Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Woke up just after 5 this morning to thunder and lightning, and then a bunch of wind. Somehow managed to go back to sleep and then was awakened again at 5:45 by tornado sirens. I checked the radar and all seemed well, other than a line of storms going through, and the sirens stopped shortly after. All that to say, I wasn't sure how the weather would turn out today other than windy. However, I apparently hit a good spot late morning with a stiff breeze from the southwest, but not as bad as it's going to get later. I ran 4 miles with about 200 yards of waking in the last mile when my heart rate got a bit higher than I like. I don't know, I don't feel horrible when that happens, but if I'm going by the recommended heart rate, it's over 90% in those instances. Anyway, the walk helped bring it back down and I finished just fine.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


I set out for this morning's run with high hopes, but ended up unexpectedly walking most of the last mile. My heart rate was up for the first three miles, and then my right calf felt tight. So, I ended up walking. I went 4 miles total but had expectations of going two more. I could have pushed it, but I also have a lot of yard work to do today and didn't want to make things worse. It was a nice morning, about 70 degrees with sun and a good, stiff breeze. Wish I could have run longer.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Shorts for Real

Today I got wise and wore shorts since it was 70 degrees out and sunny. That proved to be the right choice, although the people who had to endure my winter-induced paleness probably wouldn't agree. I planned on going 5 miles when I set out and really had to make myself not turn at the two-mile mark. I'm glad I went the full distance because I kept telling myself I'm not going to have many nice days like this and it'd be a shame to waste. I think I had the mental game going on because I'd rather sit around and enjoy a nice, cold beverage on the back patio. Another thing I told myself: I needed a run more than I needed a cigar. The cigars will be there tomorrow, but tomorrow might not be a good day for running.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


What a nice day! I went for a lunchtime run when the temperature hit 60 degrees and I probably should've worn shorts. The long pants seemed a bit much. I ran 4 miles in the sunshine and light southerly breeze. Felt good the whole way and no walking necessary. The cold is behind us and we're into mild temperatures now. I plan to take full advantage of the nice weather.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


The only consistency I've maintained this month is that I've run every Saturday. Beyond that, not much else. Once again, we had an extremely cold week. Several mornings I woke up to 10-13 degrees Fahrenheit, with wind chill of -5. The afternoon temperatures soared into the low 20s. Needless to say, I didn't want to run in that weather, so I didn't. Today turned out much better, 49 degrees and sunny. I only went 3 miles, kind of a get-back-into-it kind of run. This coming week is supposed to be nicer and hopefully that gets my will to run back into place.

Saturday, February 15, 2025


I didn't run Tuesday or Thursday, and let me be clear on why: I didn't want to. The weather was cold, raining or misty, and windy. In other words, nasty. To be fair, I thought about running, but decided both times to stay inside where it's warm. Today kind of looked the same, except the temperature rose above 50 degrees on its way to the upper 60s. In fact, it was still misting just a bit when I walked out the front door. I could've turned around at that point but I'd already taken the trouble to dress and all. I ran 4 miles, not nearly as tough as my tries last week. Maybe it was because of fresh legs, or maybe the fact it wasn't over 80 degrees. Whatever, it turned into a good day. Looks like we're in for freezing weather again by mid-week, so I might move my outings around to accommodate.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

What a Week

It wasn't the greatest of weeks in my long running career. An aborted run on Tuesday, a tough one with walking on Thursday, and today one that seemed relatively better but not great. The temperature was once again about 80 degrees, my normal threshold for adding in walk breaks. I did that today at the two-mile mark and again at three. That got me through 4.25 miles. I planned to go longer but realized I should take what I can get. It was nice enough outside but that higher February temp stifled my plans a little. It's supposed to get colder tomorrow and for the next week so maybe that'll help. Glad to get in a run but wish it could've been better. Oh, well. Like I said, sometimes you just have to take what you can get.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Hamburger Revenge

No cramps today, which was nice. However, my tactical mistake at lunch came back to haunt me. I met with the local work team at a burger joint, where I ordered a cheeseburger with bacon and fried egg, plus onion rings on the side. That proved to be a bad decision come run time. I went 4 miles total, running the first three at a painfully slow pace. I decided walking the last mile was the best course of action. In addition to the food, the temperature soared to 82 degrees at run time, further sapping my energy. Hey, I'm just glad I got to be outside and running without calf cramps.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Cramp Again

I wanted to run hills today as part of getting into much better shape, but the calf muscles in both legs cramped. Maybe because the temperature was twenty degrees lower today and felt worse because of the wind. Maybe because the first part of my attempted run was uphill. Maybe because I stood too much today. Maybe because I didn't drink enough water. I don't know. It's highly annoying, but I will try again Thursday. Heck, I might try tomorrow between meetings. We'll see.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Clear Path

Today was nice for a run, almost 60 degrees and sunny. Plus, the path was clear. The spot where I had to turn back Thursday was no longer submerged. Lots of people out enjoying the day, which provided a nice breeze from the south. I went 6 miles and thought about walking a couple of times due to heart rate, but it stayed pretty even and I felt fine so I ran the whole way. Who would've thought I could run three times in one week in late January/early February and wear shorts and t-shirt each outing? Not me, but I'm glad for the opportunity. As usual when the weather's nice, no complaints here.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


My plan was to run five miles today, but those plans were foiled. We got a couple of inches of rain last night, which flooded the path about two-tenths of a mile into my third. I had to choose between getting my shoes soaking wet and having to run with that issue, or turning back. Guess what I chose. That made my total end up at 4.44 miles for the day. It started out sunny and 63 degrees but clouded up in my last mile or so. Still not bad, and actually pretty nice weather for a run. We're supposed to be in for nice weather this weekend and I'm okay with that.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Gray but Good

Today was overcast but the temperature was in the upper 50s, although it didn't feel that warm. A slight breeze from the south made it feel that much cooler, too. Nevertheless, I figured it was nice enough to get out for a 4-miler. It went well and my heart rate didn't ratchet up like it did a few days ago. A little more self-control in the eating and drinking department probably helped with that issue. I wore shorts and t-shirt, probably a bit optimistic given the relative coolness, but it worked out okay and turned out to be good running weather. I think we're due for a few days of rain before it turns warmer for the weekend.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Too Long

Wow, I didn't realize until now that it's been 18 days since I last ran. Too long. That definitely wasn't in my plans. Between snow, travel for work, having family in town, and a four-day long allergy attack, I suppose I can explain it without trying to make excuses. Today I finally made it back out, where I ran 3 miles. It was a nice run, although my heart rate was a little too high but understandable given my layoff. The temperature was in the low 40s with a good breeze from the south, but at least it was sunny. My iPod had died due to lack of use, so I left it on the charger and ran anyway. I know I keep saying it, but I need to get back in the groove. I have a vested interest in getting back to normal since I'm going to sign up for the Shamrock 5k in March. I'd like to do better than last year.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


We're experiencing a bout of freezing weather here in Texas, and yes, we're a bunch of big babies when it comes to the cold. I know I didn't move here for that. Today it was 36 degrees and felt like 24 when I ran, which is due to a nice cold 15 mph wind. I went all of 3.5 miles, figuring that was enough. Snow is in the forecast for Thursday, with anywhere from 3 to 10 inches predicted. In other words, they don't know. If it does snow, I won't be running. I did enough of that when we lived in KC. I'm not training for anything right now, so I'll stay inside where it's warm, thank you very much.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

First Run of 2025

Normally, the first run of the year would've been on Thursday, but we had a wedding to attend that afternoon. Plus, I worked. That means today ended up being the first run of 2025. I ran 5 miles under overcast skies with a stiff breeze from the southwest. We're due to get a massive cold front over the next couple of days, so I'm glad I got in a run today. Plenty of people out and about on the paths today. I wore long pants and a technical t-shirt, which helped me with the cold breeze when I ran against the wind. Overall, a good start to the year.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last Run of 2024

Today was a bit breezy to usher out the last day of the year, but not too bad for running. A little chilly from the north, but running south was okay. I ran 4 miles for the final outing of 2024 and it was a good one. Looking back, this year I had the second-most outing of the last five years, so not too bad. Other than a few nagging sore spots, I close it out feeling good and glad to still be running. I keep saying I should set some goals, like a race or two, but haven't felt motivated enough to actually do it. Maybe that'll change in 2025, although it already looks like it's going to be a busy year. Never say never, though. If you're reading this, thanks for following along. It's not the most exciting of running blogs, but certainly charts the day-in and day-out of trying to stay fit. See you on the other side.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Rainy Holidays

It rained on Tuesday. It rained on Thursday. And it rained on Saturday. All three of those were my normal running days. Sure, I could have run on the other days, but Monday I worked and we celebrated Christmas that nigh, Wednesday was Christmas itself, and Friday was...Friday. This morning the weather seems to be clearing and we're seeing a touch of blue sky for the first time in days. I ran 3 miles to get back into the routine, which should kickstart me for the week. It felt a little humid, but not too bad. Certainly not like the summer. It felt good overall and hopefully the rain holds off for a bit.

