Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Higher Heat, Lower Speed

Yesterday's plan called for some tempo running, but it was one of those days where the humidity was so high it was like running through soup. I decided early on that just running the distance would be a victory, and walking every mile for a minute would also be in order. So I ran 6 miles, with a minute walk at every mile marker, and when I made it to the end my clothes were soaked with sweat. I thought about running up the big hill, but there was a Mustang on the sidewalk in one of those "how did that get there?" positions that doesn't make sense unless you saw the wreck, along with a police SUV and another car in the right lane. So I walked past that. Lots of car pieces on the sidewalk and grass and so the street was my only way to go. Anyway, I got in the mileage and that's what made for a good outing on a not-so-good-running day.

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