Saturday, July 30, 2022

Non-Lazy Saturday

Started the morning off walking with The Wife, and then when she went to the pool I continued on my merry way. The walking part consisted of probably a couple of miles, and then I went a couple more, mostly running. I figure I put in 4 miles today, mostly running the latter half. Then I came home and mowed, did some clean-up around the house, and finally decided to chill a little bit. The temperature was supposed to be in the mid-90s today, but right now it's actually 103 with heat index of 114. That means it's humid, and when I sat on the back patio to smoke a cigar I could definitely the humidity. We had about five minutes of rain yesterday, and when I say rain I'm being generous. It sprinkled, barely, but it's the first moisture we've had in probably a couple fo months. It wasn't much, but apparently enough to bring out the humidity. No complaints here, though. I sweated a lot for the first half of the day. All good.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Walking Week

We're still in the 100s every day, which I love. However, this week is a little different since a couple of late afternoons are blocked for other things. So Monday and today (Wednesday) I went for a walk. Monday was the just-over-a-mile route, and then today I added on the north side of the neighborhood to get close to 3 miles. I ate too many snacks yesterday, so I need to get that under control. The century mark on the thermometer is slated to continue for several more weeks. I'll run when I can but also make sure I'm getting out and sweating as much as possible. Like this week.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Getting My Butt Out There

This morning I took a different approach from last Saturday. I slept in a little but then got my butt out the door to run before anything else messed with my schedule. Plus, it was a little cooler, only about 80 degrees at run time. I went 4 miles and ran 75% of it, walk breaks throughout of course. Lots of people out getting in some exercise before it gets up to 100 again today. After breakfast and coffee I mowed the lawn, so all that's out of the way, too.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

There Was Actual Running Involved in This Run

What a difference 10 or 11 degrees makes. When I walked yesterday it was 108 degrees. Today it was "only" 97. So I ran part of the 2.8 miles, actually half of it. Not all at once, of course, but it was actually okay. Most of what I ran was in the sun, but I guess that helped me get back to the shade quicker. I did see one other person out walking, but he was going really slow. All in all a good, sweaty outing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


There was no running today. Walking yesterday, a little over 2 miles, and almost 3 miles today. Work went long and I didn't get out until 5:30 p.m. At that point the temperature was 108 degrees with heat index of 113. Strangely enough, I didn't see a single soul out walking, running, or cycling. It seems I was the only one crazy enough to be out there, but to be honest, it really didn't seem that bad. A nice breeze came out of the south. I wouldn't say it was cooling, but at that temperature any air movement is better than none.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Midday Walk/Run

I was going to get out earlier, like 10 a.m., but ended up going around noon since Honorable Daughter #3 showed up. It was in the 90s so I walked about a half-mile, ran a half-mile, and so on. I went 2.5 miles total and ran about a mile of it. It went well and that seems to be a good choice. I missed running on Thursday since I was in Austin and drove back yesterday. We're in the middle of a stretch of 100-degree days, with a mild break of a degree or two once in a while. I love Texas summer!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Totally Walking

I walked yesterday, a little over 2 miles, and then today went almost 3 miles in the other direction. I seriously thought about running today, but decided to just keep up a good pace and sweat. Interesting tidbit, though: it was over 100 degrees today plus another 5-6 degrees for heat index, and I didn't really start perspiring until a half-mile into the walk. Even in direct sunlight. I suppose that's called being acclimated to a certain degree. See what I did there?

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Mostly a Walk

It was 94 degrees at 10 this morning, and my intent was to walk instead of run. I did go 3 miles but threw in about a half-mile run in the last mile. That was because a guy was walking slower than me on the way back so I decided to just run a little bit to pass him. It actually worked out nicely since I was warmed up. The breeze was almost non-existent, another reason I'd decided to walk. My main goal today was to sweat. Mission accomplished.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Baby It's Hot Outside

Meanwhile here in Texas, the temperature made it up to 101 degrees with a 106 heat index. I don't know, it might be a little hotter than that. I went 2.5 miles today, but ran only the first and walked the other 1.5. It seemed like the right thing to do. I should have gone for a walk yesterday but it was a holiday and I was smoking a brisket. I did sit outside pretty much all day and did plenty of sweating, so that has to count for something. We'll see how the rest of the week goes since I have something every evening. Not a fan of that but sometimes it happens.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

What a Week

Work was crazy busy this week, and particularly Thursday. By the time I made it to the end of the work day I was spent, and for the first time in three weeks I missed an outing. I got back to it this morning, where it was 86 degrees by 9:30 a.m. and plenty humid as well. I went 3 miles and even now, an hour later as I write this on the back patio, I'm still sweating. At least it's a long holiday weekend and I can relax a little bit.