Saturday, December 21, 2024


Not my greatest outing. I ran 1 mile and walked another. That was it. I felt really tight in the hammies and glutes. My suspicion is that it's because of eating poorly, too many sweets in the runup to the holidays, and therefore causing some inflammation. I don't know. I had higher hopes for a longer run today. It's cold and breezy, but at least the sun is shining. I need to rein in some of the recent gluttony and get a head start on eating and drinking better before the year is out. We'll see how it goes in the coming days.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Wow, what a nice day. 60ish degrees and barely a breeze, sunshine all around. Perfect for a 4-mile run. I considered running more but that seemed to be the right distance for today. Unlike my last run, this was a good one from the start. I was pumped to get out there and couldn't wait for my last work call to be done. The holidays are almost upon us and I needed a good outing. Looking forward to more over the next few weeks to close out a decent year in the running department.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Good Grief

Today's run was a roller coaster of emotions. I almost didn't go out, but decided I really needed to. I walked the first .15 miles like I normally do and started my jog. About 200 yards in I thought about turning around. I decided to keep going. I made it another two-tenths of a mile and thought the same. At the half-mile mark I thought it was going to be a short run. But the more I ran the better I felt. I've said it before, but the more you jar your body and get the internal glands moving, the good starts happening. The urge to turn around and just sit on the patio was strong. By the first mile I felt better. At that point I thought it best to just keep going and it paid off. I ran 4 miles and at the end of it all the effort paid off. Not the best run I've ever had but glad I toughed it out, no matter how many sentences I end with a preposition. It was a mild day in North Texas and would've been a waste if I'd stopped earlier. I've said it before, but the berst runs are those I didn't want to take. This was one of them.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

I'm Back

After going stir crazy for ten days or so of not running, I'm back. I did a few ankle weight exercises this past week to hopefully strengthen my hamstring and it seemed to work. Today I ran 4 miles and the tenderness mostly has gone away, just a faint ghost of it still. It rained overnight and the temperature today turned out to be very mild in the mid-60s with the sun shining. The breeze from the north didn't even feel cold, just nice and refreshing. Glad to be back in running mode again and hoping to keep it going with my regular routine.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Chill Run

The thermometer said 52 degrees, but the breeze from the north said not so fast, let's make it feel like about ten degrees cooler. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it still felt pretty chilly. I went 4 miles and would call it an overall successful run. My right hamstring still feels tender and I've started thinking about giving it a few extra days off. That might be in the cards anyway with rain in the forecast for Saturday. So, maybe I need to take the opportunity to let it heal from whatever's ailing it. I hate to do it, though, since the cool weather is made for running and I want to keep setting a faster pace through the winter months. Oh well, missing one run won't be the end of the world.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Let's Run on Monday

I decided that today was really nice out and tomorrow I have an appointment, so I switched my running to today. Good choice. Temperature was about 62 degrees, sun shining, and a very light breeze. I ran 4 miles, which overall went pretty well. I wore the new shoes again and that was fine. I've still been feeling like my right hip is overcompensating for something on the left side. Tough to pin down. All I can do at this point is to be mindful of trying to stay balanced and keep from hurting myself. As always, glad I went for a run and feeling like I accomplished something worthwhile.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Another 4

I originally planned to run a little more today, but my hips felt stiff and I decided to go only 4 miles. Plus, it was a little on the cool side with a stiff breeze from the southeast. The sun was shining, so that helped, but with temperature in the 40s and that breeze, it didn't exactly convince me to go for a longer run. I saw a few people out on the trails, but seems like fewer than usual at that time on a Saturday morning. Not much else I can say about today's outing other than I'm glad I got to run a little. Now it's time for a nice hot shower.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Turkey Trotters

Two of my girls ran the 5k Turkey Trot in Frisco this morning, along with 8,000 or so of our best friends. The temperature was a nice balmy 42 degrees and with the breeze felt like 35. The sun came out about a mile into the run and that helped a bit, but the walk back to the car afterward felt quite chilly. A few observations about people and their behavior in a "race" like this: if you're walking, go to the back of the pack. There's no reason for you to clog up the course by waking five abreast across the road. There's a 1-mile run/walk that starts before the 5k/10k people, and they should start them after the runners. And if you decide to walk, go to the sides. People are oblidiots. In spite of the usual stupidity, the girls and I had a good time. I still think it's funny to give out finisher medals for a 5k, but then again, I didn't turn it down. Happy Thanksgiving y'all.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Lovely Autumn Run

Early afternoon today I ran 4.25 miles. It was a lovely autumn day with temperatures in the upper 50s, sunshine, and gentle breeze that didn't cool it down too much. Unlike yesterday, when I went for a walk with The Wife and I never felt like I warmed up even though I wore plenty of layers. Today I wore my old running shoes, while yesterday I walked in the new ones. That seemed to be the smart way to do it, unlike last week when I tried to run straightaway in my new pair. I got the extra quarter-mile today beyond my goal by running through the streets of a new neighborhood to the north of ours. The earthwork crew has finished laying out the lots and the streets are in, so I thought why not? It added some uphills to my workout, but not as bad as trying to run up the steep hill I normally walk on Lake Forest. Anyway, all good today and I'm ready for the Turkey Trot on Thursday. I might even walk again tomorrow even though it's supposed to be windy again, which is the same forecast for Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Back to Normal

Today my calf muscles cooperated, as expected. I was a tad bit tentative at the beginning of my 6-mile run, but no twinges or anything reminiscent of Thursday's debacle. I'm more than happy to report a routine, ordinary run. It's a nice autumn day in north Texas, and temperature was about 60 degrees when I did my late-morning outing. I probably saw three kids on bikes with training wheels, being chased by a parent or two. Kind of funny to see so many on one run but must be the season. The kids looked happy and the grown-ups did, too. Other than that, several people out walking dogs, cyclists, and a few runners. My pace ended up a little under 11 minutes/mile. Not great but it's giving me a base so I can ramp up the speed over the coming months before it gets hot outside again and I return to a snail's pace with walk breaks.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Aborted Launch

Today seemed like a really nice day to run and I was excited to get out in the sunshine. I started running and both of my calf muscles started barking at me. You didn't know a calf barked, did you? Anyway, I quickly determined it wasn't a good idea to keep going. I thought I'd hydrated enough today, but maybe not. Or maybe it was because I got new shoes and should have walked around in them more before trying a run. Regardless, I came home and ate a banana and drank a few glasses of water, then smoked a cigar on the back patio to relax. Kind of a bummer. I might try again tomorrow, with the old shoes, to see how it goes. Weird things happen sometimes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Yeah, I missed a couple of runs last week, but that was planned due to going out of town. Today I hit the pavement again and went 4 miles on a really nice day. It felt good the whole way and I enjoyed the sunshine and mild Texas weather. My right hip has been a little sore recently and I've been trying to make sure it's not because of some sort of problem with my left side not pulling its weight. Or maybe I need to refresh my running shoes. Really, it's probably about time to do that. Anyway, nothing too serious, and I need to make sure I'm ready for the Turkey Trot next week.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


After two days of wrestling with the rear brakes of my daughter's poorly engineered car, I have to admit feeling more than a little sore. And I probably shouldn't have run today, but also thought maybe it'd be a good idea to get out and stretch the muscles and flush the lactic acid from them. I suppose it was partly successful, although I felt like I was running uphill the whole way. I kept having to tell myself to relax and that also was only partially successful. I went 4 miles, though, and that will probably end up being a good thing. Unless, of course, I feel worse tomorrow, but that's probably not going to happen.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Lucky 7

I can't remember the last time I ran 7 miles. I could go back through previous posts and find out, but that would require research. In fact, it's been so long that I forgot where my turnaround point was and ended up running an extra quarter-mile or so. Oh, well, it was a gorgeous day, sunny and mild temperature with a nice little breeze from the north to keep me cool. I chose to not wear a longer-sleeved shirt today and that proved to be the right choice. I went late in the morning and the paths seemed a little clearer than I expected. Maybe everybody had gone home for lunch or something, but other than the part around the lake at Bonnie Wenk Park it seemed navigable. I ran by a few families doing photo shoots, apparently getting a head start on the holiday cards. Good for them.

Thursday, November 7, 2024


I felt the temptation to skip again today, but resisted. Mainly because the day has been overcast and busy with work. But after missing a couple of days last week, I decided to not be a weenie. In fact, I even ran 5 miles today, upping the game a little bit. We're supposed to get rain all day tomorrow, but Saturday looks good. As always, I'm glad I went and it felt good to accomplish a nice run. It's amazing how a day and a week can be super-busy, but a nice run helps clear the head.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

No Stink

A bit of rain on Saturday and a lot yesterday, but I have no excuse for last Thursday. Today, though, today was nice. 64 degrees, sun shining, a breeze from the north, and 4 miles of good running. I wore a long-sleeved technical t-shirt with shorts. To clarify the title of this post, all that rain means the creeks and streams are running much fuller than a few weeks ago and the stink is gone. Hallelujah. Today is Election Day in the U.S. and schools were closed so apparently people can vote there. It made for less traffic on the roads and a nicer run for that reason. Also, last weekend I registered for the Turkey Trot for me and my two local daughters. Looking forward to that again along with a little motivation to keep running between now and then.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Plenty of Bluster

It was a warm day, 85 degrees, and a 25-mph wind from the south. Quite blustery. I ran 4 miles and it's a good thing I didn't do more since coming back that last mile against the wind ended up being quite the workout. As it so happened, I walked one minute each at the two- and three-mile markers since I felt a little...winded. Sorry for the pun. Not really any complaints, though, as otherwise it turned out to be a good run. As I surmised last week, that rain we were supposed to get didn't materialize. It's now forecast for overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, and a steady chance from Friday on for the following week. If it actually does happen, looks like I'll be running in the rain a bit.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Dang Nice

It was dang nice this morning, 60ish degrees when I made it out the door shortly after the sun rose. I went 6 miles, running for over an hour without walking. That's what happens when the temperature and humidity behave themselves. Lots of dogs out walking their people as well, enjoying a nice day now that we're in late October and summer is hanging on by a thread. The forecast shows cooler weather and a high chance of rain by midweek, but I've been lied to before. For now, it was enough to enjoy a really nice outing. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Last Gasp

Today the temperature climbed to almost 90 degrees, hopefully the last gasp of summer. I ran 4 miles and walked a minute at each marker due to the heat. I was going to run more but decided to keep it reasonable since I have an event to go to tonight and I didn't want to be out of it just because I ran an extra mile. Felt pretty good despite the relative warmness and a nice southerly breeze helped. Surprisingly, not many people out at all. I think I saw two. Seems kind of weird on such a nice day. It's been a good summer of running and I hate to see the days shortening. I need to will myself to run in the dark and the coolness of a Texas winter and might as well start giving myself pep talks now.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Summer Still?

Summer still seems to be hanging on in Texas. Today's high is 88 and tomorrow we should hit 91 or so here in late October. I made it out early this afternoon before the mercury hit 80 degrees and it was pretty nice. A breeze from the south helped as I went 4 miles without walking. The first half didn't seem great from the perspective of how I felt, but that changed the second half. It's good to be back home and running my regular route. Not a lot of people out right after lunchtime, but that's okay. I probably could've waited a little longer after my own lunch, but nobody was around to hear my burps. At least not that I noticed.

