felt it went well, no soreness afterward. If tomorrow goes okay then on Saturday I'd like to try six miles. I miss the standard runs on the weekdays and longer on the weekends. I'll get there.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hotter Yet Cooler

The temp was 97 degrees when I headed out this afternoon for the 4-miler with intervals. It was also quite windy, which drove the humidity down and actually made the run feel cooler - or at least not has hot - as some of the more recent runs. I felt good throughout. The right knee has felt slightly sore over the weekend, about a 1 on a 10 scale, but no issues during the run and none as I cool down and write this.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Once More Into Summer

Yesterday morning I headed out a little after 9 a.m. The sun was out, temperature was in the 80s already, and it was huuuuuuumid. I buckled down and went 5 miles. Overall it went pretty well. By my estimate I probably ran about 3 3/4 of that distance, or close to it. The thermometer got into the mid-90s in the afternoon. By all appearances summer is here in Texas.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Slow Study

I was running today and feeling pretty good - in the upper body, which was somewhat new. And then I thought back over the last 20 months or so. Quiz. What have I dealt with over that timeframe?

  • Abdominal strain
  • Bruised ribs
  • Lower back spasms
  • All of the above

Yes, the last one would be correct. It's been issue after issue.

I've been doing leg exercises recently, and upper body sporadically. The past couple of weeks I've been more consistent with arms and shoulders, etc. And I felt that today. It took being on today's 4-miler to realize it's actually paying off. Maybe that's been part of the problem, causing my legs and hips, especially knees, to adjust, and not in the correct way. I'm hoping this sudden revelation will influence me to exercise all areas, not just the legs. You'd think I would know better by now. Guess I'm a slow study.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Rising Steam

I did my 4-mile interval run again today, with a short walk in the last interval. And with a twist. As I was walking out of the neighborhood I was splattered with big fat raindrops. I walked under the trees on Lake Forest and as I crossed the rain picked up. I walked over to the high school and stood in the doorway for about 7-8 minutes as a storm passed over. It was pretty nice but brief. Then I continued on my way, trying to avoid vehicles splashing the puddles onto the sidewalk.

On my way back from the turnaround point the sun came out. As I ran my third interval the steam rose off the sidewalk on the high bank around the pond. It was actually pretty interesting to see. When I ran through the steam I could certainly feel the humidity, which actually I felt the whole run after the rain. Kind of a unique run, at least so far.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Staying the Course

I got up early - well, 7:30, which is kind of early for a Saturday - to run before the Youngest Daughter's graduation party this afternoon. I kept to 4 miles with the same intervals I did on Thursday. I considered going another half-mile or mile, but decided that this was a chance to hold back a little and keep on the same trajectory toward recovery. The temperature was nice and mild that early in the day and I felt good with the four intervals I ran. Let's build on that over the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Bit More Running

I'm now trying to run a little more every time, and today I took out four walk breaks, meaning I had four intervals instead of eight. By my GPS I ran 3.1 miles total out of 4. Felt pretty good, even with the temperature in the low 80s. A nice breeze was a big help.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Didn't run on Saturday because I walked 3 miles with The Wife and then had activities that mainly involved smoking brisket and ribs for the rest of the day. Today was nice - low 70s and overcast. It comes after a full day of rain on Memorial Day yesterday, and some showers on Sunday as well. I did my 4 miles with intervals, and it felt good. I think it's supposed to stay cool a few more days so I might increase the running this week.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Warm and Sunny

Another nice day for an outing. I once again did the 4-miler with intervals, and I think it went pretty well. A little humid but not horrible. I'm liking this warm weather as always. Looking forward to a long weekend since our company gave us Friday off to go along with the Memorial Day holiday on Monday. Hope the rain stays away so I can get in some more exercise.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

On the Way Up

The temperature was a wonderful 89 degrees today, and it looks like our thermometer is on the way up toward summer. I did my 4 miles with the intervals and it went okay. I felt more conscious of my stride, like it wasn't quite right some of the time. My last two intervals became one when a woman was walking in the same direction right where I would have stopped. That one was probably a good half-mile, the longest distance I've run so far, which is fine. I cross-trained yesterday with weights and ankle weights, and wow did it feel creaky, especially the legs and hips. Which means it was past due.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Post-Vacation Run

