My plan was to run five miles today, but those plans were foiled. We got a couple of inches of rain last night, which flooded the path about two-tenths of a mile into my third. I had to choose between getting my shoes soaking wet and having to run with that issue, or turning back. Guess what I chose. That made my total end up at 4.44 miles for the day. It started out sunny and 63 degrees but clouded up in my last mile or so. Still not bad, and actually pretty nice weather for a run. We're supposed to be in for nice weather this weekend and I'm okay with that.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Gray but Good
Today was overcast but the temperature was in the upper 50s, although it didn't feel that warm. A slight breeze from the south made it feel that much cooler, too. Nevertheless, I figured it was nice enough to get out for a 4-miler. It went well and my heart rate didn't ratchet up like it did a few days ago. A little more self-control in the eating and drinking department probably helped with that issue. I wore shorts and t-shirt, probably a bit optimistic given the relative coolness, but it worked out okay and turned out to be good running weather. I think we're due for a few days of rain before it turns warmer for the weekend.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Too Long
Wow, I didn't realize until now that it's been 18 days since I last ran. Too long. That definitely wasn't in my plans. Between snow, travel for work, having family in town, and a four-day long allergy attack, I suppose I can explain it without trying to make excuses. Today I finally made it back out, where I ran 3 miles. It was a nice run, although my heart rate was a little too high but understandable given my layoff. The temperature was in the low 40s with a good breeze from the south, but at least it was sunny. My iPod had died due to lack of use, so I left it on the charger and ran anyway. I know I keep saying it, but I need to get back in the groove. I have a vested interest in getting back to normal since I'm going to sign up for the Shamrock 5k in March. I'd like to do better than last year.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
We're experiencing a bout of freezing weather here in Texas, and yes, we're a bunch of big babies when it comes to the cold. I know I didn't move here for that. Today it was 36 degrees and felt like 24 when I ran, which is due to a nice cold 15 mph wind. I went all of 3.5 miles, figuring that was enough. Snow is in the forecast for Thursday, with anywhere from 3 to 10 inches predicted. In other words, they don't know. If it does snow, I won't be running. I did enough of that when we lived in KC. I'm not training for anything right now, so I'll stay inside where it's warm, thank you very much.
Saturday, January 4, 2025
First Run of 2025
Normally, the first run of the year would've been on Thursday, but we had a wedding to attend that afternoon. Plus, I worked. That means today ended up being the first run of 2025. I ran 5 miles under overcast skies with a stiff breeze from the southwest. We're due to get a massive cold front over the next couple of days, so I'm glad I got in a run today. Plenty of people out and about on the paths today. I wore long pants and a technical t-shirt, which helped me with the cold breeze when I ran against the wind. Overall, a good start to the year.