Saturday, October 19, 2024


Ran the Linear Trail in Manhattan this morning. Overcast at the start, the sun came out and it was a pleasant morning. I went 5 miles total - I'd planned on a mile more, but had an hour to run and that's all I could get in. It's a flat trail for the most part and nice to run on dirt instead of concrete. A few other people out running and biking, but overall quiet for a Saturday morning in a college town. I'm glad I got in three runs this week even when traveling, and even happier that the weather cooperated for the most part. No rain, a bit windy, and mild temps. Next week it'll be back to running in Texas.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pushing Through

I had high hopes for today's run, but as soon as I started I felt the blahs. So much so that I almost stopped barely a half-mile in to walk back. Instead, I pushed through and ended up with 3 miles. Not as much as I wanted, but better than I expected early in the run. All I can think is that I've been eating horribly this week, including lots of fried foods, and that affected my outlook. Could also be the allergies that have nagged at me to varying degrees since arriving in Kansas on Sunday. I'm hoping for a better outcome on Saturday.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


I'm a little north of Texas this week and the temperature change in that distance made itself apparent today. High was only 61 degrees but there's a cold breeze from the north, making it a little brisk. I ran 4 miles even though I still felt the effects of an allergy attack from last night and this morning. Besides the normal allergy pills, I took an anti-inflammatory as I started work and that seemed to help. I walked over to the local drugstore and got some DayQuil, which has helped with congestion in the past. That seemed to do the trick and I felt like I could run without too much trouble. The local high school cross country team was out but our routes only crossed, never going the same way, which is good because those youngsters are way faster than this old man. Let's hope for warmer weather as the week goes on.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Heart Rate

 I ran 6 miles, or most of it, this morning. I say "most of it" because my heart rate got into the upper 150s a few times, so I walked about three minutes or so. I probably could have continued running since I didn't feel bad or like I was struggling, but I also consider it better to be safe. It's not like I'm training for a race or something. I chalk up today's elevated rate with yesterday's going off the rails with food and snacks and desserts. Not one of my better days in that regard and I paid the price a little bit today. Even with all that, my run today felt good. I ate breakfast and drank some coffee before going out, as opposed to the last few times where I've run first thing after waking up. I was in no rush today to get the run done early. For anyone keeping score at home, yes, I missed Thursday's run. It was our anniversary and we went out for a nice dinner. Not really an excuse, just a reason.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Pretty Afternoon

There's a big hurricane in the Gulf headed for Florida, but here in North Texas it was a beautiful day. Temperature in the mid-80s, sunny, a light breeze from the north - all good. I ran 4 miles and did it without walking, even throwing in a sprint at the end. Lots of shade along the route by the big pond, which also helped keep me cool. No complaints today. First-world problem story ahead: On Saturday I had problems pairing my watch with the new phone that arrived on Friday. I ran that morning, which my watch recorded, but then I had to reset the watch so it would pair, which erased all my morning activity. Oh well, it's not like I was saving it for posterity. Kind of a bummer to see six miles and 13,000 steps disappear, but I know the truth.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


For the past nine-plus years, I've enjoyed a little quirk in the local infrastructure. North of the school, church, and new neighborhood that's gone in since we arrived here, one of the utility poles had a grounding wire that ran diagonal into an anchor in the sidewalk. It was kind of funny since most of the other poles ran grounds to the opposite side, but not this one. The cable ran diagonal to about three feet from the edge, giving me enough space to run under it and remain on the sidewalk. It was kind of a ritual until today. On Thursday I ran by a crew replacing that particular pole, and this morning discovered the grounding wire was gone. It's not a serious loss, just a little change of something that seemed out of place and a little bit of a tradition. Anyway, I ran 6 miles today and it went pretty well. I walked at the four and five-mile markers, mainly to lower the heart rate. Other than that, it was a beautiful morning and a nice day for a run.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


I'm on an interview panel for work late this afternoon/early evening, so rather than try and get in a run and shower before I have to be on camera, I went for a run before lunch. That worked out pretty well since the temperature was still in the upper 70s before reaching low 90s later in the day. It did seem warm, though, with the sun shining and no clouds, plus a negligible breeze. No complaints, though, and I ran 5 miles. The only time I walked (other than the big hill) was to choose a new playlist on my iPod when the previous one finished. I thought I had longer to go on that one, but oh well. Feeling pretty good these days and glad I could get in an added mile to set things up for a full sixer on Saturday morning.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Still seems like summer around here, although not the very depths of hell-like summer. The temperature today rose above 90 degrees and I decided it'd be prudent to walk at the mile markers. I went 4 miles even though I thought about going an extra mile, but the heat kept me at that distance. Other than the lingering summer, it was a good run. I once again tried to keep the pace a little quicker, but didn't push it too much. It looks like we'll stay in the 90s through the weekend before dropping next Monday. As I always say, I'll believe it when I see it.

Saturday, September 28, 2024


Sometimes a workday saps your soul. That happened on Thursday when I planned to run late in the afternoon, but it was a day full of meetings. Including a last-minute one that should have been an email or instant message, but instead ended up taking 45 minutes. By the time the day ended I just wanted to relax with a cold beverage and cigar. I know, I should've gone for a run to clear my head and rejuvenate my energy level. Oh, well, there'll be days like that. Today I was up early, way too early for a Saturday. I had to wait for daylight before heading out for a 5-miler. What a great morning for a run. 62 degrees and sunny meant I wasn't the only one who had that thought, as there were plenty of runners and walkers out. What is it with people walking on the wrong side of the path? I ran into two, one of whom moved to the correct side and another who didn't. Tell me you're an a-hole without telling me. That guy is probably a horrible driver, too. Okay, enough snark. It didn't ruin what ended up being a good run. I tried to keep the pace quicker than I've been running and it worked. Hopefully next week will be better from the work standpoint and not interfere with my running schedule.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Water Under the Bridge

Rain rolled through early yesterday and now there's water in the stream again. It certainly smells better, which means it doesn't smell at all. I went for a late-morning run today due to a gap in my schedule, which also gives me time to work on my truck later on (oil pressure sensor replacement). Today I ran 4 miles without walking, except for the big hill. I felt good the whole way and tried to keep the pace quicker than the last few months but not enough to wear me out. I did enough to run "faster" while keeping my heart rate in a good zone. I thought about running up the big hill but decided I didn't want to. Overall, it felt good to be outside and being in the zone for a nice run.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Humid Saturday

I don't think the humidity would've felt so bad this morning if there had been a breeze. As it was, the temperature was in the 70s but wow, the humidity felt pretty soupy. I ran 5 miles and I didn't walk until the three-mile marker. From then on, I walked again at the four-mile mark and once again the last quarter mile like I did Thursday. My main reason for the walking was my heart rate. Although it didn't spike too high, I wanted to be careful with the humidity. I also changed things up and listened to Pink Floyd's Momentary Lapse of Reason album. Maybe it's time to go back to listening to podcasts since it's been awhile. Can't stay in the same rut forever, you know. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024


I went out early afternoon today for a nice 4-miler. Well, the temperature was a little warm, in the low 90s. So I walked every mile and as a concession to the heat, walked the last quarter-mile that I'd normally run back into the neighborhood. Summer is hanging on here in Texas but looks like it's supposed to break next week. I mean, we're almost to October, so why not? The lack of rain has caused the stream to dry up on the far side of the neighborhood pond to the north. That means the place stinks a little, what with the rot and lack of moving water. A chance of rain is in the forecast early next week, but we'll see. They've been wrong before. I missed my Tuesday outing due to a work event in the afternoon and birthday outing for some friends that evening. One thing I've learned over the years is to not fret about missing a run, especially when I'm not in training for a race. The other thing I thought interesting was how the moderately quicker pace I ran in my last outing translated to running the same today, when really I needed to slow down a little. Oh, well. Lots of learning still going on even a couple of decades into this running thing.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Early Saturday Run

I'm at that point where I wake up early every weekday to get started on writing and work, and that now translates to waking up at that time on weekends as well even though I don't set an alarm. So, this morning right about 6 a.m. my stupid body and brain decided the day had started. I headed out the door about an hour later, waiting a few minutes for daylight to actually, you know, do its thing. I ran 5 miles with the temperature at 70 degrees. It was a nice morning for a run, and apparently for a hot air balloon as well since I saw one go overhead. Lots of people out walking, running, and dog walking. Seems like a lot of other people wanted to get out early before it climbs into the mid-90s this afternoon. I'd like to get some yardwork done today but first, coffee.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


I spent the first half of this week in Austin on a work trip. Nothing like driving to and from Colorado and then turning around and making a round trip right away to the state capital. Anyway, today I knew I needed a run in a bad way. I felt tired and lethargic most of the day, a sign my energy level is low and needs to be replenished with some exercise. I decided a 3-miler seemed to be the best choice, but once I got going I realized I've been plodding along at the same 12-minute+ pace for a long time, mainly due to growing older and the heat, but mostly growing older. I decided to kick it up a notch, especially now that my Apple Watch provides a current pace readout (see earlier post). Sadly enough, upping my pace by 30 seconds seemed like a big lift, especially since the temperature is still in the upper 80s. It was the right decision, though, and I felt better toward the end. I even ran sub-10 the last third of a mile. As the weather starts to cool, I think I'll make a faster pace a priority over the fall and winter months.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Back from vacation and ran 3 miles this morning. The weather was a lovely 70 degrees and sunny, very nice for a run. I did get in plenty of walking in Colorado, with several days in the 7-8 mile range, as well as a bicycle ride one day that probably ended up around a 12-mile-ish total. Maybe more. My watch recorded 9.33 miles but I know it didn't get the whole outing. Anyway, today's events included dogs. I was on the way back and a couple walked toward me with their German Shepherd, and a guy walking my direction with two big dogs. All three of us converged at the same spot on the path and the dogs barked at each other, as well as lunging against their leashes. I'm at least smart enough to not get in the middle of that so I stopped and walked until they'd put some distance between them, earning me a funny look from one of the guys. What am I, stupid? Anyway, it was slightly annoying but ended up being harmless. At least I got out and did a vacation recovery run.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More Shade

I went out for today's run a little after 1 p.m., trying to get some stuff done later in the day. I found more shade than I expected along the route. Probably because of overhanging trees along the lake path and for which I'm grateful. I only went 3 miles but it felt good and the temperature at the time hovered around 90 degrees. I walked a minute at the mile markers but probably could have run it all without the walks. That's okay, better safe than sorry. I'll be doing some hiking over the next week or so and will decide if that's worth posting about or if it's best to just wait until I get another run in again. When we went to Ireland in 2022 I should've posted about our walks there since we averaged from 7-9 miles a day. That probably won't be the case in what's coming up, but we'll see. If I can't run at least I can get in some exercise.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


This morning I went 6 miles but have to see it was a bleh kind of run. The first three miles went fine, but the second half was rough. Once again, I think it was a combo of heat, humidity, and lack of breeze on the trail that did me in. I kept an eye on my heart rate and decided to walk a few times when it rose to what I considered too high. I didn't get to my max heart rate but reached well over 90% several times. No need to push it, especially in the heat of a summer Texas sun. Not the best outing I've ever had, but also not the worst. Could've been better, I suppose. Still, it's good to get out for some exercise and a little sweat. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024


I saw only one other person out today, a guy walking his dog. Which is odd, since the temperature is several degrees lower than earlier this week. Not that it's cooled off THAT much, since it was 98 and heat index 105 while I ran 4 miles. Anyway, I think it turned out to be a good run. As usual, I walked at the mile markers. The third mile was the toughest since I ran with the breeze at my back, although I think the hollow around the lake tends to throttle any wind. I considered walking a few times since it felt a little stifling but kept the pace down and made it.

