Saturday, December 30, 2023

Last One?

Was today the last run of 2023? If so, it wasn't great. I ran a mile and walked another for a total of 2 miles. Just wasn't feeling it, I guess. It was a nice enough day, a little on the cool side with a breeze, but at least the sun was shining.

Which brings up the year in review: how did it go? Okay, I guess. I really do need a goal for next year, like a 10k or a half. The only race I ran this year was the turkey trot, which was fun but not really a stretch goal. All said, though, I'm still glad to be running. It's a good time of relaxation and keeps me reasonably fit. If I can avoid injury and laziness in 2024 that'll be a good thing.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Crispy Run

This morning it was crisp - very cool temperature, breezy, but at least the sun was out. I bundled up for my 4-mile run. Strangely enough, there weren't a lot of people out the day after Christmas. The run itself was good and I'm glad to be on the increase again with mileage. Hoping I can keep that up in the new year. And glad I didn't let the coldness keep my inside.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Misty Run

This morning was supposedly heavy fog, but in reality it was just misty. I needed to get out since I didn't have the chance on Thursday. I ran 4 miles. Overall, I felt good and the effort not too much. I thought about doing a shorter run, but then I figured: why? I wasn't in a hurry and in the holiday season I need the exercise. I spent the afternoon watching a friend work on the brakes on his truck and then coming home and making salsa verde. It's Christmas time!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Walking with The Wife

I had time in my work schedule to walk with The Wife yesterday, so I did. We walked just over 2 miles and it was a bit cool and windy. It was a nice, brisk walk with someone I happen to like a lot. My rib feels almost all the way better. It's weird because it seems to ache when I first wake up but fades as the day goes by. We have rain in the forecast coming up, so we'll see how I can get out between storms.

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Frost on the ground this morning in north Texas and temperature was just above freezing when I went out. The sun was shining and the air was still, which made for a nice setting. I drove to Oklahoma and back yesterday and I felt a little stiff after 7+ hours in the car. This morning I walked briefly, ran 1.85, and then walked the last mile for a total of 3 miles I wasn't in a hurry and that was nice. I think today calls for maximum relaxation.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Odd Run

The mailman delivered a piece of mail the other day that belongs to the same house number, just a street over. So I started my exercise today by walking over and back and then going the regular route. That was a little odd but worked out okay. The good news is I took a few running steps and the pain in my ribs seemed dull. After a few yards it went away and seemed like I could keep going. I really didn't feel it the rest of the way, going 3 miles total and including 1.5 miles of running. I'm back!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Tender Ribs

The ribs are still tender so I walked again today. 2.5 miles or so - I had to make the turn a bit early since some lady was walking three dogs ahead of me and two of them got free when a couple walking toward me passed them by. I decided I didn't want to get in that mess and made an about-face. Very breezy today although the sun was out. I wore long-sleeved shirt and long pants, which turned out to be a good decision. I'd originally thought of wearing shorts but didn't regret going with pants instead.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 About 3-4 weeks ago The Wife injured her ribs, I think by bending over a grocery freezer and popping a lower rib. I told her I'd never heard of that but watched her suffer quite a bit before it healed. Then I did the same thing last Friday leaning into my truck's engine compartment to check the oil. What are the odds?

Thursday it rained. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, I didn't run Saturday. Today I took two jogging steps and decided running wasn't for me. So, I walked 2.5 miles. That went okay but I really wanted to keep up the running progression. It might be next week before running is back in the plan. *sigh*