Yesterday about 3 p.m. I started sneezing and my nose started running. A severe allergy attack. I was miserable, with horrible headache and body ache to go along. Today was more of the same, and I came *this close* to not running, even after I had on all my gear. I decided I was going to be miserable either way, and hit the pavement. I got about a half-mile in and decided to give at least a mile. At the mile mark I felt achy and crappy, and decided to walk it back. So if you're counting along at home, that's 2 miles total, 1 running and 1 walking. Not my best day, but my gosh, these allergies.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Mild Sunday
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Variation on a Theme
Saturday, November 20, 2021
I was thinking to myself yesterday that the past couple of weeks I feel like my energy level has been low. And rocket scientist that I am, I realized the problem was lack of exercise. I always feel better when I'm running regularly, and that has not been the case for several months. It's been two weeks since my last run, so today I got back to it. I ran 4 miles, and surprised myself by going the whole way without walking. It helped that the weather was mild and the breeze from the south cooled off what little heat there was. I keep saying this but I mean to run regularly again.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
A Little Lame
Monday, November 1, 2021
I have no excuse for not running last week other than stupidity. You could probably throw laziness in there as well, but really it was willful stupidity. The weather was nice, I had time, and I just decided to do other things. Today I realized it was time to put that behind me, so I went and ran 4 miles. It felt surprisingly good and the temp was mild enough to where I didn't have to walk any other than the big hill. Tomorrow I'm going to see the Rolling Stones and won't be running on my normal day, so I really needed to get out and do it today.