Saturday, May 30, 2020

Staying the Course

I got up early - well, 7:30, which is kind of early for a Saturday - to run before the Youngest Daughter's graduation party this afternoon. I kept to 4 miles with the same intervals I did on Thursday. I considered going another half-mile or mile, but decided that this was a chance to hold back a little and keep on the same trajectory toward recovery. The temperature was nice and mild that early in the day and I felt good with the four intervals I ran. Let's build on that over the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Bit More Running

I'm now trying to run a little more every time, and today I took out four walk breaks, meaning I had four intervals instead of eight. By my GPS I ran 3.1 miles total out of 4. Felt pretty good, even with the temperature in the low 80s. A nice breeze was a big help.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Didn't run on Saturday because I walked 3 miles with The Wife and then had activities that mainly involved smoking brisket and ribs for the rest of the day. Today was nice - low 70s and overcast. It comes after a full day of rain on Memorial Day yesterday, and some showers on Sunday as well. I did my 4 miles with intervals, and it felt good. I think it's supposed to stay cool a few more days so I might increase the running this week.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Warm and Sunny

Another nice day for an outing. I once again did the 4-miler with intervals, and I think it went pretty well. A little humid but not horrible. I'm liking this warm weather as always. Looking forward to a long weekend since our company gave us Friday off to go along with the Memorial Day holiday on Monday. Hope the rain stays away so I can get in some more exercise.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

On the Way Up

The temperature was a wonderful 89 degrees today, and it looks like our thermometer is on the way up toward summer. I did my 4 miles with the intervals and it went okay. I felt more conscious of my stride, like it wasn't quite right some of the time. My last two intervals became one when a woman was walking in the same direction right where I would have stopped. That one was probably a good half-mile, the longest distance I've run so far, which is fine. I cross-trained yesterday with weights and ankle weights, and wow did it feel creaky, especially the legs and hips. Which means it was past due.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Post-Vacation Run

Ended up not running last week due to work commitments on Monday and Tuesday and then vacation starting on Wednesday. Yesterday was our first full day back at home. I went out for the now-usual 4-miler to kick start my exercise. It included intervals, sunshine, and lots of wind. My plan is to get back to every other day for walking/running as I build mileage, and cross-training exercises on the other days. Like I used to do. Time to really get back into shape this summer so I can do a half in the fall with my sister and nieces. No excuses!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Saturday's All Right for Running

Beautiful day with sun and moderate temperatures. I continued my pattern of running/walking and went 5 miles today. I figure about 3 of those miles were running. During and after I felt good, and still do seven hours later. Saw plenty of people out on the trail. Glad that people are getting out in the midst of all this shelter-in-place stuff.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Missed One

Walked Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday, but missed my walk/run on Tuesday because of work. Today I went 4 miles on the usual walk/run route and it went okay. My knees and right hip felt...not strong. I think I need to do some strengthening exercises. The somewhat faster pace seemed to help like it did last week. For whatever reason it works out the kinks quicker, but I also feel like it's not sustainable. I also thought more of my posture. Shoulders back, more upright, use the glutes, etc. If I can do this a little more I think it will pay off.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


Today I went 5 miles, just like last week. And just like on Thursday, I ran the intervals at a faster pace. For now that seems to be working. The pace was between 8:00-8:30/mile during those intervals. It was a really nice day, with sunshine and a good breeze out of the south. Storms threatened earlier in the morning but nothing came of them before 11 a.m. when I headed out. And now, later in the day, I'm dealing with all the allergies from the wind.