Tuesday, November 19, 2013


It's getting dark early again, which is not my favorite time of the year. I took The Boy and the youngest daughter out with me for 1.5 miles, and it wasn't too bad starting off. The sun was still out and even though it was a bit breezy the temperature was still good enough for the kids to wear short sleeves. After dropping them off I ran the rest of my 6-miler. I kept a pretty good pace, mostly below 9 minutes/mile, at least when I checked. My overall time was under 10 minutes/mile, which means I must have been running at a pretty good pace by myself since the run with The Kids was more of the 12 minute pace variety. Regardless, I felt good even though I'm not a fan of early darkness. But what can you do? Another month or so and the days will start the cycle of getting longer again.

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