Saturday, July 28, 2007

Too Much Walking

Today's long run was very frustrating. Saying I went 14 miles would be true, albeit charitable. I drove out east of Independence to a nice trail, and the first 7 miles went fine. I stopped back at the truck at the halfway point, drank some water and downed a gel-pack, and then after a couple more miles things fell apart. I walked a couple of times, and about mile 11 I walked a mile, then ran really slow for about another mile, and by then I was about done in.

I suppose I learned a few things today. I slept horribly last night, which seems to be a pattern before long runs. It's one of those outings that gives me doubts about finishing a full 26.2. I also learned to pay better attention to my feet (the toes knows!) since my middle right toe is swollen from either pounding against the inside of my shoe or pushing off during my stride. Today was a day where I definitely feel like a forty-year old trying to run a long distance. Hopefully next week gets better.

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