Sunday, July 10, 2016

Three for the Week

Saturday morning, which was yesterday, started with the alarm going off at 6 a.m. Yes, on a Saturday. I wanted to get in my third run of the week, and I was willing to get up early to do it. The start to the day was typically muggy and trending toward warm, but I ran my 6 miles with only two walks - one at 4.5 miles and the other up the big hill. It was nice and quiet out, and it wasn't until I got over by the dog park that I started seeing people.

I'd planned on the early rise being coupled with a nap at some point later in the morning, but I took The Boy to a demo day at McKinney airport. We talked to some people about aviation school and then took a ride in a Cessna. To my memory I don't recall ever flying in a single-engine plane, and it was kind of cool. There were only a few times where I was really conscious of being in a smaller plane, but overall it wasn't bad. The Boy loved it, of course, and if he started college tomorrow instead of in a couple of years he'd be going for aviation. He still might, but we'll see what happens between now and graduation.

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