Friday, September 10, 2010

Impeccable Timing

So I get home from work, and it's cloudy outside and has been raining during the afternoon hours. I lie down on the living room floor, doze for about ten minutes, and then get up and dress for a run. At which point the sun comes out, shining quite brightly, and the air becomes more humid than a sauna in the rain forest. I was going to run some Yasso 800s, but went kaput after two of them, and saying I ran two is actually kind of generous. In total I ran a whopping 3.25 miles and probably sweated 3.25 gallons.

To add to the misery, while we were preparing dinner the clouds came back and it cooled down a little bit. So much for hitting the right window.

This weekend the wife and oldest daughter are on the other side of the state to take part in a triathlon. The report I got from them this evening is that the course is much more hilly than was described online. Seems like I've experienced that before. At least they're having fun together, and that's what really counts.

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