Thursday, August 11, 2022

How About Some Rain?

Yesterday I went for my normal off-day walk, and it went pretty well. It was cloudy, and when I checked the radar everything was sliding past us to the west. The wind picked up, and toward the end I saw lightning about a mile away. That's usually my signal to head for cover. I ended up a little under 2 miles. When I got home it went like usual for a while. The storm was heading toward us and then split to completely go around. It's like we were an anti-magnet. That finally ended about 6:30 when we had actual rain for the first time in months. For an hour or so. It was fantastic. And the temperature dropped to 75 degrees. This might be normal elsewhere but not around here, and not lately.

Today would normally be a running day, but that didn't happen. I walked 3 miles, thought about running a few times, and decided against it. The temperature was 98 degrees with heat index of 102. What was interesting was the condition of the creek I normally run past and then run next to several times. I thought after yesterday the water might be higher and moving a little, but instead it was muddy pools along the creek bed. Apparently the rain we received yesterday was so needed that the ground just sucked it up and runoff was non-existent. Here's hoping for more rain.

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