Also today, I hate to admit this, I finally changed the display on my Apple Watch to show Current Pace instead of Average Pace. I'd done it before but for some reason it switched back shortly after and I've never gone back to change it. I do have to say Apple doesn't make it easy to figure out how to modify the display, but after searching the Internets for a few minutes I finally found what I was looking for. Much better to see that on my run and make sure I'm not going too fast in the heat. Yeah, like that's possible.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


The weatherman lied! Yesterday the temperature topped out at 106 degrees Fahrenheit. Today's temp was supposed to "cooler" than yesterday, only making it to 99 degrees. That's where the lie comes in. I ran this afternoon and it was 102 degrees with a 112 heat index. Those three degrees might not mean much to you, but they sure did to me. Anyway, I kept it at 3 miles today. I have to admit, I almost didn't go. I felt low energy all day and thought about just kicking back and doing nothing for the rest of the day. But I also know that when I feel that lack of energy the only thing that builds it back up is expending energy on something like a run. As usual in these situations, I'm now glad I went. I feel much better and feel like I've earned some time to relax.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Stretch

Today's goal was simple: get out and sweat. The humidity is really high today and certainly helped me reach my goal in short order. I only went 2.5 miles total. After smoking pork, ribs, jalapeno poppers, and sausage all day yesterday, I just needed to sweat out some of the residue. Out of the 2.5 miles, I ran about 2.25 of that. My right knee felt fine and no other ailments made an appearance. We're supposed to be up to 106 degrees tomorrow, and 98 on Tuesday, my next planned running day. Seems like summer is gvinig us the finger one more time before it departs.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Just a Walk

Tuesday I skipped running. I didn't sleep well at all the night before and felt blah all day. Knowing this was a recipe for a crappy run, I decided to skip it. Plus, I have a little tenderness on the outside of my right knee. Today I knew I needed to sweat, so I went out for a 2.5 mile walk. I do have to say it was nice to get out, even with the temperature over 100 degrees. At least some big clouds blocked the sun for a part of the walk. I'm hoping the knee continues to feel better, but it'll probably be Sunday before I get out again since Saturday is a smoking day.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Another Missed Thursday

I enjoy running in the heat and rarely do this, but Thursday I decided to let the heat win one. The air temp rose to 103 (I think) and heat index to 112. Sometimes you just have to relax and realize missing a day isn't going to be the end of the world. This morning when I went out the thermometer read a cool 74 degrees. I ran 4 miles with the intention of running more but decided not to push it too far today. Plus, I hadn't eaten yet or had my coffee and that always factors into how I feel about a longer run. Looks like temperatures will continue to hover around 100 degrees over the next week and that's fine with me.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

4 in 100

The thermometer hit the century mark today, although the humidity was down a bit from where it soared to last month. That meant even though the air temp was 100, the heat index topped out at 105. As opposed to about four weeks ago where the air temp hit only 96 or 97 but heat index went all the way up to 111 or more. I'll take today, thank you. I went 4 miles and did the one-minute per mile walk thing, plus an extra 30 seconds on account of the 100-degree heat. That meant at mile three I walked 3 1/2 minutes. At the end of the first mile I thought maybe I didn't need the extra half-minute but as usual, I'm glad I did from the beginning since it paid off later. Of course, then I came home and mowed for a little additional exercise. Smart? I don't know about that.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Got out this morning by 7:30 to avoid the heat and also because I'm smoking pork today. I went 5 miles and ran the whole way since the temperature was below 80 degrees. It was a nice outing and I felt pretty good about it. I kept the pace slow and enjoyed the morning sun glistening off the scum on top of the lake as I ran by it. Plenty of people out and about and I even got passed by another runner. I plan on spending the rest of the day relaxing on the back patio and already got started with coffee and a cigar. The temp should hit the century mark today and seems like a good day to do a whole lot of nothing.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ending July in Normal Fashion

We're making it back up to the century mark on the thermometer before month-end. The days of rain and clouds are gone, but they were nice while they lasted. Today I ran 4 miles and did the 1-2-3 minute walk thing. Surprisingly, I only saw three people out on the trail. One was a guy walking, and the other two were walking down Lake Forest with a gas can. They stopped at the bridge to light cigarettes, so I'm guessing they weren't out for exercise. I took it easy the whole time, keeping a slow, steady pace. My heart rate maxed out at 154 bpm, which means I felt good and didn't push it too much. That's going to be the way to go over the foreseeable future.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

5 and Fine

After the weirdness with the cramps on Thursday, I have to admit a little trepidation when I started running this morning. Fortunately, all went well. I took the westward route, which is what I'd wanted to do a couple of days ago. This time I ran 5 miles with only a couple of walking breaks. One was at the two-mile mark for a minute, and the other at 3.8 up the big hill on Virginia east of Ridge. The temperature started a couple degrees shy of 80 and ended at 81 when I finished. A bit humid, as expected. That's probably the last relatively cool run I'll have as Texas summer weather returns next week after a little bit of a break. I still don't know why I had calf cramps and need to do a little research. Could be electrolytes or lack of Vitamin D? Plenty of ideas but not sure the cause yet.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Unexpected Cramps

Yesterday afternoon was weird. I set out for a 4-miler and made it less than a mile. About a quarter-mile into it, both calves cramped. Usually that only happens after I've run 20+ miles. This cramping wasn't as bad as what I've experienced in the late stages of marathons, but it kind of weirded me out a little. I'd gone west instead of my regular route, so I turned and took a loop around another block, running to see how it went. That went fine, but I decided to call it a day. Cramps like that usually point to something my body needs and isn't getting. I'd been drinking water all day, so it wasn't dehydration. Maybe potassium? Anyway, in the short term I dosed the problem with ice-cold beer. That seemed to help and I'll try again tomorrow. Disappointing. And weird.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Inspiration with Perspiration

Today was one of those days where I received a bolt of inspiration while I ran my 4 miles. I'm working on a sequel to my novel First, which came out last October. I've struggled with a few false starts and now am about two-thirds of the way through a draft that I felt was going well but would need a lot of extra work to make it a book I'd want to read, much less publish. About a mile into today's run I thought of an idea I probably should've realized before and it brought everything together in my mind. Some of the root problems I knew I'd have to fix will disappear and the book will be more compelling.

What about the run, you ask? Good question. I wish I'd been able to run this morning since the temperature was in the 70s and the sky overcast. This afternoon the sun poked out and temperature rose to the mid-80s. Still not bad for Texas in July, though. It was a good run with the built-in walks. The best thing I can say is that the perspiration gave me some inspiration.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

What Was

Today I ran 6 miles, which used to be my regular running distance. What was regular is now my long run, at least for now. The turnaround point is by the lake at Bonnie Wenk Park and I can't remember the last time I saw it. My hope is that this becomes routine again for my regular outings. The temperature was only about 80 degrees when I headed out, another nice July day in Texas. I definitely sweated a lot with the humidity, but I've run in worse. I thought there'd be more people out. I mean, there were several runners and cyclists, I just figured it'd be more crowded. I did walk at each mile, one minute at the first and second mile marks, two minutes at three and four, and three minutes at mile five. That kept my heart rate in check and provided a little relief from the humidity. It was nice to get in a "long" run again.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Almost Bailed

I had plenty of excuses to bail on this afternoon's run. Rain came through mid-afternoon and left it hot and humid. I didn't sleep well last night. I really just wanted to go smoke a cigar and chill. Despite all the reasons, I pushed myself to get out the door and run 4 miles. Even though the temperature was at least ten degrees lower than the previous run, the humidity made up for it. And yes! Rain in Texas in July. We'll take it. It was nice to see the streams with enough water in them to detect a little bit of a current. Also, I saw an armadillo out by the running path. It's odd to see them out during daylight hours. I took a sidestep toward him and he dashed for the tall grass and trees. They're destructive little critters and I was kind of hoping he'd tuck himself into an armored ball, but no such luck. Anyway, glad I made myself run today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Recovery in the Heat

I viewed today as a recovery run after the baseball trip this past weekend. I did get in plenty of walking, including twice walking back to the rental from the stadium, about 1.5 miles. I also shaved a mile off the normal distance today since the temperature was 101 degrees this afternoon. Head index hit 106, or at least that's what I saw when I checked before heading out. So, I ended up with 3 miles today. I used the built-in walks to my advantage, maybe a little more than normal for such a short distance. It's supposed to cool off here for the next few days, "cool" being a relative term. Supposedly there's a chance of rain, too, but we all know how accurate those forecasts have been lately.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hello, Texas

Today was a typical summer day in Texas. No surprise. 98 degrees, heat index 102. That doesn't sound so bad regarding the gap between air and humidity, but it did feel a bit like a sauna. Plus, I'm trying to cut back on snacks and didn't have anything mid-afternoon, so my stomach felt kind of aggravated at me when I started out. Not really nauseous or queasy, just like it expected to be fed and I hadn't done it. That feeling disappeared once I got going, though. I ran 4 miles, with varying degrees of walks at each mile marker. At the first mile I walked a minute, but at the second that walk lasted until I got back in the shade, probably about 3 1/2 minutes. The third walk was probably about the same. I've had a good string of regular running going, but it's going to end this weekend since I'll be going to baseball games. I'm sure I'll get in plenty of walking to make up for the lack of a run.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Late Call

I have a work call late this afternoon, and when I got stood up for a lunchtime call I decided to use the opportunity to get out for a run. Plus, it's marginally cooler now than it will be later. Even though the sun rode high in the sky I still found plenty of shade along the route. I went 4 miles, with a minute walk at each marker. Hey, it was only 89 degrees with a nice breeze from the north. That kept me from overheating. Overall, an uneventful, routine run. Now I don't have to try and rush out for a run after that call later.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Temperature Drop

