Saturday, August 15, 2009

Running With My Back Against the Wall

That's what I kept telling myself this morning. With a shortened "long" run last Saturday and only three weeks until the race, this was it. I was up against the wall and if I didn't have a good run then the race would be really tough. So I went out with that attitude and had a good, strong run. I ran a lot of hills, which should come in handy in Columbia. The weather for this 20-miler was great. I started at about 5:15 a.m. in the dark, and when the sun came up it was mostly overcast. The sun poked through the clouds a few times, but nothing major.

This was also my first run with my Bolle sunglasses and insert. Yesterday I picked up the prescription insert from eye doctor. When I stopped by the house at about mile seven I put on the sunglasses. Wow, it was so incredibly nice to be able to see when running! I've been doing this for about six years now, and other than the rare occasion when I wear my regular glasses I usually wear non-prescription sunglasses. Since my lenses are so funky having sunglasses made would have resulted in something I wouldn't have been happy with. The ladies at the eye doctor recommended the Bolle with the insert, and they work great. I am very pleased with the outfit. I would say I wish it had been sunnier this morning just to see how great they actually work, but I'd be lying. I know I'll have plenty of opportunity to check them out.

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