Saturday, May 19, 2012

Manhattan Run

We're in Manhattan, KS, for my nephew's graduation from high school. It's very windy. Nevertheless I found time this morning to get out for a 7-mile run. There's a trail that skirts the south side of town and encounters the river for a brief period. It's called the Linear Trail, which makes sense to someone, I suppose, because it's not really linear. Along with the wind the day was pretty hot, in the 80s I'm sure, and even though the path was pretty level it was also unshaded. Just like my other runs in the past few weeks I was determined to complete my goal whatever the method, and I did so by walking about five times. On the out-and-back route the wind was against me. It reminded me of the Big D Marathon in Dallas a few years ago where the wind was just brutal. Using that as my lesson I opted out of using up all my energy to fight it and walked when I needed to. My tactic worked and I made it back to the van without killing myself. It was a nice run but I certainly would have been grateful for more shade.

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