Thursday, August 25, 2011


I like walking out the door and not knowing where I'm going to run. I have a general idea, of course, but the exact route doesn't have to be set in stone before I hit the outdoors. Today's plan called for hills, and I originally thought I'd run the same route as last week. As I walked down the front steps I changed my mind and decided that route didn't offer enough shade. The temp was 84 and it felt all of that and maybe a little more. There are hills everywhere around here, meaning that whatever direction I went I would meet the plan. I opted for the long drawn-out hill on the way back, and that worked pretty well. 6 miles in all.

I started listening to a marathon podcast that concludes the Roman history series I've been listening to for, well, about a year or so, I think. It probably seems longer tan that to the guy who put it together. It's fascinating stuff. This episode is over five hours long and should keep me entertained for several more runs.

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