Ended up not running last week due to work commitments on Monday and Tuesday and then vacation starting on Wednesday. Yesterday was our first full day back at home. I went out for the now-usual 4-miler to kick start my exercise. It included intervals, sunshine, and lots of wind. My plan is to get back to every other day for walking/running as I build mileage, and cross-training exercises on the other days. Like I used to do. Time to really get back into shape this summer so I can do a half in the fall with my sister and nieces. No excuses!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday's All Right for Running

Beautiful day with sun and moderate temperatures. I continued my pattern of running/walking and went 5 miles today. I figure about 3 of those miles were running. During and after I felt good, and still do seven hours later. Saw plenty of people out on the trail. Glad that people are getting out in the midst of all this shelter-in-place stuff.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Missed One

Walked Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, but missed my walk/run on Tuesday because of work. Today I went 4 miles on the usual walk/run route and it went okay. My knees and right hip felt...not strong. I think I need to do some strengthening exercises. The somewhat faster pace seemed to help like it did last week. For whatever reason it works out the kinks quicker, but I also feel like it's not sustainable. I also thought more of my posture. Shoulders back, more upright, use the glutes, etc. If I can do this a little more I think it will pay off.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Today I went 5 miles, just like last week. And just like on Thursday, I ran the intervals at a faster pace. For now that seems to be working. The pace was between 8:00-8:30/mile during those intervals. It was a really nice day, with sunshine and a good breeze out of the south. Storms threatened earlier in the morning but nothing came of them before 11 a.m. when I headed out. And now, later in the day, I'm dealing with all the allergies from the wind.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Minor Setback

My right knee felt mildly tweaked the other day after my walk/run - on a scale of 10 it was about a 1.5 - but felt good on yesterday's walk and for the first couple of intervals on today's outing. At the end of the second one, though, it felt weird again. I walked the next couple of miles with a few short attempts to run some more. And then in the last mile I had a thought. Every time I try to run these days it's the same slow pace. What if I ran faster? It's a different sort of stride, although it probably shouldn't be. So I ran two intervals at an accelerated pace. It seemed to work fine. No pain, but as usual the proof will be how it feels later tonight and tomorrow. Overall I went 4 miles and enjoyed the nice 80 degree weather.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tougher Day

This was one of those mildly sluggish days, enhanced by the strong winds. I did the 4-mile route and ran the parts I've done over the last week+. For some reason it was a little tougher but I persevered. I think part of it was the humidity and temperature in the upper 80s. Or maybe that was most of it. Whatever the case, I'm still making progress. And for that I'm thankful.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Missed Logging These

As of today I have three outings that I didn't log yet. Let's get to it.

On Saturday I went for a walk/run. This time I went 5 miles, extending my previous session by a mile. It was a nice day for it. I probably ran a little over 3 miles of that, and afterward felt pretty good. I felt like it was a good milestone.

Yesterday (Sunday) I figured I should get out and walk, so I went 3 miles. Again, a nice day with lots of sunshine.

Today I did 3 miles again, same route, and a lot more wind. At least the sun was shining and the big thunderheads scooted by to the south.

I'm thinking another week of walk/run and then I can start working on continuous running for short distances. It's going to be awhile still before I get back up to six-milers on a regular basis.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

More Progress

Yesterday I walked 3 miles as thunder clouds rolled past with no rain for us. It was a nice warm day and great for walking.

Today the temperature was about 83 degrees and I did the same routine as Tuesday. I ran just a tad more, but if so it ended up being 2.7 miles out of 4. Maybe. Regardless, I'm still feeling like I'm making progress. I felt inflammation in my knees when I got up yesterday morning but I just generally felt like hell anyway, probably from allergies. And getting older. Nevertheless, I still have no pain when I run and that's the goal.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Ran More Than Half

Today I kept track of the segments I ran to see how much of the 4 miles I was actually running. Altogether I ran 2.6 of that in eight different intervals. I wasn't sure if the GPS would work right since it's so windy, but it did better than the last few times and it's good to know how far I actually ran versus walked. I'm building back up slowly, which is according to plan.

