Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Today was definitely more humid than even three days ago. Even so, the temperature wasn't horrible, in the low 90s. I went the 5-mile route and did pretty well until the last interval. That one I stopped about .2 miles early, mainly because it was against a strong wind out of the south. And I was done. Overall, though, I'm happy with the lack of knee pain and other issues that have plagued me over the past couple of years. If I can keep adding more miles then I can do that half in November.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

In the Soup

Drove home from NM yesterday and this morning it was only in the 80s but soupy on the humidity scale. I did my 5-mile walk/run, of which a little less than four is running. My pinky toe is feeling better and didn't really impact my outing. It's nice to be home and actually get a good night's sleep. Plenty of people were out on this Saturday morning. I was thinking it's nowhere near as crowded as someplace like Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, which is good, but it's also good to see lots of people out and about.

High Altitude

I smashed my left pinky toe last Friday night when I was moving the smoker further under the patio roof when a rain storm popped up. I thought about running Saturday but determined that was not a good idea. Sunday didn't work either with rain. Which means it was Tuesday before I ran. That happened to be in New Mexico at a higher altitude, but it was okay because I got to run with my sister and our youngest daughters. We went about 3 miles total, with a little bit of walking in there, too. It was fun and very scenic. Plus low humidity, always a plus.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Steady as She Goes

It was another good 5 miles in low 90s with rampant sunshine and a good breeze out of the south. I'm hoping to add another mile on Saturday if I can get out early enough to avoid the afternoon heat. Also hoping to keep making progress and avoid any of those nagging injuries.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Regular Afternoon

I went 5 miles this afternoon, just like on Saturday. The temperature was in the low 90s and nice and humid. Overall I'm still feeling good. When I walked out the door I realized my right knee has not ached at all today or even late yesterday, not that it was doing much before but I was at least aware of it. After the run it's still feeling good. I'm grateful for that.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

5 for Saturday

I thought about doing an additional mile yesterday but 5 seemed good enough. Especially since I was running in mid-day and there wasn't a ton of shade. Regardless, the run went well. Plenty of people were out, especially cyclists. It was a nice Texas summer day with a little breeze out of the south. Still feeling good as I get back into running shape.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Little More

Pushed it a little bit today with a 5-miler. Same pattern as last Saturday and temperature was only 90 degrees. Overall I felt it went well, no soreness afterward. If tomorrow goes okay then on Saturday I'd like to try six miles. I miss the standard runs on the weekdays and longer on the weekends. I'll get there.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Hotter Yet Cooler

The temp was 97 degrees when I headed out this afternoon for the 4-miler with intervals. It was also quite windy, which drove the humidity down and actually made the run feel cooler - or at least not has hot - as some of the more recent runs. I felt good throughout. The right knee has felt slightly sore over the weekend, about a 1 on a 10 scale, but no issues during the run and none as I cool down and write this.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Once More Into Summer

Yesterday morning I headed out a little after 9 a.m. The sun was out, temperature was in the 80s already, and it was huuuuuuumid. I buckled down and went 5 miles. Overall it went pretty well. By my estimate I probably ran about 3 3/4 of that distance, or close to it. The thermometer got into the mid-90s in the afternoon. By all appearances summer is here in Texas.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Slow Study

I was running today and feeling pretty good - in the upper body, which was somewhat new. And then I thought back over the last 20 months or so. Quiz. What have I dealt with over that timeframe?

  • Abdominal strain
  • Bruised ribs
  • Lower back spasms
  • All of the above

Yes, the last one would be correct. It's been issue after issue.

I've been doing leg exercises recently, and upper body sporadically. The past couple of weeks I've been more consistent with arms and shoulders, etc. And I felt that today. It took being on today's 4-miler to realize it's actually paying off. Maybe that's been part of the problem, causing my legs and hips, especially knees, to adjust, and not in the correct way. I'm hoping this sudden revelation will influence me to exercise all areas, not just the legs. You'd think I would know better by now. Guess I'm a slow study.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Rising Steam

I did my 4-mile interval run again today, with a short walk in the last interval. And with a twist. As I was walking out of the neighborhood I was splattered with big fat raindrops. I walked under the trees on Lake Forest and as I crossed the rain picked up. I walked over to the high school and stood in the doorway for about 7-8 minutes as a storm passed over. It was pretty nice but brief. Then I continued on my way, trying to avoid vehicles splashing the puddles onto the sidewalk.

On my way back from the turnaround point the sun came out. As I ran my third interval the steam rose off the sidewalk on the high bank around the pond. It was actually pretty interesting to see. When I ran through the steam I could certainly feel the humidity, which actually I felt the whole run after the rain. Kind of a unique run, at least so far.