Thursday, May 30, 2024

St. George Run

In Kansas today and ran a couple of miles in St. George. Walked a mile first with the family, so a total of 3 miles over some hilly ground, along with a little bit of sprinkles and a lot of humidity. I missed running Tuesday because of alleged storms that ended up totally missing us. But I got the grass mowed, which was a good thing. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

11 Days

It's been 11 days since my last run. During that time we had several bouts of rain and I was out of town for work. I could've run a couple of times if I'd really tried, but for some reason I just didn't. Back to it. This morning was humid and overcast and I went 3 miles. I did a different route, just for fun, and that was a nice change. Felt pretty good overall and I'm hoping to get back into the routine.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Run in the Morning

I have work commitments later this afternoon, so I ran earlier in the day than normal. It was a good decision to get out in the morning since the temperature was perfect and the sky clear with a gentle breeze from the north. I only went 3 miles, but it was a good run. Since it's a work day there weren't many people out, which is fine. Fewer dogs to dodge. Actually, the dogs usually behave. It's the humans who think they can take up the whole running path. Anyway, glad I got out when I could.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Fantastic Four

Thursday ended up being full of meetings and it wasn't until today (Saturday) that I got in the third run of the week. Talk about a nice day! Temperature was only about 60 degrees and little to no wind. I went 4 miles and felt good the whole way. Even the humidity wasn't too bad. I took it slow and easy and just enjoyed the day with some nice music to listen to along the way. I'll take days like this in Texas any time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Midday 3

I figured it was going to get close to 90 degrees today and since it was a light day for meetings I went for a midday run. Even so, it was still over 80 and humid. I ran 3 miles total, with a 2-1/2 minute walk at the end of the second mile. It'll take a little time to get used to the heat again and we're on the way. Overall, though, a good outing followed by mowing the lawn. I've definitely got my exercise in for the day.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Back on the Horse

Yesterday I smoked a brisket all day, so today was an outing much like the last one where I only went 2 miles. It was an outing to get back on the horse and prep for the upcoming week, where I hope to get out three times in the next six days. Plus, today was ultra-humid after a big storm last night. The stream running under Lake Forest was full and lots of debris jamming up part of it, including some big logs from trees that fell. Nice outing, though, and it served its purpose. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Run then Walk

Tuesday I got up really early to take The Wife to the airport. By the time work ended, I knew an outing would not go well. Today was better, but humidity was up since it rained yesterday. Plus, my left knee has been aching a little. Not sure why. So I kept it to 2 miles today with a run for the first mile and walking the second. Mainly the walk was to keep my exercise time a little longer. I could've run the second part, but I wanted the extra minutes. And it was humid. Did I mention that?