Saturday, February 24, 2007

Almost 10K

Rainy today, so did 6 miles on the treadmill. I thought about this the other day, but it kind of hit me today when doing the big six. I've been running for about 3 1/2 years now, probably just a couple of months less, but nonetheless in that time I've plateaued at various distances and stayed there for quite a while.

I was stuck at 3 miles for the longest time, and more recently stayed in the 4-5 mile range for a run. Doing six miles today was a big deal, and hopefully it will lead into more long runs. Of course it's going to have to if I expect to do a marathon this year.

Traveling to Baltimore on Monday and back on Tuesday, so I'll miss my Tuesday run. Back to it on Thursday.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Better than the Last

Another nice day, another outdoor run. 5 miles this time, and it felt much better than the last one. Going downhill against the wind and uphill with it certainly helps. We'll see how the weather turns out this weekend. Rain is in the forecast with a possibility of snow, so indoor running might be in store again.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Birthday Run

3 miles on the celebration of year number 40! The thermometer said 52 when I went out this afternoon, which makes this the first time I've run outside in at least a month. I have to say that three miles outside on the hills and with the breeze is like five miles on the treadmill. Wow, that was almost painful, but I'm thankful for the good health to be able to do it.

As my sister remarked, I'm in better shape at 40 than I was at 30. Now I guess the goal is to avoid too much deterioration by the time I'm 50!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Easy Day

This is what I call a low-impact day. 3.3 miles of intervals, this time alternating between running and walking. For some reason I felt my body needed an easier workout, with more thought and concentration on loosening up than on speed or distance.

Plus I'm almost forty, you know? It's good to have an easy workout once in a while.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow and Running

5 miles today at a nine-minute per mile pace, all in about four inches of snow and 20 mph north winds. Of course I was inside running while watching a basketball game and listening to the iPod, but nonetheless not a bad run. This treadmill is already paying for itself by allowing me to run even in the worst of weather. By Thursday morning the temperature is supposed to be below zero with the wind chill. I'm planning on another indoors run, so I say blow wind blow, and I will pay it no mind as more miles roll beneath my feet in the comfort of my nice warm house.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Weight Loss Program

4.57 miles and 595 calories. I tried the weight loss program on the treadmill today since it varies speeds and inclines, and it was quite the workout. I also accidentally yanked the earbuds out with a half mile to go, but fortunately no iPods were injured in the incident. And no circuits were broken during this run, which was a nice change.

Boy am I ready for spring and warm weather to get here.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

A nice run

4.9 miles before the breaker tripped today. Apparently I need to put this thing on a different circuit. Why couldn't it have done it when I was about 3 miles in and hoping it would go off? Not that I wanted to quit or anything...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Arc fault

4 miles, interrupted once again by the treadmill losing power halfway through due to an arc fault in the breaker box. That will get annoying real quick. But at least the new issue of Runner's World came today. Yippee!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Two Days' Worth

I was in New Orleans this week on a business trip and came down with what the locals call the Katrina crud. It was like a head cold, and I actually lost my voice two days. By Thursday I felt better and ran 4 miles in the exercise room at the hotel.

Today the temperature at home was about 12 degrees, so once again I opted for the mechanical run. Another 4 miles today after getting in late last night due to delays. I think they should put exercise machinery on airplanes, or at least at the airport so people wouldn't have to wait for their oft-delayed flight in a state of inactivity. But hey, that would cost the airlines money, and they can't make a profit as it is, so that wonderful idea will probably never happen. Oh well.