Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Good Grief

Today's run was a roller coaster of emotions. I almost didn't go out, but decided I really needed to. I walked the first .15 miles like I normally do and started my jog. About 200 yards in I thought about turning around. I decided to keep going. I made it another two-tenths of a mile and thought the same. At the half-mile mark I thought it was going to be a short run. But the more I ran the better I felt. I've said it before, but the more you jar your body and get the internal glands moving, the good starts happening. The urge to turn around and just sit on the patio was strong. By the first mile I felt better. At that point I thought it best to just keep going and it paid off. I ran 4 miles and at the end of it all the effort paid off. Not the best run I've ever had but glad I toughed it out, no matter how many sentences I end with a preposition. It was a mild day in North Texas and would've been a waste if I'd stopped earlier. I've said it before, but the berst runs are those I didn't want to take. This was one of them.

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