Monday, April 20, 2020

A Good Walk Unspoiled

This weekend I did not get out for a walk or a run due to storms in the area and laziness, but mainly laziness. However, today was much nicer and after I finished working I went for a brisk 3-mile walk. The sun was out and temperature was in the mid-70s. Then when I got home The Wife wanted to walk, so we went out and I got in 2 more miles for a total of 5. That's exactly what I needed after all the rain and storms this weekend. And oh yeah, the laziness.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

More Running

Yesterday I walked 3 miles, and today I did the walk/run thing again for 4 miles. I ran more in this outing than last time. It seems to be alternating every other day on whether my knees feel up to running or not since yesterday I tried and they were not feeling it. Tomorrow I will probably do neither and then see how it goes on Saturday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A Walk, A Run/Walk

Yesterday I walked 3 miles. At one point, about a half-mile in, I tried to run but felt my right knee popping, so I quickly resumed walking and did so the rest of the way. It didn't hurt but I could also tell it didn't feel quite right.

Today was better, although a little bit cooler in the low 50s. I followed the same pattern as on Sunday, extending the run portions a little more. I think today I probably ran about 1.5 miles, and it felt fine. No knee problems. Once again, the true test will be tomorrow when I go out for another walk.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Good News

The real good news is that today is Easter. Hard to top that for a world-changing event. In day-to-day life I've still been walking regularly. Yesterday I was on a 4-miler and in the last mile I ran a couple of times for about 60-90 seconds. No pain. That was good news for sure.

Today I went 4 miles again, but this time I ran a couple of times every mile for about two minutes. Nothing real prescribed other than just running to a tree or a crack in the sidewalk or the end of the bridge, etc. Overall I probably ran 1 1/4-1/2 miles, but I'm not worried about the distance. I just wanted to test out my knees over a greater distance with low stress, and I'm pleased that it's working out. This week I'll probably keep doing the same thing and ramping up slowly over the next few weeks to running normally. Here's hoping...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Still Walking

Was supposed to be in St. Louis today for the home opener, but the pandemic has put a stop to that, both from a baseball standpoint as well as travel. In the meantime, I've been walking almost every day. Last week I walked 20 miles, and so far this week I've done 15 and it's only Thursday. However, rain is supposed to move in tonight. Guess I'll be trying to dodge raindrops if I'm going to get any walks in. My knee is feeling much better. Tonight I had to run across one of the main streets on my way back and didn't feel any pain. That's a good sign. Hoping I can get back to real running soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Let's Walk Four

The right knee has been sore for the last week. I decided it was best to let it rest. This morning was the first time it hasn't been been noticeably painful. Even though we're under coronavirus lockdown around the world it doesn't mean I can't go outside. Plus it was cloudy and a little breezy. I still went 4 miles and the knee felt good all the way. Strangely enough, my left knee is barking a little, but that's probably because of compensating the last few weeks for the other one. I'm hopeful that maybe by end of the week I can test it out on a run.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bracing the Knee

It wasn't exactly a knee brace, but I did get a compression sleeve for my right knee and wore it on today's walk. I feel like it helped during the 3 mile outing. When I walked on Tuesday I had to turn around earlier than planned because of pain. Today I went the whole way with just the dull ache. Of course, I'm not sure if that's the two days of rest or the sleeve. Either way I was glad to get out and walk for almost 50 minutes.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Walk, Don't Run

Spent the last five days in New Mexico (didn't run but ate a lot of good food) and today was my first day to exercise. I tweaked my right knee on my last jump off a dune at White Sands on Saturday. Yesterday it stiffened up on the 11-hour car ride home. So today I thought I would give it a try but quickly determined it would be a walk and not a run. I managed a little over 2 miles. It felt bad a couple of times, which is why I turned around before getting to a mile away. The last mile or so felt okay. Until it feels better it seems I need to walk before I run.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Strong but Slow

