Monday, January 10, 2022

First of the Year

I'm going to stop talking about how I have to get consistent. Every time I mention it I go a length of time without running. Today was actually my first run of the year, ten days into 2022. I should feel bad, and I kind of do. Plenty of excuses, bad weather, truck issues that I worked on all weekend, etc. The truth of it is that I finally got my butt out the door today and ran 3 miles. Temperature was in the low 50s, but sunny and not windy. A nice day, and a good first one to kick off the running season again.

The 5k I was supposed to run on New Year's Day in Kansas was postponed due to extremely cold temps (single digits, wind chill in the negative numbers). My nephew and I did our packet pick-up anyway, and ended up with coffee mugs. I called it the most expensive mug I've ever bought. It was disappointing to not get to run it with him, but at least we had one outing at the park a few days before the end of the year. Next time we'll have to pick a race with less chance of bad weather, if that's even possible.

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