Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hot Still

I thought we were done with the hottest of the hot weather, but not quite. It's actually supposed to be in the upper 90s again this weekend. Today was about 90 degrees and I took the water bottle with me again. When I walked down to the end of the block I saw a helicopter hovering around the north part of the neighborhood. On my way home two police cars had sped past me with emergency lights and sirens going. So on my run I decided to head north and see if there was anything to see. There wasn't. I did discover a dirt road that will soon be paved, connecting to the next neighborhood up. I ran through there, back around the elementary school, and down the hills to the traffic circles. I walked a couple of times for two minutes each in order to cool down, and decided today was going to be a timed run rather than a distance run. I still went 5 miles and was outside for right about an hour. That seems the way to do it and hopefully I can remember that next year as well.

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