Thursday, October 30, 2008

From Chicago to Kansas City

Two runs this week so far, with the first in Chicago on Tuesday morning. There's a park about a block off of Lake Shore Drive, and strangely enough I believe it's called Lake Shore Park. This park has a track, so I decided to run there instead of in the cold wind off the lake. It's funny, because the last few times I've been there the track was really crowded. This time I was the only one on the track, other than the bum on one of the benches, that is. I ran 5 miles, including a 24=minute tempo run. I wore my ear-warmer and gloves, but took off the gloves after a bit. It didn't seem too terribly cold, but when I returned to the hotel and turned on the news it was a balmy 30 degrees outside.

Today the weather was nice but I left work late and didn't start running until almost 6 p.m. I did 6x800 intervals for a total of 7.5 miles. I was going to run on the new street to the west of our neighborhood but the city workers laid down a thick bed of hay along the dirt and sidewalk. To prevent erosion, I suppose. One time running through there and I determined it wouldn't be a good idea to continue and give the hay a chance to kick start my allergies. I headed east and ended up running my old intervals route. Not a bad week so far, and I wore my new shoes on both of these runs. I plan on using them from here on out.

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