Thursday, August 9, 2012

Out There

Today the temperature seemed reasonable enough to run outside. The wind was blowing and a few scattered clouds made it bearable. Even with temperatures in the mid-80's it was still hot. I made it 4 miles at a pretty slow pace, but it was still better than running inside.

And what is it with drivers not stopping for pedestrians who are ready to cross the street in a marked crosswalk? Is it because they're in a traffic circle and therefore the drivers feel like they don't have to stop? I had another one today who was in the circle and of course I couldn't tell if they were going to stay in the circle or come my way, so I stopped. I don't trust people, especially people I don't know. As usual, it's a good thing I stopped because the guy accelerated out of the circle with no hesitation and no regard for the pedestrian (me). If I didn't think I'd get maimed I'd start running out into the street to make them slam on their brakes. Once in a while I come across a person who slows and stops so I can cross. The only explanation I can find for such drivers is that they must be fellow runners.

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