A coldish front came through late yesterday. No rain, but it cooled things down quite a bit. This morning when I ran it was barely 80 degrees, a far cry from the 100-degree temperature on Tuesday when I ran. Today I'm smoking a brisket but still managed to break away for 5 miles, with only a minute walk every mile. Except the fourth, where I walked three minutes. Still, a nice day for a run overall. Saw plenty of people out walking. I took the alternate route through the neighborhood to the north, which offers more shade than my normal path that traces the southern edge of the big pond. We're supposed to have somewhat cooler temps for the next week, probably due somewhat to the hurricane hitting south Texas in a few days. Heck, maybe we'll even get some rain.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Four on the Fourth

It's Independence Day in the United States, which means a holiday. And I took advantage of the day off to run this morning before the mercury hits 100 degrees later this afternoon. I ran 4 miles and since the temperature wasn't too bad (88 degrees, heat index 97) yet, I walked at each mile marker without adding on the extra time like I did a couple of days ago. Saw several people out walking as well as a few runners. Mostly walkers, though. The southerly breeze helped as usual. I'm still amazed at how the streams have pretty much dried up over the past month or so. A chance of rain is in the forecast overnight, along with a break in the high temperatures. As usual, I'm skeptical.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

101 Plus

Today was the first day I've run over 100 degrees this year - I think. It was 101 with heat index of 108. Not really that different from running when it's 97 and feels like temp of 107. The breeze out of the south felt good, at times, and at other times felt like a blast furnace. Like when I ran across the bridge in the last mile. Anyway, I ran 4 miles and modified my walking routine by adding a half-minute to the normal walk at each mile marker. By the time I got to mile three and walked 3 1/2 minutes it seemed like a lot of walking. But by that point I needed it. I watched my heart rate and it maxed out at about 150, sliding back nicely to 130 or less when I walked. I figure that's probably a good indicator to watch when it's so hot.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


I might have used the title for this post before - I mean, after all, I've been posting here for something like 20 years. Maybe a few years' shy. Anyway, it still describes the humidity outside perfectly. When I left it was 87 degrees with heat index of 97. Humidity was about 75%. I did the run/walk thing, with an extra walk thrown in at the halfway point for the 5-mile total. I'd just reached the turnaround point and in the park, shielded by trees and the spare breeze at my back. I immediately felt like I should take it easy and not push too hard, so I walked for a couple of minutes. That seemed to do the trick and I did the rest of the run according to plan. This was a tough day for a run, but I did it.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Bit Earlier

Today was light on calls for work, so I made the snap decision to run before lunch. Turned out to be a good one, as the temperature was 89 degrees with heat index of 98. In case that's not clear, the heat index was below 100 degrees. Yesterday it was 111 at about 4:30 p.m. Anyway, I did the usual run/walk for 4 miles with better results than the last outing. Meaning I didn't walk as much, especially the last mile. It was nice to get out when the opportunity presented itself. Can't count on that every time, but I'll take it when it arises.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sweaty Steps

Today summer started hitting on all cylinders. I went 4 miles, a lot of the last mile in walking mode. The temperature hit 96 degrees but the heat index was 107. Yeah, humid. I'm still getting acclimated to the horrendous heat so I told myself to walk as needed. And yes, I needed it. When you're 50-something years old you have to slow down and listen to what your body's telling you. I'm sure there are plenty of people my age who push it and really exert themselves, but I'm not one of them. I want to live to run another day. Not that working out hard would necessarily kill me in this heat, but it sure would increase the odds. Now it's time to relax and cool off.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

5 of 5

Today I made my plan, even though I had a few excuses not to do so. I planned 5 miles, and that's what I did. This in spite of sleeping horribly last night, getting up at 5 a.m. to take The Wife to the airport, and high humidity. I thought about taking a nap before running, but decided I might as well just get it done. I think that was the right choice. Temperature was 88 degrees and heat index of 96, which tells you a little bit about how humid it was. Lots of people out walking, running, and biking today. Now that I think about it, I don't remember anyone out walking a dog like I usually see. It was mostly just people. Glad I could be one of them.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

4 of 5

My original plan was to go 5 miles today, but I ended up with 4. That was due to the humidity and my walking plan. See, I figured 4 miles with the built-in walks would take me about an hour. I was correct. And an hour out in that soup was plenty. As I've said many times before, I'm not out training for anything right now and no need to go one extra mile just to say I did it. I still felt okay by the end of the run and that means I didn't overdo it. Don't get me wrong, my legs were tired and I could tell I'd exercised. Just not to the point of dropping from exhaustion.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


I'd say today felt like a routine run. I kind of lost myself in the music and the familiarity of the path, the significant points along the way, and the weather. Fortunately, clouds rolled through from time to time, blunting the heat of the sun a bit. The temperature only got up to 92 degrees but the breeze was probably in the mid-teens of miles per hour. I went 4 miles and walked a minute for each mile run (two minutes at the end of two miles, three at the end of three). That seemed to work feel and is definitely part of the summer running routine.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday in Texas

A normal Saturday morning here in Texas, with temperature around 80 degrees and a nice dose of humidity to go with it. Today's plan was to go 5 miles and that's exactly what I did. It included a bit of walking at each mile marker, and as usual given the humidity it seemed wise. Plenty of people out today and it's good to see people getting some exercise. The stream levels have returned to normal after the dose of rain we've received this spring. The accompaniment today was the Old 97's new album, American Primitive. Great stuff as usual from my favorite band. My only problem with the album is that it's too short, clocking in at about 42 minutes. That's okay, though. I have all their music on my iPod so I just keep rocking.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


I had a break in my work calendar again today and used the opportunity to get out before the day grew too hot. I ran 4 miles again, with walk breaks at each mile. Hey, it might've been "only" 82 degrees but the sun and humidity combined to make it necessary for a break. Careful readers will remember that when it hits 80 degrees in Texas then I throw in walking breaks. I'm not trying to win any speed contests or conjure a heat stroke. The breeze helped somewhat and I feel that overall it was a nice outing.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Who would've thought that standing out in the sun for two days at the Texas Music Revolution would wear me out? After Friday and Saturday, both in the 90s and humid, and feeling like a wrung-out sweat sock, running just wasn't in the plans for Sunday. Fortunately, this week my calendar has less meetings and I got out for an early afternoon run. I went 4 miles with a little less walking. Today's temperature is on only 82 degrees and cloudy. It was a nice run and I felt good overall. I put new heel inserts in my shoes but I might go back to the old ones. We all know from past experience how little it takes to change one's stride and mess with the mechanics further up the chain.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Higher Temp, Less Soup

Even though it was a couple of degrees warmer today than on Tuesday, the running conditions were actually better. That would be because the humidity registered lower, therefore making the heat index lower. I went 4 miles total, with walks of 2-3 minutes at each mile marker. Yes, the summertime protocol is now in full swing. Whatever the case, it was good to get out and sweat a little. There's going to be a lot of that going on as summer revs up.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Summertime Walking

Temperature got above 90 degrees today, which means it's time to build in walks every mile or so. I went 3.5 miles total and walked probably a half-mile of it, maybe a little more. The heat index was 103 due to all the humidity from the rain the last several days. I felt pretty good, other than the fatigue toward the end. But that was good, especially after the last couple of weeks. Looking forward to a summer of running. And walking.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

More Kansas

Another run today in Kansas, this time in Wamego. I went at noon with a temperature around 80 degrees and lots of sunshine. Plus a little humidity. I went around the athletic complex three times for a total of 2.5 miles. Not a great distance, but after eating and drinking a lot the past several days, it was plenty. We're here to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday, and celebrate we did. Time to run a little bit and burn off some of the extra calories.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

St. George Run

In Kansas today and ran a couple of miles in St. George. Walked a mile first with the family, so a total of 3 miles over some hilly ground, along with a little bit of sprinkles and a lot of humidity. I missed running Tuesday because of alleged storms that ended up totally missing us. But I got the grass mowed, which was a good thing. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

11 Days

It's been 11 days since my last run. During that time we had several bouts of rain and I was out of town for work. I could've run a couple of times if I'd really tried, but for some reason I just didn't. Back to it. This morning was humid and overcast and I went 3 miles. I did a different route, just for fun, and that was a nice change. Felt pretty good overall and I'm hoping to get back into the routine.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Run in the Morning

I have work commitments later this afternoon, so I ran earlier in the day than normal. It was a good decision to get out in the morning since the temperature was perfect and the sky clear with a gentle breeze from the north. I only went 3 miles, but it was a good run. Since it's a work day there weren't many people out, which is fine. Fewer dogs to dodge. Actually, the dogs usually behave. It's the humans who think they can take up the whole running path. Anyway, glad I got out when I could.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Fantastic Four

Thursday ended up being full of meetings and it wasn't until today (Saturday) that I got in the third run of the week. Talk about a nice day! Temperature was only about 60 degrees and little to no wind. I went 4 miles and felt good the whole way. Even the humidity wasn't too bad. I took it slow and easy and just enjoyed the day with some nice music to listen to along the way. I'll take days like this in Texas any time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Midday 3

I figured it was going to get close to 90 degrees today and since it was a light day for meetings I went for a midday run. Even so, it was still over 80 and humid. I ran 3 miles total, with a 2-1/2 minute walk at the end of the second mile. It'll take a little time to get used to the heat again and we're on the way. Overall, though, a good outing followed by mowing the lawn. I've definitely got my exercise in for the day.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Back on the Horse

Yesterday I smoked a brisket all day, so today was an outing much like the last one where I only went 2 miles. It was an outing to get back on the horse and prep for the upcoming week, where I hope to get out three times in the next six days. Plus, today was ultra-humid after a big storm last night. The stream running under Lake Forest was full and lots of debris jamming up part of it, including some big logs from trees that fell. Nice outing, though, and it served its purpose. 

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Run then Walk

Tuesday I got up really early to take The Wife to the airport. By the time work ended, I knew an outing would not go well. Today was better, but humidity was up since it rained yesterday. Plus, my left knee has been aching a little. Not sure why. So I kept it to 2 miles today with a run for the first mile and walking the second. Mainly the walk was to keep my exercise time a little longer. I could've run the second part, but I wanted the extra minutes. And it was humid. Did I mention that?