I felt good today, kind of strong, but it was funny because my pace numbers were around the 10-minute mark. I guess feeling doesn't always translate into performance. That's okay, though. I wore my old shoes on Sunday's run, and then the newer ones today. I was trying to make sure I was striding correctly and staying sensitive to how my knees felt. Not sure yet that the feeling is good, and if that's the case then I'm going to ditch this pair of shoes. I stayed at 4 miles today, and that seemed to be the right distance as I come back from a couple of weeks off.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Back from Pain

The past several weeks were a bust. After my last run in mid-February my right knee has been sore. I kept thinking about running but waited it out. Got back this afternoon from my brother's memorial service in Georgia and immediately went out for a 4-miler. Honestly the pain was probably also from bad eating and drinking habits. Now that I'm back it's time to get back to being healthy and getting in the exercise. My sis-in-law and I were taking a picture with my sisters last night and both of us realized our guts didn't look good so we retook it. Even with sucking in my stomach I can see the marginal weight gain of the last couple of months. Today was the first step in that direction.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

7 Again

Yesterday morning was cool and a little breezy, but at least the sun was out. When I ran at about 8:30 the temperature was about 40 degrees. It got warmer later in the day, but I went to Ft. Worth for a basketball game with some friends. I went 7 miles again and overall did pretty well, although my right knee felt a little "puffy." It feels okay today but it did cause me to walk for about 45 seconds when I was near mile six. A couple of days off before the next run will help.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Worst Day Ever

It rained for about four days straight and I didn't even try to run on Tuesday. And then came the day I'd been dreading. The day my little brother died. He fought stomach cancer for six months and early yesterday it won. I won't go into all my thoughts and memories here, but in summary, it's been tough.

I had a bad night on Wednesday, clearly, and went down for a nap early afternoon on Thursday. When I woke up the sun was shining, surprisingly, and even though it was cold I went out for a 6-mile run. There was no catharsis, clarity, closure, or anything close to that. It was just a few moments to get out and burn off some energy. That was enough.

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Today it was in the upper 50s when I ran before lunch and breezy from the southwest-ish. I went 7 miles and felt good all the way, including up the big hill. Plenty of people were out but not as many as I would have thought, especially around the lake by the dog park. Nevertheless it was nice and I feel good, including the knees. I think it was the weighted blanket that caused the issues over the past couple of months. I wore my newer shoes all three runs this week and with no knee soreness I think I can eliminate them as the problem.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

This Is How I Roll Now

Yes, it was another cold and breezy day. True to my word I went out for a 6-miler and remembered why it's not necessarily a bad thing to run in the cold. As before I was trying to find patches of sunlight to get that incremental bit of warmth, but it was late in the day and those patches disappeared into shadow. By the time I got home the sun was almost down. The hot shower felt pretty darn good.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Back to the Cold

Again, it's all relative when it comes to cold. But 45 degrees and a blustery north wind certainly does qualify here in Texas. I decided to wear my newer shoes again since I've come up with a theory on why my knees have been sore the past few weeks/months - I think maybe it's the weighted blanket we use during winter. For some reason I've noticed that soreness more when I get up in the morning and at times during the evening, so the past few nights I've been sleeping under regular covers. We'll see if my theory is true or not.

Anyway, I went 5 miles in the cold today and it was a pretty good run. Just like I said last week, I'm not going to let bad weather keep me from running.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

This is the Type of Day I Expect in Texas

Today was so nice and sunny - 75 degrees. Yesterday would have been nice to run as well with a temperature about 10 degrees lower, but I was focused on smoking a brisket all day. The wait paid off and it was beautiful out there. This is typical Texas weather in February. I went 6 miles and enjoyed it all. I'm not foolish enough to believe that Spring is here to stay but I'll enjoy it whenever it shows its face.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Out for More

Followed up yesterday's outing with a 5-miler today. The temperature was 45 degrees but the breeze was a little lighter. I felt like my legs were a heavy about 1.5 miles in but was determined to tough it out. So I did, and the only concession was walking a mile up the big hill. Other than that I'm holding strong (two days' worth!) to my commitment. Actually, running in the cold is fine if you're dressed correctly. Especially after last winter when I couldn't run at all. It's nice to get some mileage in before the heat and humidity return. And they will.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Becoming a Wuss

