Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring in the Midwest

Spring in the Midwest is much like spring in the greater part of the country - lots of allergens and wind. There's a nice layer of yellow pollen on all the vehicles now, and a number of people at work I talked with today are hoping for some rain in the next couple of days to clear the air. I suppose maybe I'm getting too used to the wind since today I didn't really notice it.

I ran 6 miles total, which included 3 mile repeats with 1/4 mile slowdowns. Overall it felt pretty good until I was chicked with about one mile to go. But hey, I was in my cooldown phase, so I don't feel too bad. And it's not like it doesn't happen a lot in the races I've been in.

I tried something new today on my run. Rather than listening to music, I downloaded a couple of podcasts and tried one of them out. This one was called RunRunLive and I enjoyed it. The host was taking an ice bath after running an 18-miler in freezing rain on New Year's Eve. Heh, what a maroon! Sounds like something stupid I would do. The guest (not in the bath room with the host, fortunately) was the co-writer of a book about how exercise affects your body and actually keeps you younger as you age. His claim is that 30% of our aging is determined for us by genetics, but the other 70% is what we can influence by our habits, with the main contributor being the amount of exercise we get. I don't know, I kind of liked being distracted by something different for a change, so I'm thinking I'll try another podcast or two on my long run this Saturday. It's always good to shake things up once in a while.

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