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Travel Gap

We left town last Saturday and I got back on Thursday. The schedule was packed so I didn't even try to bring running gear. When I arrived home, I was a bit worn out but new I needed to get out. I walked 2 miles, which didn't seem worthy of its own post. Today was better, with a 4-miler, although not all of that was running. I figure I ran a 5k with a ten-minute walk in the middle, mainly because I wanted to get more time exercising but didn't want to run the whole way. It was a nice compromise. Plus, I listened to an album I hadn't heard in probably a decade and that kept things fresh. Very windy and overcast, with rain yesterday and more forecast for this evening.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Soup Day

I felt better on today's run than I did Tuesday, but the humidity took care of that. Wow, was it soupy out there. I held the run to 3 miles, with a walk at the 2-mile mark to cool down a bit. The temperature was 86 degrees, which added to the mix quite nicely. I did enjoy the outing, though, since I loaded the new Old 97's album onto my iPod after only listening to it on vinyl for the past couple of weeks. Great stuff.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


I was hoping for a more energetic outing today, but overall I felt blechy. I think it's the cumulative effects of allergies over the past few months. I mean, I wasn't having an allergy attack today, but I did feel like I had the flu and someone beat me up with a baseball bat. Like a normal day. Anyway, I ran a little over a mile, then walked for a bit, ran some more, and ended up walking the rest of the way. Overall mileage was 2.8 miles, of which I probably ran 1.75 or so. Not great, but then again, I got out there. Sometimes that's the win.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Another 5

After the fun of allergies and a 4-miler on Thursday, I ended the running week with 5 miles this morning. I thought there'd be more people out since it was in the 60s and sunny, but what do I know? I mean, there were a few people on the trail, but maybe it was because I went out relatively early at just past 8 a.m. Anyway, the run was good and the only walking I did was a tenth of a mile up the big hill. I followed that up with trimming and mowing the yard and it's not even lunchtime yet.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

More of the Allergies

After all these years I'm still not sure how this allergy thing works. I was fine Monday, which was the total eclipse and very enjoyable, and then Tuesday rain moved in and it was cloudy and wet all day. You'd think that'd knock all the pollen or whatever out of the air and I'd be fine, but you'd be wrong. Instead, I suffered through a major allergy attack and spent all day trying to maintain some momentum at work while continually sneezing and blowing my nose. What a great day. Any thought of running never crossed my mind. It rained again yesterday, so today was my first chance to get out of the house since Monday. I ran 4 miles in sunshine and a stiff breeze out of the north, but I have to say it felt good to get out. I can only hope and pray this doesn't set off another allergy attack, but as we established earlier, what do I know?

Saturday, April 6, 2024

5 and Windy

Today's running conditions were much different than Thursday. The temperature was in the mid-60s with a lot of wind, kind of like earlier this week. Nevertheless, I persevered against not just the wind, but also my thoughts about cutting the run short. I told myself I had nowhere I needed to be and to suck it up. I went a full 5 miles, completing my 3-4-5 plan for the week. It's a start.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

4 (Kind of)

It was a little warmer than I expected today, about 82 degrees. I could feel the change over the last few runs but still decided to go 4 miles, as per plan for this week. It ended up kind of being 4 miles. I walked two-tenths of a mile at the 2.35 mile mark, or about three minutes. So it ended up being a split of about 2.3 and 1.7 mile runs. Whatever the case, I did it. That little walk in the relative heat helped me make it. No complaints about what a beautiful day it turned out to be.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Today was windy, like 20 mph constant and gusts up to 30 mph. This week I want to do the 3-4-5 step up in mileage, assuming I get in all three runs. Today was 3 miles and even though I probably could have gone more, it seemed like enough with all the wind. Also, I'm an idiot. Once again, I put on the wrong pair of shoes. I should know better by now since my left knee aches a little bit when I wear them. I think at this point I need to put my non-running pair of shoes in another location. You'd think it wouldn't be this difficult, but you'd be wrong.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Opening Day

Thursday was Opening Day for Major League Baseball, which IMHO should be a national holiday. I bring this up because I chose to watch the Cardinals opener against the Dodgers instead of running. It ended up being a mistake since the Cards got their butts kicked. Lesson learned.

Today was really nice and I ran 3.5 miles. Then I followed last Saturday's pattern and spent a couple hours working in the yard. Guess that means springtime is really here. It certainly burns some extra calories.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

A Tad Cool

Cool breeze from the north today and temperature in the low 50s, plus a late-afternoon meeting on the calendar. I was resolved to not miss running today, though, and went out for 3 miles during a break between work calls. The breeze was strong when running against it, but not bad on the last mile mostly going south. Looks like the rain has moved out for a while so I'll take it.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Nice Morning

I missed Thursday due to rainstorms and laziness, but mostly laziness. Today was absolutely gorgeous, with temperature in the 50s and abundant sunshine. I ran 4 miles but with a break in the middle since I stopped and talked to someone I know. The running part felt good and not too much effort, which is good since I have lots of yardwork to do this afternoon. I'm getting in the physical effort today for sure.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Glory of Spring

With the recent rain, the grass is turning green and the trees are budding. The day started off cold, 35 degrees, but warmed into the upper 60s with a load of sunshine. I felt good and ran 4 miles. I think the "race" on Saturday got me in the right frame of mind to work on my fitness and mileage. I want to keep it going but Thursday looks like a rainy day. I might have to rearrange my running schedule or hope that there are breaks in the storms.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Shamrock Run

The rain stayed away this morning so we could run the McKinney Shamrock 5k. Compared to my last couple of outings, this was actually a good run. I didn't push it and finished with a 10:20 pace, a little faster than my normal outings. Then I topped it off with a full Irish fry-up and a couple of pints. It was actually nice to do a race again, even though I wouldn't call what I did "racing." Just a good outing with some friends and about 1500 other people.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


Between work calls I was able to get out for a 3-miler. I still felt like I was dragging even though the weather was decent, if a little humid. Maybe that was the problem. Also, allergies since I felt like my windpipe wasn't operating at full capacity. Anyway, I walked briefly at the 2.3 mile mark since my heart rate was kind of high. I ran a little more, walked up the big hill, and finished with another short run. Then sneezed and had a runny nose for a bit. Such a joy. I was glad to make it out since rain was in the forecast but held off.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Is It Dookie or Dooky?

Whichever way you spell it, that's how I felt today. I slept like dookie/dooky last night and of course, that carried over into today's run. I actually ran a mile and then walked home, for a total of 2 miles. Maybe I can get a good night's sleep and try again tomorrow. Rain is in the forecast for Thursday, so it makes sense to move that run forward a day and see I feel better.

Saturday, March 9, 2024


It's sad that the last couple of weeks I've averaged two runs and about six miles. That used to be my standard for one run. Thursday it rained all day, which makes for a good excuse, but overall it's just sad. This morning I went for a 3-miler and it was a decent run with a stiff, cool breeze from the north. Good news, though: yesterday I signed up for a St. Patrick's Day 5k, which will actually be on the 16th. It's not much in the running department but at least it'll be something fun.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


I felt kind of lethargic on this afternoon's 3-miler, like I was lagging behind the pack. Not sure what the deal was since I've slept all right the past few nights and allergies haven't been bothering me. Maybe I've been eating too much rich food, like the beef kind of rich food. Maybe I should eat smaller portions. Or eat something not so heavy. Maybe, but probably not.

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Tuesday evening I was taking out the trash and pivoted just outside the back screen door, which was closing behind me. As I pivoted, the back of my right heel scraped up the metal corner of the door, leaving a nice, long gouge. Yes, I swore. That kept me sidelined for Thursday but it felt good enough today.

There's a line from the late, great Kirstie Alley in her role from Cheers where her character, Rebecca Howe, has a bad moment and whines, "I am too stupid to live!" Well, I wasn't in that bad of a situation today, but still felt pretty idiotic. During my 4-mile run, I experienced a multiple instances where one knee or the other felt not quite right. I almost walked the last half-mile or so, but I focused on keeping my form moving straight and economical and all was good. However, when I got back inside and took off my shoes I realized I'd worn my walking shoes. In other words, the old pair of running shoes that I don't run in any more. I've now done that multiple times. I may not be too stupid to live, but maybe I'm too stupid to run.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

In-Between Run

Today I had late-afternoon meetings and was able to get out for a 3-miler in between. The mercury got up to 84 degrees, which was a little cooler than the low 90s we had yesterday. I could feel the difference in temperature from last week, with a little more humidity. I felt like I was dragging a little, probably due to all the allergies over the past seven days. Or actually, a lifetime of allergies. Regardless, I overcame a sneezing fit this morning to still enjoy a run.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Allergy Week

Well, that was nice. After going for a birthday run on Tuesday, that evening I suffered a big allergy attack. It pretty much kicked my butt for a couple of days, and I thought it best to not run on Thursday and tempt fate even more. Especially since it was windy and that really seems to do the trick. Today, though, was much nicer. Sunshine, nice temperature, and even more important: very little breeze. After breakfast and coffee, I ran 4 miles. It was a good, steady run, and I went the whole way. Except for the big hill, of course. Then I spent an hour or so running the mower over the accumulated leaves in our yard, mulching them quite nicely. Now it's time to relax and hope the allergies stay away.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Another Birthday Run

What a nice day! Temperature was in the low to mid-50s this morning and I went a full 4 miles. Sun was shining, breeze very light, and just an all-around beauty of a day. Plus, it's also my birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to go for a run? I missed going out last Saturday due to cool and windy weather. I probably could have bundled up and went out, but I opted for laziness instead. Hey, at this age I'm entitled. Or so I hear.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Highs and Lows

Felt tired this afternoon for some reason. I started out fine, but by the time I got to 1.5 miles I felt like I could take a nap. That was the low part of the run. I walked a quarter-mile and then ran the rest of the way. I even kicked it into a sprint the last tenth. That was the high part of the run. It was another 3-mile outing and a beautiful day. I wish my run had matched the weather, but hey, i got out the door. That has to count for something.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Really Nice

It was almost too nice today. Temperature was 62 degrees, the sun shone in a cloudless sky, and barely a hint of a breeze. I went the usual 3-mile route, with walks at beginning and end. For math nerds, that made the overall total 3.3 miles, but I only count the running part in my reporting. I was glad to make it out today, since the weekend days were rainy and cool. As of today, subject to change tomorrow, the forecast is looking good with no precipitation or freezing temperatures through next week. Let's run!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Running in the 70s

The temperature was mild again, in the low 70s, and I ran 3miles. As mentioned last time, I'd planned on going more but just wasn't feeling it. And no reason to risk injury for just another mile. Gotta love these nice days in February. I think a little rain is in the forecast over the weekend, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Cooler Than It Should Be

On most days, especially during winter, 62 degrees would be a decent temperature. Today it felt cooler than it should have, even though the breeze wasn't that strong. I decided to go 3 miles, hoping to ratchet it up by a mile each outing this week. I mean, really, a day like today is outstanding in early February. No complaints here, and happy for a nice run.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Cool Sunday

I did the Sunday run this week since I had Saturday obligations. Today was a little on the cool side with a breeze from the north, with the mercury hovering around 50 degrees. I went 4 miles, with a quarter-mile walk at the three-mile mark. That was due to my heart rate being a little high, so I walked a little to bring it back down. Overall, it was a good outing. Not many people out on the paths, but that's okay. I enjoyed it and left myself enough energy to do some yardwork as well.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Today was absolutely gorgeous. 74 degrees when I went out late afternoon and barely any wind. I figured I should go at least three miles, maybe a half-mile more, and ended up with a tally of 4 miles. I thought about walking before I got to the turnaround but ended up running all the way (except the big hill). Why not? It was a really good run and an awesome day. No arguments here. 

