Monday, February 28, 2011

No Run Today

But I did run on Saturday and forgot to post it. It was one of those long treadmill runs that I don't really like but end up soldiering through. It helps to run 90 minutes and have two episodes of BSG to watch. Last Thursday it snowed, actually a coating of ice and then snow, and it was nowhere near gone by Saturday. I ran 10-minute miles according to the treadmill computer.

Last week I received some books in the mail that I'd ordered with a gift card. Two of them are about running faster, one is about the Boston Marathon. I also ordered a yoga DVD, with the subject being yoga for runners. I haven't tried it yet but I need to get going with it. I read through part of one of the books yesterday afternoon and so far it makes sense. The author says that if you're training to run a fast marathon, you need to train specifically for running fast at that distance, which is different than training to run fast for a 10k or 5k. Plus, running a lot makes you a better runner, which sounds right. I have a lot more to read, but so far it's interesting and has given me some brain fodder.

One thing I disagree with, though, is where the author generally dismisses strength and weight training, saying that for his runners the only strength training they do is hill sprints. Personally speaking, I find the little weight lifting I do to be beneficial and I can definitely tell if I haven't done it. My upper body fatigues and starts to break down on longer runs if my strength training has lagged. This might not be true for everyone, but it's certainly true for me. When running 26.2 miles, you can't afford to ignore part of your body and expect it to keep up. Unless the author gets a lot more convincing on that part, I'm going to continue that part of my workouts.

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