Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The First Run of 2007

2007 Goal: To run and finish a marathon.

Today: The first three miles for the year toward that goal. I ate way too much over the holiday. Six cookies? Cheesecake? Dr. Pepper? What was I thinking? If I was an alcoholic I'd be checking into the Betty Ford Clinic for falling off the wagon so badly. As it was I felt like the proverbial fat guy with the New Year's resolution chugging down the street.

Something odd: I've had some minor aches and pains in my feet and lower legs, so I was pulling out my old shoes since that always seems to set things straight. I was removing the insert from one of the old pair and out came an extra insole! I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the new pair had an extra set of the insole cushioning. They weren't glued down like the ones underneath, but that would explain why they've felt tighter than I thought they should and maybe explains why I've had those pains. So I went ahead and wore the newer pair after removing the extra insoles and I could really tell the difference. Strange but true.

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