Monday, January 29, 2024


Didn't run Saturday since it was cold and windy and I didn't run yesterday because I did other stuff. Today was nice, though, about 70 degrees and non-windy. I ran 3 miles and honestly, it felt a little like a struggle. Maybe because I didn't sleep well last night. Oh well, I did the rare Monday run and am glad I did.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Back from Vegas

Well, last Saturday I spent most of the day doing the things and getting ready for a trip out of town. I left on Sunday and returned late yesterday. Three full days in Las Vegas meant I was ready for some exercise. Even thought it's a little bit cool and overcast, my schedule today allowed me to get out for a run by late morning. I ran 3 miles and it did feel good after all the joys of modern travel. No travel in the immediate forecast for me, which I'm hoping means I can get back into a regular rhythm of goodness.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Breezy Outing

Didn't get out today until about 4:40 p.m., an hour or so before sunset. A little breeze from the north kept it pretty cool even though the temp was supposedly 58 degrees. I ran in shorts and long-sleeved tee. It felt nice and easy today and I went 3 miles with a sprint at the end. It was nice to feel like I could've run longer. Cold is back in the forecast starting tomorrow but I plan on getting out Saturday unless it turns ugly.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Geography Matters

Geography matters in a few ways. For instance, last week I was on the beach in Mexico and no way was I going to run. It would've ruined the general sense of laziness I enjoyed. I did go for a few walks, but they were mostly leisurely and counted for about as little activity as I could get away with.

Geography also matters in how I perceived today versus when we lived in Kansas City. Today in Texas the temperature at run-time was about 26 degrees. It was really cold and I wanted to turn around before I even made it a quarter-mile. However, I persevered and made it for a whole 2.5 mile outing. Compare that to the times in KC when the thermometer hit 26 degrees in January. I would've been ecstatic during some of those brutal winters. In fact, there were times that felt downright warm. Today, though, it was far from it. It's supposed to get warmer as the week goes along and I'm fine with that.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Four for Saturday

I waited until afternoon to run today since this morning just didn't look nice. The high today is only 48 degrees with a good breeze from the north, but at least the sun poked out after lunch. I ran 4 miles and overall felt much better than earlier in the week. It was nice to get some sunlight during the middle of winter. I didn't get out Thursday due to it being rainy so I was determined to get out today. Mission accomplished.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Number 2,000

This is post number 2,000. This log that I started in December 2006 has lasted 17 years now. I did it to track my progress in running a marathon and now 10 marathons and a bunch of halfs later I'm still going. My youngest daughter asked me yesterday if I would like to run a half with her later this year and of course I said yes. So, now I have a goal.

2,000 posts doesn't mean 2,000 runs. Some posts encompassed multiple runs while others recapped a walk. I guess that means I've done 2,000ish runs. This has been a simple way for me to log each one and go back someday to see what I experienced along the way. Hopefully there's plenty more to write about.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Last One?

Was today the last run of 2023? If so, it wasn't great. I ran a mile and walked another for a total of 2 miles. Just wasn't feeling it, I guess. It was a nice enough day, a little on the cool side with a breeze, but at least the sun was shining.

Which brings up the year in review: how did it go? Okay, I guess. I really do need a goal for next year, like a 10k or a half. The only race I ran this year was the turkey trot, which was fun but not really a stretch goal. All said, though, I'm still glad to be running. It's a good time of relaxation and keeps me reasonably fit. If I can avoid injury and laziness in 2024 that'll be a good thing.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Crispy Run

This morning it was crisp - very cool temperature, breezy, but at least the sun was out. I bundled up for my 4-mile run. Strangely enough, there weren't a lot of people out the day after Christmas. The run itself was good and I'm glad to be on the increase again with mileage. Hoping I can keep that up in the new year. And glad I didn't let the coldness keep my inside.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Misty Run

This morning was supposedly heavy fog, but in reality it was just misty. I needed to get out since I didn't have the chance on Thursday. I ran 4 miles. Overall, I felt good and the effort not too much. I thought about doing a shorter run, but then I figured: why? I wasn't in a hurry and in the holiday season I need the exercise. I spent the afternoon watching a friend work on the brakes on his truck and then coming home and making salsa verde. It's Christmas time!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Walking with The Wife

I had time in my work schedule to walk with The Wife yesterday, so I did. We walked just over 2 miles and it was a bit cool and windy. It was a nice, brisk walk with someone I happen to like a lot. My rib feels almost all the way better. It's weird because it seems to ache when I first wake up but fades as the day goes by. We have rain in the forecast coming up, so we'll see how I can get out between storms.

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Frost on the ground this morning in north Texas and temperature was just above freezing when I went out. The sun was shining and the air was still, which made for a nice setting. I drove to Oklahoma and back yesterday and I felt a little stiff after 7+ hours in the car. This morning I walked briefly, ran 1.85, and then walked the last mile for a total of 3 miles I wasn't in a hurry and that was nice. I think today calls for maximum relaxation.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Odd Run

The mailman delivered a piece of mail the other day that belongs to the same house number, just a street over. So I started my exercise today by walking over and back and then going the regular route. That was a little odd but worked out okay. The good news is I took a few running steps and the pain in my ribs seemed dull. After a few yards it went away and seemed like I could keep going. I really didn't feel it the rest of the way, going 3 miles total and including 1.5 miles of running. I'm back!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Tender Ribs

The ribs are still tender so I walked again today. 2.5 miles or so - I had to make the turn a bit early since some lady was walking three dogs ahead of me and two of them got free when a couple walking toward me passed them by. I decided I didn't want to get in that mess and made an about-face. Very breezy today although the sun was out. I wore long-sleeved shirt and long pants, which turned out to be a good decision. I'd originally thought of wearing shorts but didn't regret going with pants instead.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023


 About 3-4 weeks ago The Wife injured her ribs, I think by bending over a grocery freezer and popping a lower rib. I told her I'd never heard of that but watched her suffer quite a bit before it healed. Then I did the same thing last Friday leaning into my truck's engine compartment to check the oil. What are the odds?

Thursday it rained. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, I didn't run Saturday. Today I took two jogging steps and decided running wasn't for me. So, I walked 2.5 miles. That went okay but I really wanted to keep up the running progression. It might be next week before running is back in the plan. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

More in the Fall

Another nice autumn day here in north Texas. Just a few degrees under 60 with sun and hardly any breeze to speak of. I went 3.5 miles this time and thought about going another half-mile but decided I felt a little dead-legged. Saw a hot air balloon to the east and a couple of guys walking their dogs, but not much else. Pity since it was such a nice day.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Post-Turkey Run

That stomach virus earlier this week helped me shed four pounds or so, and I did my best to make it back the last couple of days. So today was important for doing my best to maintain some semblance of fitness over the holiday weekend. Temperature was in the low 50s but sunshine-y with a light breeze. I ran 4 miles plus the walking at the beginning and the end. Overall, a pleasant outing that saw me start off wondering if I'd go the distance but ended up making it with gas still in the tank. Plus, gotta take advantage of the cooler weather while it's around and bearable.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Turkey Trot 2023

Ran a turkey trot today for the first time since we moved to Texas from KC, I think. We used to do the Parkville Turkey Trot as a family, but kind of got away from the tradition as the years went by. Daughter #2 asked if I wanted to do one this year, so we did. Got in my 3.11 miles first thing and now it's on to breakfast and more. My run earlier this week was derailed by a fast-moving stomach virus. It hit Monday and left Tuesday, but I didn't feel 100% and decided it would be smart to skip it in lieu of resting. There it is, proof once in a while I actually do something smart.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Darn Near Perfect

Temperature in the upper 50s and sunshine today, almost a perfect day. Tiny breeze out of the north, barely enough to mention. I ran 4 miles overall and felt good the whole way. Plenty of people out today, including a father/son group along the bridge by the pond in the neighborhood to the north. Mostly blocking it on the way out and only slightly on the way back. Other than that, I didn't see a ton of people out, which is kind of amazing considering how nice it is. I'm ready for the Turkey Trot next week. Other than packet pickup, of course.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Avoiding the Dogs

Maybe it's just a function of the times. I ran 3.4 miles but it should've been 3.5. I turned around right before I got to a couple walking their dogs so I wouldn't have to pass them one way and immediately going the other. Then when I got back in the neighborhood I ran by the first house, with a fence running the length of the sidewalk. It was missing a small piece last week and now another, bigger, piece close to street. That dog is a dick. He snapped at me through the missing plank and if it was up to him would've crashed through and eaten me for an appetizer. Last week there was the dog across the street barely a hundred yards west. Maybe I should start carrying dog spray. Anyway, it was a beautiful day and a nice run, dogs notwithstanding. And this is from a dog person.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Pleasant Run

The day was mostly overcast but the clouds parted a bit this afternoon. Temperatures reached the upper 60s and it was a very pleasant day for a run. I thought about going longer than 3 miles but since I'm planning on running a couple more times this week I decided to ramp up on the next couple of runs. Looks likes it's supposed to stay this nice at least through Saturday before a chance of rain moves in. I'll take it.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

This is the Week

I count today's run as part of the past Monday-Sunday week, so that means I got in two outings the past week. Better than the previous week. I think this is the week I get back on track. Not the track, just on track. Wanted to clarify. I ran 3 miles today with a temprature in the mid-60s. It was a nice afternoon for running. Last week I signed up for a Turkey Trot with Daughter #2. At least I can run that distance with no issues these days.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Slow Month

Yes, October ended up being a slow month for running. Last week I kind of let it all slide with my parents in town and lots of work obligations. Today I had a chance to get out before it got dark (screw you, daylight savings time) with a temperature of 84 degrees on a November day. The breeze was high and it felt good, but after more than a week off I walked most of a 2.5-mile walk. I ran about .4 of a mile early on but decided to take it easy. Not sure about running on Thursday since rain is in the forecast. We'll see. Hoping to make this a less-slow month.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Between Storms

Lots of rain overnight and this morning, and more expected this evening. Fortunately, a gap between storms arrived this afternoon and I had the chance to get out. I ran 4 miles with the temperature about 60 degrees. The creeks and ponds are way high and I expect they'll rise even more by the time the rain is all done. I walked up the big hill, as usual, and sprinted the last bit into the neighborhood. Overall, a good outing in good conditions.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

A Little Water

It's amazing to me how we can go pretty much five months without rain of any kind to a couple of days of rain that causes the creeks to overflow. I guess the ground can't soak it all up or something. The creek I run over on Lake Forest was over its banks and probably has gone down a little bit today. We're due for more rain over the weekend so we'll see how it goes. Rain was the reason I didn't get out on Tuesday.

