Monday, January 19, 2015

Catching Up

Even thought I didn't post I actually ran three times this past week. It's been busy around here, and the weather has been superb. Especially for January.

I ran 6 miles Tuesday and did four of them in a tempo run. Then Thursday was hill day, which is really what they all are. I ran the first mile with Daughter #2 and then did the other five on my own. I was going to go Saturday but actually I'm glad I waited since it turned out windy that particular day. In the meantime I was refinishing our kitchen floor, and I concentrated on that instead of running. To get my long run of 11 miles in I ran on Sunday instead. It was another beautiful day, with just a little wind. I had to get that one in between playing in the orchestra and then picking up Daughter #2 from church. Yes, I was a heathen, but I needed to run then so I could put down the gloss on the floor in the afternoon. Which looks okay, by the way, but man, that was a lot of work. It was almost more exhausting than running a marathon.

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