The weather has been pretty cool, and for Texas, cold. However, I feel like I'm becoming a wuss. I finally got out and ran today, but it was far from optimal. The temperature was 44 degrees with a wind chill of 36. What I find sad is that when I lived in Kansas City there are many days, weeks, and even months where I would have killed for a day like this. It would have felt balmy. So enough blaming the weather. Time to get out and keep running. I went 4 miles today and even though the GPS messed up a little bit I know my markers. Hoping to run tomorrow as well to get back into the routine.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Running With a Nephew

Was in Georgia this week to see my brother, and on Monday I ran with my nephew. He's been doing cross country but hadn't run in a month. My dad had mapped out a course on their property, which is probably five acres or so. They said the route was a half-mile, but on my GPS it came out at .37 the first two times, .40 the third, and .39 the last. My nephew took off fast and later told me his motivation was to stay in front of me. Overall we ran a little over 1.5 miles, with a break after the first two laps. It was a cool day and I probably should have worn my mittens as it grew close to sundown. That was the only day we ran since he didn't want to on Tuesday. Something about being tired from the day before...

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Sun and Breeze

There was a nice stiff breeze from the north today but at least the sun was shining. I ran my usual route and went 6 miles. It was a nice outing, and surprisingly not as many people out as I would have guessed. My pace was in the mid 9's, which is not bad for as inconsistent as my running has been lately.

Tuesday Outing

I went 5 miles on Tuesday and forgot to add an entry for it. I thought about going my usual distance but decided I'm still on the path to recovery. On Thursday it was raining and cold, so I skipped a day.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Missing the Snow

Yes, it actually snowed in Texas yesterday. Not enough to really matter other then inspiring a bunch of silly Facebook posts. However, it was still cold and windy throughout the day, and so I decided to wait until today for a run. I still exercised, though, doing strength and flexibility. Today was sunny and in the 50s with a breeze out of the southwest. I went 6 miles and felt good throughout. I did get passed twice in the first quarter of my run, but that doesn't bug me when I'm just trying to get out and do some recovery.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Better Than It Looks

The day was cloudy and looked breezy and cool, but in reality it was way better than that. The temperature was in the mid-60s and the wind wasn't that bad. Plus it was mildly humid - not summertime humid, but a little damp for this time of year. Probably because some scattered showers came through earlier. My right knee was a little sore yesterday, but I still did the strength and flexibility exercise. It felt fine today and so I went out and did a 5-miler. Overall it felt good, and as of this evening it's still okay. Plus I had Torchy's Tacos for dinner, and that doesn't suck.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Another Four

Hit the strength and core exercises pretty good yesterday, and even went for a walk with The Wife. It was nice outside, and today was even better. I blazed out at 4:20 (see what I did there) and ran 4 miles. Good sunshine, light breeze, and feeling up to it. Once again I wore my old shoes, and once again we'll see how everything feels tomorrow. So far, so good.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

O.R.T. (Old Running Trick)

My knees have had that little bit of soreness that runners get. Over the last week I've tried some exercises for enhancing flexibility as well as muscle strength. I finally realized on Thursday night that I was missing an Old Running Trick that I've used before.

Pretty much anytime I've had knee issues it's because of shoes. My last couple of pairs from Asics have not been as consistent with what I've worn in the past. The previous pair has been too tight around the mid and fore foot, even with loosening several times, and the pair before that caused me some problems as well (too lazy to go back and look at older posts) So I used the O.R.T. and laced up this morning in an older pair. Muuuuch older. They've been my walking shoes whenever I need comfortable tennis shoes, and are probably 2-3 years old. The left one has a hole in the mesh just this side of the toes. My experience in the past has been that old shoes get me back into my natural gait. Today I went 3 miles and my knees felt just fine. The test will be in how they feel tomorrow.

2019 in Review:
In a word: inconsistent. Too many injuries kept me from races. Abdominal strain left over from 2018 to start the year, bruised ribs in April, bad back late in the year, and finally knee soreness to close out the calendar. I'm hoping to be smarter and avoid doing things where I could hurt myself this year (like riding a scooter on a wet street), and that needs to include strength and flexibility exercises beyond running. As I get older those are areas to focus on that I hope will lead to a better 2020 and beyond.