Today was a different story. I ran at lunchtime since I have a late call this afternoon and went 3.3 miles total. Just like before, I started running from my old spot after a short walking warm-up. Once again it felt pretty good and I think on Saturday, as long as it's not raining, I can run a bit longer. Even though I do love summer, it's nice to run when the sky is overcast and the temperature is only 72. A bit humid, but that's okay.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Multiple Outings

 I walked 1.25 miles with The Wife this morning and then stopped by the house to pick up my iPod before embarking on another 3.3 miles. The extra .3 is because I started running at the old spot, which used to be the usual mark for tracking my mileage. It's .15 miles from the house, so multiply it by two to get the .3. This is the first time I started running from the neighborhood in a long while, and I ran the whole 3 miles except for the big hill on the way back. It's a nice day, a little overcast, but the temperature and breeze feel good. After getting back I harvested the turd crop in the backyard and then mowed, putting me over 12,000 steps before noon. Time to relax the rest of the day.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Three Again

A nice day again, about 74 degrees at run time with sun and a light breeze. Another 4 miles with a half-mile walk to begin and end, a whole three miles in the middle without stopping. I figured I should go for it since I probably won't be able to get out on Thursday. Maybe tomorrow, but it will be just a walk if I do.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Eclipse Run

Solar eclipse today in Texas, and as I ran it started. It was pretty cool to see the crescent sunlight on the ground as it filtered through the trees. I went 4 miles total and ran 3 miles straight. It helped that the temperature was in the 50s with a cool breeze from the north. I actually ran a few hundred yards once I got back to the neighborhood since I spotted The Wife walking ahead of me. It was nice to run without breaks and the momentum toward higher mileage continues.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Around Work

I found an unexpected gap in my work schedule today and got out for a walk/run, which was nice because I have a late afternoon meeting that puts a crimp in my exercise schedule. It's a gray, cloudy day and temperature is only around 70 degrees with a breeze from the south. Almost underdressed in shorts and t-shirt but somehow survived. I went 3 miles total, with half of that running, once again in half-mile increments. I sprinted at the end of the third one and overall felt good. Still planning to increase mileage as the weather cools.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Anniversary Walk

Missed a few days of exercise due to a trip to Georgia to see family I did get in a little walking on Saturday when I took my nephew to a UGA football game. We got back yesterday and today is our anniversary, so The Wife and I went for a nice 3-mile walk. Temperature was only 71 degrees and it's a pleasant day, in many ways. Hard to believe we've been married this long, especially the part where someone would stick with me so many years. Every one of those years has been a gift.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I Love the 80s

Okay, the title is a reference to the temperature today, but I also did love the '80s. It was pleasant outside, sunny, with a nice breeze from the south. Rain is supposed to move in tomorrow night but as I've said before, I'll believe it when I see it. I walked 3 miles today, mainly due to soreness from yesterday when I was snaking a bathroom drain. Interesting that contorting myself into unnatural postions under a sink results in aches and pains the next day. Such is life for someone who lived through the '80s.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Late-Morning, Post-Coffee

The Wife and I went out to breakfast this morning, which was nice but delayed my exercise by a few hours. I went for a 4-miler and ran 2.5 miles of it in .5, 1.5, and .5 mile increments. The temperature wasn't too bad, nor was the humidity, and a nice breeze out of the southwest hit me at some good moments. I still feel like I'm doing well on the road to increasing mileage back to what it was a few years ago.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


The temperature says 94 degrees but it doesn't feel like it. Maybe it's because I went out for my walk/run after 5 p.m. as the sun was getting lower. I ran half of the 3 miles in half-mile increments, as I've done before. Even sprinted the last few hundred yards for a literal change of pace. There wasn't much breeze, which again makes me wonder why it didn't feel as hot as the thermometer said. Oh, well, I'll take it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Sunny Walk

We finally got some rain Sunday night, which cooled things off briefly, but today we're back into the low 90s with lots of sun. I determined this was another good time to walk instead of running. It was a brisk pace, especially since usually I take a little bit to warm up. I can tell we're heading toward the end of the year as the shadows from the fences and trees grow longer. Overall, 3 miles and nothing unusual about it.

Saturday, September 23, 2023


Today seemed like a normal Saturday, temperature this morning in the upper 70s. I went 4 miles total, running half of that in half-mile intervals. I got out before 8 a.m. so I could come home and eat breakfast and drink my coffee at a leisurely pace. Running felt fine, although at the end I upped the pace and got the heart rate up nice and high. Yeah, that's normal, too.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Skating Fail

This was a new one on me today: almost a mile into my walk and a girl went by me on old-style four-wheel skates. She got about five steps ahead of me and fell. Poor kid, she was probably a high school sophomore or so, wearing backpacks both front and back. I helped her up and she said something about the weight of the backpacks, but I didn't really hear since I was wearing earbuds. Anyway, she seemed okay and skated off. Guess I did my good deed for the day.

Other than that the 3-mile seemed routine. Temperatures still in the low 90s but very breezy, and this might be our last week of hitting 90. We'll see. On Saturday's outing I'll try some running again.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Little Walking, A Little Running

Today I got out for a 3-miler with storm clouds on the western horizon. I walked a half-mile, ran a half-mile, walked two-tenths of a mile, and was going to run another half but stopped after a quarter. All I can say about that is my knees felt...rickety. Not sure the cause, but I decided to walk the rest of the way. They feel fine now, a couple hours later, and whatever was going on was apparently temporary. I also mowed the back yard after returning home, where I got a few spits of rain but not much else. Youngest Daughter and I went out for dinner and I used the windshield wipers on the truck a little, but again, not much to report from the "storm."

Saturday, September 16, 2023

40 Degrees

What a difference 40 degrees makes. A couple of weeks ago I was walking in 107 degrees and this morning started off at 67. Wow.

I missed Thursday's outing due to allergies. They kicked my butt starting Tuesday and by Wednesday I felt like I'd been beaten up multiple times. Seems like the allergy attacks have been more intense the past few years, almost putting me down for the count for multiple days. It sucks. Yesterday I felt almost back to normal. Today I was going to run as much as possible, but in the second interval I felt the effects of the allergies with breathing, so I stuck to 3 miles and ran half of it. Here's hoping the allergies take a hike and I can enjoy running more in the cooler weather.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Today the temperature not only stayed in the low 80s but we also got a trace of rain this morning. Which means, of course, that it's time for my allergies to make a grand entrance. Seriously???????

About noon I felt sinus pressure and my head felt stuffy, and then as the afternoon wore on the mucous started running. Again I ask, seriously? So much for getting a chance to enjoy the nice weather.

Regardless, I went out for a walk. I'd planned on running but walked 3 miles instead, with plenty of snot rockets along the way. I got in my exercise, but seriously???????

Saturday, September 9, 2023


The heat broke today and it looks like summer is on the way out. Mostly. Today's high is still 94 degrees but it was only 74 when I headed out for a walk/run. I ran 2.25 miles of the 4 miles and gotta say it felt pretty good. With milder temperatures I should be able to run more frequently and build up the mileage. I'd like to get back to the days of doing six-milers on a regular basis and getting back to the point where I can run a half marathon. It's been awhile but that's my plan over the coming months.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Is This It?

Is this the last time this year I'll be out for a walk where the temperature is over 100 degrees? Could be. Today was 105, tomorrow is supposed to be 107. I'm not walking tomorrow. Then Saturday's high is 99 but I'll be out in the morning before it reaches that point, and after that it trends to the low 90s before plummeting to a high of 78 on Tuesday with rain in the forecast. I went for a 3-mile walk today and it honestly felt like a blast furnace. Maybe it was just the thought this might be the end of the high heat. Whatever the case, I'll start enjoying some cooler walks and runs. At least until next year.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

More Summer

Today we made it back over 100 degrees, with a lovely reading of 101 when I went out for a walk after work. Supposedly, this week is it for the high temps. As I've started before, we'll see. I enjoyed a nice 3-mile walk, listening to a podcast for a change. Nothing remarkable about today and the walk. Sometimes you're just in the groove and it all goes according to plan.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Another Delay

Yesterday I smoked a brisket and some other fine meats, meaning I didn't get out until today. Which was a little sad, since the temperature was 68 degrees yesterday morning.

Today wasn't bad, though. We clocked in at 80 degrees when I headed out, and I kept it to 3 miles since I ran half of it. Once again, it was nice to get in a little bit of running in half-mile increments. I also mowed the lawn and cleaned off the patio. Now it's rest time.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Lunch Walking Again

The temperature is actually below 100 degrees in Texas and that called for a midday walk. Still thinking about running and now that my new shoes have 10 miles on them I think it's almost time. Today I walked the usual 3 miles and did so at a pretty fast pace: just over 16 minutes/mile. I know, if I was speedwalking that wouldn't be very impressive, but normally when I walk the first mile is well over 17 minutes/mile. At least it was a nice day and as always it felt good to get out.