Monday, October 1, 2012

Training Begins

I took the plunge this weekend and registered for the Route 66 Half Marathon. It's November 18th in Tulsa, the same race where I ran a full marathon a few years ago. Accordingly, today was the first day of my new training plan engineered to get me to racing shape by race day. It was an easy 4-miler that sets me on the road to running four days a week again. It was a nice day, just like they have been the past week or so, and the miles went by quickly.

I also ordered a new pair of shoes. I've been wearing the Asics Gel 33 Blur this year. I'm not sure what's caused my right foot to have pain in the heel, which I suspect to be plantar fasciitis. It could be a combination of my running shoes and dress shoes, but I didn't have problems before I bought this pair of running shoes. So today I went ahead and ordered a different type, one I've worn in the past. When I first bought good running shoes I purchased Asics Gel Cumulus. I remember the first time wearing them after using cheapo shoes from Target that I'd bought just to make sure I was going to stick with this running thing. After those less-than-adequate shoes the Asics felt like my feet had died and gone to heaven. I wore that type for several years before moving up to the Nimbus series. The problem is that the Nimbus are just too expensive, hence my trying out the 33 series. When I was shopping on Amazon this morning the Cumulus were the lowest priced that I could find, so I went with that. Hopefully it'll help my foot and still keep my knees from hurting.

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